Black Templars *FINAL* Master Voice Script thread
Posted 09 October 2009 - 01:33 AM
Techmarine Builder - Standard Tech Marine builder unit lacking major upgrades.
Notes: Mechanical voice. Forged of ancient pacts between Mars and the Chapter, a Techmarine learn the rites of activation and operation and he is called to work emergency repairs even as he smites the Emperor’s foes by his brothers’ side.
Unit_Complete1: Techmarine on site.
Unit_Complete2: The Vanguard of the Omnissiah (Aum - nih - sigh - uh) has arrived.
Unit_Complete3: Construction can now commence.
Unit_Complete4: Where is my skill required?
Unit_Complete5: I have come to serve.
Unit_Complete6: I'm here to make this land into a fortress!
Unit_Complete7: My pledge is eternal service.
Selection1: Awaiting your commands.
Selection2: What task do you have for me?
Selection3: I am a servant, without direction.
Selection4: Do you require my abilities?
Selection5: The skills of the Omnissiah (Aum - nih - sigh - uh) are at your command.
Selection6: Shall I raise an edifice in His honor?
Selection7: I am ready to do whatever you require.
Move1: None shall stop me!
Move2: No obstacle can block my path.
Move3: On my honor, I shall go.
Move4: May the Emperor grant me haste.
Move5: Coordinates received, I shall be there shortly.
Move6: Without delay, without fail.
Move7: If that is where I am needed.
Attack1: They shall be driven before me!
Attack2: By the Emperor and Omnissiah, victory will be ours!
Attack3: By bolter and chain-sword, it shall be done!
Attack4: The Great Crusade never ends!
Attack5: Ask not how many, only where!
Attack6: They shall know fear this day!
Attack7: We will take this world, one corpse at a time!
Build1: A fortress to guard our bodies as He guards our souls.
Build2: It will be worthy of Dorn!
Build3: Nothing will stop the construction.
Build4: I swear on my honor, it will be built.
Build5: Cover me while I work!
Build6: Construction shall commence now.
Build7: With the Omnissiah's blessing, it will be built.
Point_Capture1: Assault that position!
Point_Capture2: Claim it for the Emperor!
Point_Capture3: I shall take it for the Omnissiah.
Point_Captured1: By Sigismund, it is ours!
Point_Captured2: This point belongs to the Emperor now.
Point_Captured3: It is secured, now hold it at all costs!
Lay_Mines1: The enemies of the Emperor shall fear to tread.
LoadTransport1: I shall ride in this blessed machine.
LoadTransport2: This is a worthy vehicle for a son of Dorn.
UnloadTransport1: Dismounting.
UnloadTransport2: Halt, my services are needed here.
MoraleBreak1: The Omnissiah's blessing has left me!
MoraleBreak2: Our line is broken, we must fall back!
MoraleBreak3: A strategic withdrawal is required.
MoraleRestored1: His blessing has returned to me.
MoraleRestored2: Regroup and prepare to attack!
MoraleRestored3: Bloodied, but I fight undaunted.
Charge1: For the Emperor!
Charge2: Sons of Dorn, advance!
Charge3: By Sigismund we shall kill them all!
Repair1: I shall appease the machine spirit.
Repair2: I will make it as new again!
Repair3: The knowledge of the Omnissiah has arrived to help.
Combat1: Purge them all!
Combat2: The Crusade continues!
Combat3: Die, heretic!
Under_Fire1: Enemy position spotted, charge!
Under_Fire2: We're under fire, prepare to advance!
Under_Fire3: Their guns can not withstand our zeal!
Damage1: Argggh!
Damage2: My armor has failed!
Damage3: Apothecary!
Death1: Emperor... My soul is yours.
Death2: My fear... is to fail...
Death3: I have earned my salvation...
Death4: My death has arrived...
Techmarine - Advanced TechMarine aka "Master of the Forge" available in middle tiers. Has multiple arm and weapon upgrades.:
Notes: More augmented, deeper, slightly toneless but only marginally more noticeably than the Techmarine Builder.
Unit_Complete1: The Master of the Chapter Forge is here.
Unit_Complete2: The full weight of the Omnissiah's wrath has descended upon them!
Unit_Complete3: The destructive power of the Chapter Armory is now yours to command.
Unit_Complete4: My knowledge shall be your knowledge, my skills yours.
Unit_Complete5: I have come to grind them under the unmerciful gears of the Machine God.
Unit_Complete6: The Machine God sends his most powerful servant to aid you.
Unit_Complete7: By the Omnissiah, I have come to destroy them all.
Selection1: The Power of the Machine God awaits your orders.
Selection2: Whatever the order, it shall be done.
Selection3: What is the will of the Marshal?
Selection4: Direct me where my knowledge is needed.
Selection5: Shall I create, or destroy?
Selection6: When the order is given, it will be done.
Selection7: It is an honor to serve thee.
Move1: I shall go.
Move2: The Omnissiah will grant me speed.
Move3: Order received, and not one step back!
Move4: If it is the will of the Marshal, it shall be so!
Move5: A wise tactical relocation.
Move6: Farewell brothers, I am needed elsewhere.
Move7: A logical choice of location.
Attack2: Knowledge is my power, and it shall destroy them!
Attack3: By gun or blade, their death shall come!
Attack4: No mercy for the unclean!
Attack5: Their flesh shall be torn, and their machines cast down!
Attack6: Wait not for their attack, charge brothers!
Attack7: With me, Sons of Sigismund!
Build1: A simple fabrication, it shall not take long.
Build2: Standard Template Construction commencing.
Build3: The Omnissiah is pleased by your decision.
Build4: Building an edifice in his honor is not a task, but a privilege.
Build5: I shall bless this building by Emperor and Omnissiah.
Build6: There will be no delays or complications.
Build7: Let the enemy come, and crash against this mighty bastion!
Point_Capture1: What is tainted I will make clean.
Point_Capture2: The Omnissiah desires that position, and I will take it!
Point_Capture3: Let the purge begin!
Point_Captured1: I claim this for the Emperor and the Machine God!
Point_Captured2: It is ours, and so shall it remain.
Point_Captured3: Tactical position captured, let the advance continue!
Lay_Mines1: The Omnissiah gives you these gifts
LoadTransport1: An older pattern, it shall be an honor to use it.
LoadTransport2: I remember building this transport, it shall carry us without fail.
UnloadTransport1: Thank you Omnissiah, for the service of your machine.
UnloadTransport2: I shall not hide behind the machine any longer.
MoraleBreak1: No! Remember your oaths!
MoraleBreak2: Come back, you dishonor us all!
MoraleBreak3: We need support!
MoraleRestored1: Shame is yours, now redeem yourselves!
MoraleRestored2: Death before Dishonor! Hold the line!
MoraleRestored3: Regain your dignity through battle! Charge!
Charge1: Sweep them before us!
Charge2: Our advance can not be stopped!
