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Member Since 23 Sep 2020
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2022 05:35 AM

About Me

I am Antonio, and I am 33 years old. I am a down to Earth fellow, friendly, smart, and strong. I don’t drink or smoke. There are a few things I pride myself in, my family (I go to my Mom's for dinner once a week), my job (they love me over there and heavily depend on me, I’m quite a hard worker), my apartment (a nice little place of my own, where I live alone - nice and very close to work) and my taste in music (this I say is one of the best things about me - me and my family are deeply rooted in rock and metal music - I have extended my tastes in rock and metal very far across multiple sub genres). I took piano lessons as a kid and I have occasionally played piano when ever I could. I am not as full of energy as I was when I was younger, but I still manage to find bursts here and there. I am very creative with my hands, excelling at art and drawing is one of my strengths. I am a gamer and I enjoy playing with other people or I just play by myself (I own a Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 Slim and a gaming PC). I often record game-play videos (with or without commentary) and upload them to my YouTube gamer channel for everyone. I love to also sit down and watch movies, TV shows (sometimes binge watching one show - Game Of Thrones, Attack On Titan, etc.), and anime shows (I got a few lists concerning anime shows I’ve watched, those I want to watch, and others). I like to often relax indoors at home with a movie, TV show, an anime show or play a game, listening to music, or I will be making art, a video, writing a story, designing a roller coaster, etc. Other things I like to do is go out to places like movie theaters, Six Flags and Cedar Point (there's a story there behind Cedar Point!) (I’m a roller coaster nut), the library (for movies, TV shows, music, books, anime, and the internet), and other places (some fun) via public transportation (I don’t own a car, I don’t have a license, it has been a while since I was last behind the wheel of a car - but not having a car doesn’t bother me - I can still find my way around without one, hell I make a great navigator). I have a lot of fun having fun at home (with a lot to entertain) or with others (my friends). I’d probably make a great party host, and I wouldn’t mind going to gamer parties, or anime parties, or a movie binge watch party. I just need more friends, and where are you? :D

Community Stats

  • Group New Members
  • Active Posts 1
  • Profile Views 375
  • Age 37 years old
  • Birthday January 30, 1987
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Darien, IL. USA
  • Interests
    Heavy Metal, Gaming, Art, Anime, Movies, TV shows, Manga, Comics, etc.

Contact Information

  • Facebook Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/BEAMER3K/
  • YouTube YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCGkKDxvdHa5FsruBghYMqA?view_as=subscriber
  • Steam BEAMER3K
  • C&C 3 BEAMER3K
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