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Member Since 12 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2013 09:00 PM

#910569 Unknown Issue Regarding Custom Maps

Posted by OleBendz on 12 January 2013 - 07:58 PM

Issue has BEEN fixed.

For anyone else out there who had the same issue as I did:

I opened MapCache.ini (C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth™ II Files\Maps) and found my maps data:

MapCache c_3A_5Cusers_5Cole_5Cappdata_5Croaming_5Cmy_20battle_20for_20middle_2Dearth_28tm_29_20ii_20files_5Cmaps_5Ctworealms_5Ctworealms_2Emap
  fileSize = 7391704
  fileCRC = 1607601057
  timestampLo = 1252728273
  timestampHi = 30273790
  isOfficial = yes
  isMultiplayer = yes
  isScenarioMP = no
  numPlayers = 4
  extentMin = X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00
  extentMax = X:6000.00 Y:6000.00 Z:0.00
  displayName = T_00h_00e_00_20_00T_00w_00o_00_20_00R_00e_00a_00l_00m_00s_00
  description = F_00r_00o_00m_00_20_00t_00h_00e_00_20_00F_00o_00r_00t_00r_00e_00s_00s_00_20_00o_00f_00_20_00t_00h_00e_00_20_00S_00t_00a_00r_00s_00_20_00a_00n_00d_00_20_00t_00h_00e_00_20_00W_00h_00i_00t_00e_00_20_00C_00i_00t_00y_00_20_00o_00f_00_20_00G_00o_00n_00d_00o_00r_00_3B_00_20_00u_00n_00t_00o_00_20_00t_00h_00e_00_20_00d_00e_00p_00t_00h_00s_00_20_00o_00f_00_20_00M_00i_00n_00a_00s_00_20_00M_00o_00r_00g_00u_00l_00_20_00a_00n_00d_00_20_00t_00h_00e_00_20_00s_00h_00a_00d_00o_00w_00s_00_20_00o_00f_00_20_00M_00o_00r_00d_00o_00r_00_2E_00
  InitialCameraPosition = X:2447.97 Y:2456.30 Z:0.00
  Player_1_Start = X:1037.13 Y:2044.55 Z:0.00
  Player_2_Start = X:2806.15 Y:1507.00 Z:0.00
  Player_3_Start = X:4569.90 Y:2424.87 Z:0.00
  Player_4_Start = X:4482.79 Y:763.77 Z:0.00

I changed the
isMultiplayer = no
isScenarioMP = no


isMultiplayer = yes
isScenarioMP = no

And now it shows up :)
If not, just fiddle around with that lol.