Charge3: Forward! The Omnissiah is with us!
Repair1: This machine spirit is most displeased, give me time to calm it.
Repair2: I shall mend it, as a surgeon mends a body.
Repair3: Omnissiah, give your blessing to this wounded machine.
Combat1: Stand fast, sons of Dorn!
Combat2: Like a scythe, cut them down!
Combat3: One! zero! zero! one! (As if punctuating swings or shots)
Under_Fire1: Advance through it as so much rain! Attack!
Under_Fire2: The enemy is there, and they shall die there!
Under_Fire3: The fools can not hold us back!
Damage1: Omnissiah, give me strength!
Damage2: Arggh! I need maintenance!
Damage3: Not even the greatest armor can hold back their fury!
Death1: My knowledge was... not sufficient... ughh
Death2: Let the Machine God... take my knowledge...
Death3: Emperor... have I served you well?
Death4: Sigismund... I have... failed you...
Tech Servitor - A Servitor squad buildable when Adv. TechMarine is on the field. Has weapon upgrades such as Tech, Bolter, PlasmaCannon, and Melta Gun.
Notes: Generally Monotone and with little emotion
Unit_Complete1: The weakness of flesh has been replaced by the strength of machine.
Unit_Complete2: Servitors, ready.
Unit_Complete3: Diagnostic finished, ready to serve.
Unit_Complete4: Activation rituals complete, what are your directions?
Unit_Complete5: The blessed of the Machine God are here.
Unit_Complete6: We are ready for our tasks.
Unit_Complete7: Rites of preparation performed, ready to receive orders.
Selection1: Yes, commander?
Selection2: Prepared to receive orders.
Selection3: Please input task.
Selection4: Our bodies are fully functioning, and ready to serve.
Selection5: What task needs completing?
Selection6: Humble servants, we await your words.
Selection7: We need our orders, commander.
Move1: As you say, commander.
Move2: Understood, on our way.
Move3: Your command is our wish, commander.
Move4: Is our task there?
Move5: All praises to the Omnissiah for our locomotive faculties.
Move6: Without hesitation, we shall go.
Move7: Our aid is on its way.
Attack1: Your target, is our target.
Attack2: They shall be destroyed shortly, commander.
Attack3: Acquiring target... Target locked.
Attack4: The Omnissiah shall guide our attack.
Attack5: Please clear our lanes of attack, we will kill them all.
Attack6: From range, or in melee commander?
Attack7: Targeting systems at 100 percent.
Build1: Template 345 A dash 4 selected, construction commences.
Build2: Template 242 D dash 34 selected, construction commences.
Build3: Clear the construction zone, please.
Build4: Build order received, shall be executed.
Build5: Please keep enemy fire to a minimum, commander.
Build6: Our task is our duty, our duty is our fate.
Build7: It will be done.
Point_Capture1: Order acknowledged, the point shall be ours.
Point_Capture2: Yes commander, we will take it.
Point_Capture3: They can not stop us, commander.
Point_Captured1: New task required, commander.
Point_Captured2: Order complete, standing by.
Point_Captured3: Where are we needed next, commander?
Lay_Mines1: Dispersing mines.
LoadTransport1: Order received, mounting vehicle.
LoadTransport2: As you wish, we will go.
UnloadTransport1: Dismounting vehicle, what is your order?
UnloadTransport2: Servitors on location, ready to serve.
MoraleBreak1: Our programming has failed us, falling back.
MoraleBreak2: Self preservation algorithms (Al - go - rhythms), activated.
MoraleBreak3: Task completion impossible, returning for new orders.
MoraleRestored1: Systems rebooted, ready for new orders.
MoraleRestored2: Self preservation algorithms overridden, returning to battle.
MoraleRestored3: Ready for new tasks, commander.
Charge1: Attack routine 235 activated, total enemy elimination commences.
Charge2: Servitors entering melee.
Charge3: We will crush them, commander.
Repair1: We shall repair our brother machine.
Repair2: It shall be restored, Omnissiah willing.
Repair3: Repair order acknowledged.
Combat1: Attack pattern Gamma 5, initiated.
Combat2: Coordinate attacks, terminate all enemies.
Combat3: Standing orders: kill all hostile lifeforms.
Under_Fire1: Servitors under attack commander, your orders?
Under_Fire2: Enemy guns spotted. Retaliation commences.
Under_Fire3: Enemy targets sighted. Shall we destroy them Commander?
Damage1: Operating systems, damaged.
Damage2: Repairs are required to return to full functional capacity.
Damage3: Damage levels increasing, commander.
Death1: Arggh! (electronic scream with 'bzzzt' electrical sounds)
Death2: Damage control... failing...
Death3: Critical damage received...
Death4: Status Report: all systems shutting down...
Combat Squad - Basic Tier1 Initiate Combat Squad, has Crusader Squad Leader.
Notes: Champions of Humanity. Paladins of the Holy Emperor’s will. Initiates of the Black Templars are zealous beyond measure. Their crusade has lasted ten thousand years and will not end until they have proven their loyalty by cleansing His every enemy from the galaxy. The fiercest warriors of a thousand Human worlds and uncounted war-torn battlefields are forged by pain and duty in the image of the Primarch Dorn to be utterly ruthless. And they know no fear. Their voices have a moderate German accent and reverberating metallic quality, but they don’t just speak, they demand. The vanilla marine voice is a pretty good reference
Unit_Complete1: We have learned from His Angels of Death, and now join their ranks.
Unit_Complete2: We are here to prove our worth!
Unit_Complete3: (As a group) We swear to serve you, Commander!
Unit_Complete4: Here to serve the will of the Marshal!
Unit_Complete5: Our training is complete, their slaughter can begin.
Unit_Complete6: Seek the enemy, destroy the enemy.
Unit_Complete7: Our pledge is eternal service, Commander.
Selection1: We will find the enemy, just give the order!
Selection2: Our souls burn with righteous fury!
Selection3: Whatever the order, we will follow!
Selection4: Let us prove our worth to the Emperor!
Selection5: Sons of Dorn, ready to move.
Selection6: What would you have of us?
Selection7: (Impatiently) By Sigismund, give us our orders!
Move1: Is the enemy there?
Move2: Yes, we go now!
Move3: Our hate will grant us haste.
Move4: Wrath shall drive us forward!
Move5: We will advance, without fear!
Move6: Death comes quickly, for we are swift!
Move7: Our advance can not be halted!
Attack1: Destroy all who would challenge the Emperor's will!
Attack2: My blade shall taste their blood!
Attack3: Your impurity will be cleansed by my hatred!
Attack4: By faith and fury, they shall be purged!
Attack5: A carpet of corpses will be our wake!
Attack6: The blood of the heretic shall baptize our blades!
Attack7: Our purge begins now!
Point_Capture1: It shall be ours, at any cost!
Point_Capture2: We will raise the Banner of the Emperor high!
