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Member Since 28 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2023 05:22 PM

Community Stats

  • Group Undead
  • Active Posts 7,014
  • Profile Views 1,519,286
  • Member Title Server Technician
  • Age 38 years old
  • Birthday July 14, 1986
  • Gender
    Not Telling Not Telling
  • Location
    Cambridge, MA
  • Projects
    MasterNews 3
  • Blue Text
    The Man Behind the Curtain
  • Interests
    Hmm, although Detail made this big and long winded, I'm going to keep it simpler. I enjoy modding, game design and development, and a bit of 3-D modeling just to break the monotony <BG>. Anyways, you've seen all my digital interests there in a nutshell. I always seem to have way more projects going than I can handle, but I manage to get them done some way or another. You can mainly catch me on MSN, I rarely, if ever use any other messaging program. If you want more info, talk to me there, and I'll share a few more secrets of the Mastermind. I got into modding 2 or 3 years ago, but I just got into the community more recently, February or so. I remember when RA2 was new, and YR was even newer. I was hanging around, but not joining the community when RA2 mod makers was the big thing, and they had about 60 or so mods for RA2 and YR. Beyond that, I've gone completely for Generals modding, and more recently to making my own 3-D engine, Epic. I can do a bit of everything, I model, I code, I can skin (not very well, but I can), I can do WND's and the rest. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst, and I can do it all.<br /><br />Projects:<br />GenDev, Corrosive Wars, Finest Hour, Defcon, Epic, World Crisis, C&C Kings, Enemy Territory, PHP Development, Forum mod development, etc.<br /><br />MSN: mastermind2004@gmail.com

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