Point_Capture3: A simple task for an Angel of Death.
Point_Captured1: Area secured Commander, now send us forward!
Point_Captured2: Our armies shall walk under the banner of the Emperor.
Point_Captured3: The strategic point has been captured, moving on to the next target!
LoadTransport1: Carry us to the battle!
LoadTransport2: This transport shall take us into the heart of the enemy!
UnloadTransport1: Into the field brothers, the battle is nigh!
UnloadTransport2: We have arrived, what task do you have for us?
MoraleBreak1: Our zeal has failed us!
MoraleBreak2: Emperor damn them! Fall back!
MoraleRestored1: We know no fear!
MoraleRestored2: Rallied and ready to return to the fray!
Charge1: Chaaaaaarge!
Charge2: For the Marshal!
Charge3: Slay the beasts!
Charge4: To the enemy!
Jump/Teleport1: Advancing from the unexpected quarter.
Jump/Teleport2: Into the heart of the enemy, brothers!
Deepstrike1: His Angels descend from the skies!
Deepstrike2: Battle brothers, on the way!
Combat1: For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!
Combat2: Feel my hatred, heretic!
Combat3: Your death is upon you!
Under_Fire1: Their guns can not stop us! Charge!
Under_Fire2: Under enemy fire and ready to advance!
Under_Fire3: The enemy are here, do not hold us back!
Damage1: Ack... Pain has no meaning for me!
Damage2: Ah, a scar to mark my victory!
Damage3: No injury can stop my wrath!
Death1: My reward is... salvation.
Death2: Brothers... avenge me.
Death3: I die with my honor...
Death4: The galaxy... will be ours...
Crusader (Sergeant for Combat Squad)
Notes: The Black Templars have few sergeants, their squad composition fighting together more out of friendship and familiarity than strict codex organization. The Crusader is an honored Initiate of high standing who currently has no Neophyte and is instead fighting with the “Combat Squad”
Unit_Complete1: The wrath of their youth, tempered my hatred and experience.
Unit_Complete2: I am here to guide your fury.
Unit_Complete3: You have learned the craft of death, follow me to master it.
Unit_Complete4: Follow me brothers, to glory and victory!
Unit_Complete5: I have tread the paths of war, let me show you the way.
Unit_Complete6: With my leadership, honor will be ours.
Unit_Complete7: The Marshal sends me to lead you, brothers.
Selection1: Crusaders, ready for orders.
Selection2: Hated has filled us, we are ready to serve.
Selection3: Loyal servants until death, we wait for our orders.
Selection4: What is needed of us?
Selection5: The young Initiates are eager, where shall I direct their fury?
Selection6: We're ready for our orders.
Selection7: Ready to advance, where are we needed?
Move1: As Sigismund, we seek the enemy!
Move2: Advance, sons of Dorn!
Move3: Where we are needed, we will go.
Move4: The enemy will fear our tread.
Move5: Moving to attack positions.
Move6: As we advance, so does our devotion.
Move7: To the front, brothers.
Attack1: Let holy rage consume you!
Attack2: An eternity of war is ours, brothers!
Attack3: Crush them beneath your boots marines!
Attack4: Attack, attack until there is nothing left!
Attack5: Lay waste to them, sons of Dorn!
Attack6: Vengeance for the Emperor!
Attack7: To stand before us is to stand before Death itself!
Point_Capture1: It shall be ours, at any cost!
Point_Capture2: We will raise the Banner of the Emperor high!
Point_Capture3: A simple task for an Angel of Death.
Point_Captured1: Area secured Commander, now send us forward!
Point_Captured2: Our armies shall walk under the banner of the Emperor.
Point_Captured3: The strategic point has been captured, moving on to the next target!
LoadTransport1: Carry us to the battle!
LoadTransport2: This transport shall take us into the heart of the enemy!
UnloadTransport1: Into the field brothers, the battle is nigh!
UnloadTransport2: We have arrived, what task do you have for us?
MoraleBreak1: Our zeal has failed us!
MoraleBreak2: Emperor damn them! Fall back!
MoraleRestored1: We know no fear!
MoraleRestored2: Rallied and ready to return to the fray!
Charge1: Chaaaaaarge!
Charge2: For the Marshal!
Charge3: Slay the beasts!
Charge4: To the enemy!
Jump/Teleport1: Advancing from the unexpected quarter.
Jump/Teleport2: Into the heart of the enemy, brothers!
Deepstrike1: His Angels descend from the skies!
Deepstrike2: Battle brothers, on the way!
Combat1: For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!
Combat2: Feel my hatred, heretic!
Combat3: Your death is upon you!
Under_Fire1: Their guns can not stop us! Charge!
Under_Fire2: Under enemy fire and ready to advance!
Under_Fire3: The enemy are here, do not hold us back!
Damage1: Ack... Pain has no meaning for me!
Damage2: Ah, a scar to mark my victory!
Damage3: No injury can stop my wrath!
Death1: My reward is... salvation.
Death2: Brothers... avenge me.
Death3: I die with my honor...
Death4: The galaxy... will be ours...
Melee Crusader Squad - Close Combat Initiate. Has Venerable Crusader (Melee) Squad Leader.
Notes: There is much of the old Legion in the Black Templars. Guilliman’s sought to create a balanced force in which sword and bolter and armor are employed together to achieve victory in the manner of the Ultramarines. Not so with the zealous Black Templars, who may pay lip service Guilliman’s Codex but still cherish the value of close combat, by which an enemy can be bested in spirit as well as tactics and the surety of his death assured. Initiates and their Neophytes fight side by side with chainsword and bolter pistol in hand.
Like all Initiates, their voices have a moderate German accent and reverberating metallic quality, but they don’t just speak, they demand. The vanilla marine voice is a pretty good reference
Unit_Complete1: Crusaders here, ready for combat.
Unit_Complete2: Ready to lead the charge, Commander.
Unit_Complete3: We are here, to put this world to the sword.
Unit_Complete4: The Great Crusade has come to this world.
Unit_Complete5: Dorn's wrath has arrived.
Unit_Complete6: The will of the Emperor has brought us here to conquer this world.
Unit_Complete7: the swords of the Emperor are here to annihilate.
Selection1: Melee squad, ready for battle!
Selection2: What enemy needs to meet our blades?
Selection3: We have vowed to follow you, Commander.
Selection4: Where shall we press the assault?
Selection5: Our weapons are ready for butcher's work.
Selection6: What is His will, Commander?
Selection7: Whatever you need of us Commander.
Move1: Crusaders, advance to battle!
Move2: We will crush everything in our path!
Move3: Their death comes swiftly.
Move4: Relocating, Commander.
Move5: Our zeal will grant us haste!
Move6: We will lend our strength there.
Move7: Pushing forward.
Attack1: Let the bloodbath begin!
Attack2: We will destroy them all!
Attack3: Forward, into their midst Marines!
Attack4: To melee, sons of Dorn!
Attack5: Honor your oaths, Templar!
Attack6: Eradicate them without mercy!
Attack7: Our blades shall rend them asunder!
Point_Capture1: Our skill is wasted on such a task, but we go.
Point_Capture2: Is that needed for the Crusade?
Point_Capture3: We will assault that position.
Point_Captured1: It's ours, ready to attack the next position.
Point_Captured2: This point belongs to the Emperor now.
Point_Captured3: Dorn would be shamed at such meager defence.
LoadTransport1: Driver, carry us to battle!
LoadTransport2: Swiftly, we are needed elsewhere!
UnloadTransport1: We're needed here brothers.
UnloadTransport2: Ready your chainswords and dismount!
MoraleBreak1: Impossible! Our assault has been beaten back!
MoraleBreak2: Shame is ours, we must fall back!
MoraleRestored1: Rallied and ready to go into the breach again!
MoraleRestored2: It was a minor setback, they will fall before our blades soon.
Charge1: (*revving of a chainsaw*) Eviscerate!
Charge2: For oath and glory!
Charge3: The Emperor wills it!
Charge4: Cleanse the unclean!
Jump/Teleport1: Reinforcements on their way.
Jump/Teleport2: No where is safe from our wrath!
Deepstrike1: Cut off the head, slay the body!
Deepstrike2: Into the heart of the enemy we go!
Combat1: Stain the ground with their blood!
Combat2: The Emperor's wrath is upon you!
Combat3: Your death is inevitable!
Under_Fire1: Assault squad under fire!
Under_Fire2: Charge that enemy fire point!
Under_Fire3: Prepare for the charge, Templar!
Damage1: They've found weak points in my armor!
Damage2: Emperor protect us!
Damage3: It is only a flesh wound, I can continue.
Death1: Press... the attack...
Death2: Avenge my failure...
Death3: Continue without me...
Death4: I die in service to you... Emperor...
Venerable Crusader (Melee) - Squad Leader for Melee Crusader Squad
Notes: Black Templars are a warrior fraternity with a ruthless selection process. Neophytes and Battle-Brothers alike are cast in the front lines of battle with sword and bolter against the Enemy and those who are found wanting, are quickly weeded out by death. The Initiates regarded as Venerable Crusaders have survived long indeed. Face-to-face with every kind of enemy against their Holy Lord, the Emperor of Mankind, Venerable Crusaders are brothers who have conquered time and again. Their voice is deeper and more assured than even that of the melee crusader squad.
Unit_Complete1: I lead with the experience of two centuries of warfare.
Unit_Complete2: I will lead the charge.
Unit_Complete3: By order of the Marshal, I am here to focus your hate.
Unit_Complete4: We will break the enemy.
Unit_Complete5: It is an honor to lead you into battle.
Unit_Complete6: We will raise our swords together, brothers.
Unit_Complete7: With my leadership, we can not fail.
Selection1: Melee squad, ready to attack.
Selection2: Your orders, commander?
Selection3: Where should we attack?
Selection4: The initiates are anxious, what task do you have for us?
Selection5: Hatred, wrath, and fury are in our souls, as our chainswords are in our hands.
Selection6: A challenge for us?
Selection7: Will this task be worthy of our skills?
Move1: Advance, Templar!
Move2: The planet will tremble with our passing.
Move3: Yes sir, we are on our way.
Move4: A wise position to attack from.
Move5: Only a fool would stand before us.
Move6: We go, closer to the enemy.
Move7: Swiftly brothers, we are needed elsewhere!
Attack1: Remember the oaths you swore to the Emperor, and attack!
Attack2: No fear, no remorse, no mercy!
Attack3: Let fury give you strength, and hatred guide your strikes!
Attack4: Ready your chainswords for carnage!
Attack5: For Sigismund and Holy Dorn, attack!
Attack6: Crush them brothers!
Attack7: The God-Emperor gives us strength!
Point_Capture1: Our skill is wasted on such a task, but we go.
Point_Capture2: Is that needed for the Crusade?
Point_Capture3: We will assault that position.
Point_Captured1: It's ours, ready to attack the next position.
Point_Captured2: This point belongs to the Emperor now.
Point_Captured3: Dorn would be shamed at such meager defense.
LoadTransport1: Driver, carry us to battle!
LoadTransport2: Swiftly, we are needed elsewhere!
UnloadTransport1: We're needed here brothers.
UnloadTransport2: Ready your chainswords and dismount!
MoraleBreak1: Impossible! Our assault has been beaten back!
MoraleBreak2: Shame is ours, we must fall back!
MoraleRestored1: Rallied and ready to go into the breach again!
MoraleRestored2: It was a minor setback, they will fall before our blades soon.
Charge1: (*revving of a chainsaw*) Eviscerate!
Charge2: For oath and glory!
Charge3: The Emperor wills it!
Charge4: Cleanse the unclean!
Jump/Teleport1: Reinforcements on their way.
Jump/Teleport2: No where is safe from our wrath!
Deepstrike1: Cut off the head, slay the body!
Deepstrike2: Into the heart of the enemy we go!
Combat1: Stain the ground with their blood!
Combat2: The Emperor's wrath is upon you!
Combat3: Your death is inevitable!
Under_Fire1: Assault squad under fire!
Under_Fire2: Charge that enemy fire point!
Under_Fire3: Prepare for the charge, Templar!
Damage1: They've found weak points in my armor!
Damage2: Emperor protect us!
Damage3: It is only a flesh wound, I can continue.
Death1: Press... the attack...
Death2: Avenge my failure...
Death3: Continue without me...
Death4: I die in service to you... Emperor...
Ranged Crusader Squad - Ranged Initiate. Has Neophyte Squad Leader.
Notes: I imagine these to be colder, less hot-headed than the close-combat squads. Stubborn and hard shift, rather than aggressive and hard to hold back.
Unit_Complete1: Boltermen of the Emperor, prepared for combat.
Unit_Complete2: Our bolters are consecrated and ready for war.
Unit_Complete3: We're here to support the advance.
Unit_Complete4: Our guns are primed and ready to fire.
Unit_Complete5: We are ready to give our lives for the Emperor.
Unit_Complete6: Backbone of the chapter on site.
Unit_Complete7: We are ready to cover our brother's charge.
Selection1: Do not mistake our caution for cowardice.
Selection2: There is no shame in fighting at range.
Selection3: We will hold the line, till the last!
Selection4: We are the striking fist of the long arm of the Emperor.
Selection5: Deploy us where we can support our brothers.
Selection6: Yes Commander? What would you have of us?
Selection7: Boltermen, ready to serve.
Move1: Moving to overwatch positions.
Move2: Advancing to those coordinates.
Move3: If that is where our firepower is needed.
Move4: Setting up a defensive line there.
Move5: We will defend that location as if Dorn himself was with us!
Move6: Yes, order us into range.
Move7: We're on the way, it won't be long.
Attack1: We will unleash a hail of death!
Attack2: Our guns will sweep them aside in a cascade of firepower!
Attack3: We'll bring our weapons to bear on those heretics.
Attack4: Our bolters will roar a prayer of rage to the Emperor.
Attack5:The enemy shall fall to our guns like grass falls before a scythe.
Attack6: Divine instruments of His will, our bolters will leave none of them alive.
Attack7: Our attack won't cease until the enemy are erased from this world.
Point_Capture1: We will secure and defend the position.
Point_Capture2: That is a good firing position, we shall take it.
Point_Capture3: A tactically sound decision.
Point_Captured1: The point is ours, setting up fields of fire.
Point_Captured2: We've claimed this point for the Emperor. Let the heretics try and take it.
Point_Captured3: This point belongs to the Black Templar now.
LoadTransport1: Our firepower is needed elsewhere, load up!
LoadTransport2: Into the transport, brothers!
UnloadTransport1: All guns to rapid fire: Dismount!
UnloadTransport2: Dismount and set up a perimeter.
MoraleBreak1: Our guns have no affect! Fall back to secondary positions!
MoraleBreak2: Falling back to resupply!
MoraleRestored1: We've restocked our supplies and are returning to battle.
MoraleRestored2: Reform the line! We must hold them back!
Charge1: Fix bayonets brothers! To melee!
Charge2: Into the fray Templar, have no fear!
Charge3: Empty your clips and charge!
Charge4: They're weak, now break them!
Jump/Teleport1: Shifting to where we're needed.
Jump/Teleport2: No obstacle matters to our advance.
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod assault, begin.
Deepstrike2: We're amongst them, fire at will!
Combat1: Taste my bayonet, scum!
Combat2: I'll stain my fists with your blood!
Combat3: The line must hold!
Under_Fire1: The enemy is targeting us, returning fire.
Under_Fire2: Crusaders under attack, we'll cover our brother's advance.
Under_Fire3: Good! A firefight!
Damage1: Our armor is no defense!
Damage2: Call for the apothecary!
Damage3: I need medical attention!
Death1: I go now... to join the Emperor...
Death2: Dorn... I held out to the last.
Death3: Death is the only release...
Death4: The light...
Venerable Crusader (Ranged) - Initiate Squad Leader for the Ranged Crusader Squad. Fierce warrior with many years of battle experience.
Notes: Black Templars are a warrior fraternity with a ruthless selection process. Neophytes and Battle-Brothers alike are cast in the front lines of battle with sword and bolter against the Enemy and those who are found wanting, are quickly weeded out in death. The Initiates regarded as Venerable Crusaders have survived long indeed. Face-to-face with every kind of enemy set against their Holy Lord, the Emperor of Mankind, Venerable Crusaders are brothers who have conquered time and again. Their voice is deeper and more assured than even that of the melee crusader squad.
Unit_Complete1: Follow my directions, sons of Dorn.
Unit_Complete2: I'm here to make sure the line is held.
Unit_Complete3: My heavy weapon should make the difference.
Unit_Complete4: A veteran of centuries of warfare leads you, victory is certain.
Unit_Complete5: Under my watch, we will not fail commander.
Unit_Complete6: The enemy's death is assured, I guarantee it.
Unit_Complete7: Our foes are doomed now.
Selection1: Ready to serve your will, Commander.
Selection2: What are our orders?
Selection3: I hear you, what is our task?
Selection4: We are ready to serve the Emperor.
Selection5: Whatever is required, it shall be done.
Selection6: Are there new orders, Commander?
Selection7: Whatever the cost, we will do it.
Move1: Yes sir, advancing to that location.
Move2: As you wish.
Move3: Acknowledged Commander.
Move4: Orders received, relocating our defence.
Move5: Our guns will clear a path!
Move6: Forward brothers, for the Emperor!
Move7: Advance brothers, the Marshal wills it!
Attack1: All Templar, fire at will!
Attack2: Short bursts are all that is required for these wretched creatures.
Attack3: Sons of Dorn, throw them back!
Attack4: Push back their attack, with a tide of bolt-rounds!
Attack5: They can not stand before our barrage!
Attack6: Choose your targets, force them into the crossfire!
Attack7: Let loose your fury marines!
Point_Capture1: We will secure and defend the position.
Point_Capture2: That is a good firing position, we shall take it.
Point_Capture3: A tactically sound decision.
Point_Captured1: The point is ours, setting up fields of fire.
Point_Captured2: We've claimed this point for the Emperor. Let the heretics try and take it.
Point_Captured3: This point belongs to the Black Templar now.
LoadTransport1: Our firepower is needed elsewhere, load up!
LoadTransport2: Into the transport, brothers!
UnloadTransport1: All guns to rapid fire: Dismount!
UnloadTransport2: Dismount and set up a perimeter.
MoraleBreak1: Our guns have no affect! Fall back to secondary positions!
MoraleBreak2: Falling back to resupply!
MoraleRestored1: We've restocked our supplies and are returning to battle.
MoraleRestored2: Reform the line! We must hold them back!
Charge1: Fix bayonets brothers! To melee!
Charge2: Into the fray Templar, have no fear!
Charge3: Empty your clips and charge!
Charge4: They're weak, now break them!
Jump/Teleport1: Shifting to where we're needed.
Jump/Teleport2: No obstacle matters to our advance.
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod assault, begin.
Deepstrike2: We're amongst them, fire at will!
Combat1: Taste my bayonet, scum!
Combat2: I'll stain my fists with your blood!
Combat3: The line must hold!
Under_Fire1: The enemy is targeting us, returning fire.
Under_Fire2: Crusaders under attack, we'll cover our brother's advance.
Under_Fire3: Good! A firefight!
Damage1: Our armor is no defence!
Damage2: Call for the apothecary!
Damage3: I need medical attention!
Death1: I go now... to join the Emperor...
Death2: Dorn... I held out to the last.
Death3: Death is the only release...
Death4: The light...
Attack Bike - Fast Attack Choice. Has multiple weapon upgrades.
Notes: Same accent as other regular Initiate, slightly faster pacing. Fast moving light attack units designed to outflank enemy forces and, if need be, launch rapid assaults on enemy positions.
Unit_Complete1: Mobile support ready
Unit_Complete2: Heavy cavalry of the chapter, ready to destroy the enemy.
Unit_Complete3: Fuelled and ready to attack.
Unit_Complete4: Our bikes have been blessed by the techmarines and are prepared for conflict.
Unit_Complete5: We've arrived, and are eager for combat.
Unit_Complete6: Attack bikes, ready to ride.
Unit_Complete7: Our bikes are chomping at the bit, and ready for war.
Selection1: Where do you need our guns?
Selection2: Waiting in reserve and ready for orders.
Selection3: What needs to be destroyed?
Selection4: Whatever the target, we will seek and destroy.
Selection5: Does the enemy trouble our advance?
Selection6: Send us to hunt the enemy, Commander.
Selection7: Heavy weapons ready to charge.
Move1: Heavy weapons on the move.
Move2: Bringing our support where it is needed most!
Move3: Attack bikers, moving to position.
Move4: Advancing to a position to strike.
Move5: Distance means nothing to us.
Move6: Taking up flanking positions!
Move7: We stalk our prey.
Attack1: Our attack will be quick and decisive.
Attack2: Target received, it will be destroyed shortly.
Attack3: We ride to their destruction!
Attack4: Sight up your heavy weapons, our targets have been selected!
Attack5: The commander has let us loose! Attack!
Attack6: Our mounts will carry us to our foes.
Attack7: They won't know what hit them.
Point_Capture1: We will scout the area and secure it.
Point_Capture2: Isn't that a waste of our mobility?
Point_Capture3: If that is what the Marshal wills...
Point_Captured1: This position is clear, can we move on?
Point_Captured2: The point is ours, bring up support so we can hold it!
Point_Captured3: Now before the counter attack comes, send us reinforcements!
MoraleBreak1: Our attack falters! Fall back and regroup for another pass!
MoraleBreak2: The surprise is lost, withdraw!
MoraleRestored1: Ready for another attack run!
MoraleRestored2: Our targets will be destroyed this time.
Charge1: Crush them beneath our wheels!
Charge2: Ready your chainswords!
Charge4: Ride them down!
Jump/Teleport1: Teleporting to a forward position.
Jump/Teleport2: From there we will attack their rear.
Deepstrike1: They won't see us coming from this direction.
Deepstrike2: Deep strike insertion beginning.
Combat1: We're bogged down in melee!
Combat2: Crush them! Clear a path!
Combat3: We need support!
Under_Fire1: They've spotted us!
Under_Fire2: We're under attack! Starting our attack run!
Under_Fire3: Enemy spotted, moving to engage.
Damage1: I'm hit!
Damage2: Our bike has been damaged! Techmarine support needed!
Damage3: Are you alright brother?
Death1: Aaaah! (*crashing sound, like a motorcycle ramming a wall*)
Death2: Our fuel tank has been -(*explosion*)
Death3: The firestorm is too intense! Argggh! (*more crashing sounds*)
Death4: (*crashing sounds and screams*) Emperor... protect us...
Assault Marines - Fast Attack Choice. Assault Initiates who use jump packs to assault enemies from above in close combat.
Notes: Same accent as other regular Initiate, who in many ways they are – with jump packs. They are death from above. Of him, the Apocrypha of Skaros says: He shall descend upon the perfidious foe as an Angel of Judgment from on high. Let the jump pack be his wings, and the roar of its engines a hymn of retribution. Let the chainsword be his sceptre of decree, its harsh voice singing joyfully with each and every blow. With it shall the Assault Marine bring bloody retribution to the heretic, the traitor, and all alien aggressors who trespass on the Emperor's domain. So will the Assault Marine be the hunter of warlords and the slayer of kings. His armour shall run slick with the life-blood of the vanquished, and all shall honour his name.
Unit_Complete1: Jump infantry ready for battle.
Unit_Complete2: Our jet backs are fuelled and ready.
Unit_Complete3: Angels of death, ready to attack.
Unit_Complete4: Here to bring His wrath down upon the enemy.
Unit_Complete5: Assault marines on site, and at your command.
Unit_Complete6: We've prepared for the assault, no matter where it is.
Unit_Complete7: Here at your orders commander, and ready to serve.
Selection1: Ready to spearhead the assault.
Selection2: Weapons at the ready.
Selection3: Thrusters primed, Commander.
Selection4: Do you need us to lead the charge?
Selection5: You have only to give the order, Commander.
Selection6: Yes commander, what is it?
Selection7: Is the attack about to begin?
Move1: Moving to attack positions.
Move2: We will go on foot and conserve fuel.
Move3: Forward brothers, and prepare to strike.
Move4: Ready your chainswords, we go.
Move5: Assault marines advancing.
Move6: As you command.
Move7: Moving to the muster-field.
Attack1: They can not escape their death!
Attack2: We will strike like His fist descending from the heavens!
Attack3: You need not order a Templar to attack!
Attack4: Our blades will taste the enemy today!
Attack5: They shall be driven before us, and cut down without mercy!
Attack6: We will break their lines for you!
Attack7: Our assault is irresistible!
Point_Capture1: Securing the objective!
Point_Capture2: Breaking through to take that point!
Point_Capture3: The enemy have no hope of holding out.
Point_Captured1: The assault is progressing well! Drive forward and push them back!
Point_Captured2: This position belongs to the Templar!
Point_Captured3: It is ours! Ready to attack the next point!
MoraleBreak1: The spearhead is broken! Fall back!
MoraleBreak2: We're too far ahead! Fall back and regroup with our brothers!
MoraleRestored1: Our will is reforged!
MoraleRestored2: Ready to attack again!
Charge1: For Dorn!
Charge2: Templar, charge!
Charge3: Let your chanswords sing!
Charge4: Assault marines, attack!
Jump/Teleport1: Into their midst!
Jump/Teleport2: Crush them underfoot!
Deepstrike1: Angels of death, descending from heaven.
Deepstrike2: We will attack from behind their lines!
Combat1: Take the chainsword to them brothers!
Combat2: Cut them down!
Combat3: We're amongst them!
Under_Fire1: Assault marines under attack!
Under_Fire2: We can't just stand against this firepower!
Under_Fire3: Return fire and wait for the order to attack!
Damage1: My armor is damaged! My jump-pack is still functional though.
Damage2: That almost hit my fuel lines!
Damage3: We need support!
Death1: Only in death... does duty end...
Death2: Damned xenos...
Death3: Emperor protect my soul...
Death4: Death is my release...
Sword Brethren/Relay
Notes: Deep, English, aristocratic
Unit_Complete1: Sword Brethren - on the field of combat.
Unit_Complete2: Our bolters are oiled, our will is firm!
Unit_Complete3: Our tabards sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: The Brethren of the Sword answer your summons, my Lord.
Unit_Complete5: We are Sigismund's finest! [pronounced "sig-is-munds" ]
Unit_Complete6: Make way for the company of the sword!
Unit_Complete7: At range, we have no equal!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our guns are silent - for now.
Selection4: Yes?
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My trigger-finger is growing restless.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Establishing new firebase, designation Alpha-Five.
Move4: Keep your muzzles up.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - advance as one!
Attack2: <sound of cocking bolters>
Attack3: Show them the light of your tracer rounds!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody the field, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Ready weapons and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: We are running low on ammo!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren! [pronounced "sig-is-munds" ]
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Fire point black!
Combat2: Hyahhh!
Combat3: Ha! You didn't know I could do that with a gun, did you?
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We must win this firefight!
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: About pauldrons.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my bolter - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Sword Brethren/Relay Sargent
Notes: Germanic, aristocratic
Unit_Complete1: Heed my words - and we will triumph.
Unit_Complete2: I have earned my blades.
Unit_Complete3: The heralds will sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: I expect a hundred score from each of you.
Unit_Complete5: I am a paragon amongst paladins!
Unit_Complete6: I am here to lead you, my Brethren!
Unit_Complete7: Move aside!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our bolters rest - for now.
Selection4: I've seen weather like this before.
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My lightning claws need wetting.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: I'll make sure they get there.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Nothing will stop us.
Move4: No matter what the obstacle.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - rolling advance!
Attack2: <sound of crackling lightening claws>
Attack3: Show them the light of your tracer rounds!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody the field, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Ready weapons and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: My Lord, we are nearly out of ammo!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren! [pronounced "sig-is-munds" ]
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Have at you!
Combat2: Taste my lightning claws!
Combat3: Drink deep of my steel!
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We need to close the range quickly.
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: About pauldrons - quickly.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my sword - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay
Notes: Deep, English, aristocratic
Unit_Complete1: Sword Brethren - on the field of combat.
Unit_Complete2: Our blades are sharpened, our will is firm!
Unit_Complete3: Our tabards sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: The Brethren of the Sword answer your summons, my Lord.
Unit_Complete5: We are Sigismund's finest! [pronounced "sig-is-munds" ]
Unit_Complete6: Make way for the company of the sword!
Unit_Complete7: We have never yet been bested!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our swords rest - for now.
Selection4: Yes?
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My sword itches within its scabbard.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Nothing will stop us.
Move4: No matter what the obstacle.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - charge!
Attack2: <sound of drawing blades>
Attack3: Show them the light of tempered steel!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody your tabbards, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Draw swords and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: Our swords are broken!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren! [pronounced "sig-is-munds" ]
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Have at you!
Combat2: Hyahhh!
Combat3: Drink deep of my steel!
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We need to close the range quickly.
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: Shields to the fore.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my sword - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay Sargent
Notes: Germanic, aristocratic
Unit_Complete1: I am here now.
Unit_Complete2: I have earned my blades.
Unit_Complete3: The heralds will sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: I expect a hundred score from each of you.
Unit_Complete5: I am a paragon amongst paladins!
Unit_Complete6: I am here to lead you, my Brethren!
Unit_Complete7: Move aside!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our swords rest - for now.
Selection4: I've seen weather like this before.
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My lightning claws need wetting.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: I'll make sure they get there.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Nothing will stop us.
Move4: No matter what the obstacle.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - charge!
Attack2: <sound of crackling lightening claws>
Attack3: Show them the light of tempered steel!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody your tabbards, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Draw swords and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: Our swords are broken!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren! [pronounced "sig-is-munds" ]
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Have at you!
Combat2: Taste my lightning claws!
Combat3: Drink deep of my steel!
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We need to close the range quickly.
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: Shields to the fore.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my sword - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Terminator Sword Brethren Squad
Notes: Deep, electronic voices (similar to vanilla termies)
Unit_Complete1: We continue the Crusade in Tactical Dreadnought Armour!
Unit_Complete2: Nothing can stand in our way!
Unit_Complete3: We will create a bulwark against the tide of the enemy!
Unit_Complete4: We are the Chapter's greatest warriors!
Unit_Complete5: Slow in step, mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: At last! The chapter's finest armour is ours to command!
Selection1: Yes?
Selection2: I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: The sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons.
Selection7: Where is the Techmarine - I need un-gent!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: En route.
Move3: We will establish a foothold.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Terminators engage!
Attack2: Multiple contacts!
Attack3: Send the resupply train - we'll need more ammo!
Attack4: Kill them all!
Attack5: Sword Brethren - earn their respect!
Attack6: Their weapons are as air before us!
Attack7: Open up with all guns!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: Auto senses overloaded!
MoraleRestored1: Auto senses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: We've reacquired the target.
MoraleRestored3: Surrender? Us? Ha!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Give them a wall of fire!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, their blades are penetrating our armour!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: It's not possible!
Death2: The Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Terminator Assault Sword Brethren Squad
Notes: Deep terminator voice with the Germanic accent. The greatest warriors in a Fighting Company will be organized into the Marshal’s household, a distinction that replaces the Codex practice of retaining a 1st Company. These are mighty heroes whose legends have become part of the Chapter’s history and it is every Black Templar’s ambition to become one of its elite.
Unit_Complete1: We continue the Crusade in Tactical Dreadnought Armour!
Unit_Complete2: Nothing can stand in our way!
Unit_Complete3: Direct us to where the fighting is thickest!
Unit_Complete4: We are the Chapter's greatest warriors!
Unit_Complete5: Slow in step, mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: At last! The chapter's finest armour is ours to command!
Selection1: Yes?
Selection2: I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: The sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons.
Selection7: Where is the Techmarine - I need un-gent!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Certainly.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Drive forward into the heart of the foe!
Attack2: Seek out the whites of their eyes!
Attack3: Hack them to pieces!
Attack4: Kill them all!
Attack5: Sword Brethren - earn their respect!
Attack6: Charge the centre!
Attack7: Crush them utterly!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them upon our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: Auto senses overloaded!
MoraleRestored1: Auto senses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: We've reacquired the target.
MoraleRestored3: Surrender? Us? Ha!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Fall like a morning star!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, they have heavy-caliber weapons!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: It's not possible!
Death2: The Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Terminator Assault Sargent #1 - Sword Brethren Lightning Claws Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with Lightning Claws.
Notes: Deep terminator voice with the Germanic accent.
Unit_Complete1: Men! In Tactical Dreadnought Armour you cannot be harmed!
Unit_Complete2: I will not fail you!
Unit_Complete3: I will direct them to where the fighting is thickest!
Unit_Complete4: You are the Chapter's greatest warriors, and I will lead you!
Unit_Complete5: You may be slow in step, but you are mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: The chapter's finest armour is yours to command! How will you use it?
Selection1: Communication channel open my Liege.
Selection2: Marshal, I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: Men, the sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons, men!
Selection7: Renew your vows, check your weapons!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: They are en route.
Move3: We will combat any foe at those coordinates.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, men, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Drive forward into the heart of the foe!
Attack2: Remember your training!
Attack3: Hack them to pieces!
Attack4: Men! Kill them all!
Attack5: Two claws, eight ways to die!
Attack6: My lightning claws will split you from your helm to your nave!
Attack7: Crush them utterly!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them upon our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: The Brethren's resolve is failing!
MoraleRestored1: Auto senses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: Call yourselves Sword Brethren?
MoraleRestored3: I will never yield!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Fall like a morning star!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, they have heavy-caliber weapons!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: It's not possible!
Death2: Men, the Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, men, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Terminator Assault Sargent #2 - Sword Brethren Assault Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.
Notes: Deep terminator voice with the Germanic accent.
Unit_Complete1: Men! In Tactical Dreadnought Armour you cannot be harmed!
Unit_Complete2: I bring the shield of the Emperor's Light, and the hammer of his divine wrath.
Unit_Complete3: I will direct them to where the fighting is thickest!
Unit_Complete4: You are the Chapter's greatest warriors, and I will lead you!
Unit_Complete5: You may be slow in step, but you are mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: The chapter's finest armour is yours to command! How will you use it?
Selection1: Communication channel open my Liege.
Selection2: Marshal, I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: Men, the sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons, men!
Selection7: Renew your vows, check your weapons!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: They are en route.
Move3: We will combat any foe at those coordinates.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, men, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Drive forward into the heart of the foe!
Attack2: Remember your training!
Attack3: Hack them to pieces!
Attack4: Men! Kill them all!
Attack5: Your blows fall as rain upon my shield.
Attack6: Come closer, that I may split thy skull!
Attack7: Crush them utterly!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them upon our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: The Brethren's resolve is failing!
MoraleRestored1: Auto senses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: Call yourselves Sword Brethren?
MoraleRestored3: I will never yield!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Fall like a morning star!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, they have heavy-calibre weapons!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: Take my hammer - it must survive me!
Death2: Men, the Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, men, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Command Squad Lead - An Initiate honoured with serving as bodyguard for a Black Templar Company Commander. Has Multiple Leaders.
Notes: Sounds like the Crusader squad but, a somewhat more measured and thoughtful individual. Less boisterous perhaps, but sharper and no less fanatical than his brothers. It is no exaggeration to say that Black Templar Captains mentor Initiates in whom they see the gift of command, much as Initiates might mentor Neophytes. In the command squad retinue, one finds Initiate battle-brothers in whom the bloody skills of combat are matched by a tactical and strategic brilliance. Service in a Command Squad undoubtedly seeds promotion within the Chapter – its members fighting in the most grueling of battler against the most terrible of foes.
Unit_Complete1: May the Emperor go with you
Unit_Complete2: No pity. No remorse. No fear.
Unit_Complete3: A Space Marine is a living embodiment of the Emperor’s Will
Unit_Complete4: My wargear is a weapon of divine wrath
Unit_Complete5: To the ignorant I bring faith
Unit_Complete6: Thoughts charged with wisdom, our purpose charged with vengeance
Unit_Complete7: Uphold the honor of the Emperor
Selection1: No defeat. No dishonor
Selection2: Templar-brother?
Selection3: Vigilant in duty
Selection4: Brothers, onward
Selection5: We must be watchful
Selection6: the Emperor knows what is afoot here
Selection7: Who shall we smite?
Move1: Seize the advantage
Move2: There shall be no uncertainty
Move3: We will fulfill His purpose
Move4: In nomine Imperatoris
Move5: Aye, brother
Move6: Forward we go in the Emperor’s name
Move7: May the Emperor go with you
Attack1: For faith. For crusade.
Attack2: Cleansing fire and righteous zeal
Attack3: Death to the blasphemies
Attack4: So we bring the Emperor’s justice crashing down on them
Attack5: The Emperor has looked upon and found them wanting in His sight
Attack6: The roar of bolters are prayers
Attack7: My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field
Point_Capture1: It shall be done
Point_Capture2: It shall be captured for the Chapter
Point_Capture3: Crusade objective designated
Point_Captured1: Templar know only success in His service
Point_Captured2: With sword and bolter we reconquer the galaxy
Point_Captured3: We dedicate it to the Crusade
LoadTransport1: Take us onwards, brother
LoadTransport2: Manoeuvre us into position, brethren
UnloadTransport1: Our destination is here
UnloadTransport2: We shall meet the enemy face to face
MoraleBreak1: Regroup for secondary assault
MoraleBreak2: Fall back to our brothers!
MoraleRestored1: No lapse in devotion
MoraleRestored2: Excuses are the refuge of the weak
Charge1: You shall not stand in the way of Mankind!
Charge2: Forward for the Master of Mankind!
Charge3: In His name, I name you enemy of Humanity
Jump/Teleport1: Teleport assault
Jump/Teleport2: Adversity cleanses the spirit
Deepstrike1: Astartes ex nilhilo
Deepstrike2: We come to your aide
Ability1: (ranged attack) Death from afar!
Ability2: (ranged attack) Blaspheme no more!
Ability3: (ranged attack) Death to His foes!
Ability4: (defensive aura) Indominatus
Ability5: (defensive aura) Fortis!
Combat1: Die knowing the Black Templars will cleanse the stars of all your kind
Combat2: Your evil purpose shall come to naught!
Combat3: May you rot in whatever blasphemous hell spawned you!
Under_Fire1: Heresy begets retribution!
Under_Fire2: Their arrogance knows no bounds!
Under_Fire3: To fire on a Templar is death!
Damage1: An offering to the Emperor
Damage2: There is only the Emperor!
Damage3: He is our shield and protector!
Death1: I die well…
Death2: My life for His greater glory…
Death3: My brothers will avenge me…
Death4: It ends so soon…
Command Squad Leader #1 - Apothecary - Healer unit. Skilled medic that can perform battle surgery.
Notes: The voice of the Apothecary resembles those of is Black Templar brothers, but is somehow softer and more compassionate, through that compassionate quickly hardens into intolerance and hate in the heat of close combat. The various detachments of the Black Templar, unlike other Chapters, do not cycle between pacification campaigns of smaller scope and full blown titanic Crusades. Rather, they have Crusaded for neigh 10,000 years, throwing themselves into the bloodiest conflicts the galaxy has to offer. Without the dedication of the Black Templar Apothecaries, this secretly largest of all Chapters would be swiftly and fatally diminished. There is no Brother who has not passed through his hands, whether as a Neophyte or dispatched by wounds upon the battlefield.
Unit_Complete1: Pain is the wine of communion with Heroes
Unit_Complete2: No life given in His service was ever given in vain
Unit_Complete3: To meet one’s end in His service is worthy
Unit_Complete4: It is not our place to question the Emperor’s will
Unit_Complete5: The mind of the traitor, the alien, the heretic, the is unfathomable
Unit_Complete6: His knowledge and civilization are His gifts to us
Unit_Complete7: The Templar is noble of spirit, stern of demeanour, zealous and invincible
Selection1: Blood of my blood. Flesh of my flesh
Selection2: Blessed be the Primarch
Selection3: Where does Emperor’s Mercy need be?
Selection4: What holy work need be done?
Selection5: Greetings, brother
Selection6: In these nightmare days, only the Astartes offer hope
Selection7: Devotion to Mankind is undying
Move1: Time is ever my adversary
Move2: Purity of the body is absolution of the soul
Move3: Into the very heart of darkness, I go without fear
Move4: Our coming is the storm of the Emperor’s wrath
Move5: The greatest heroes of mankind live on in the seed
Move6: There can be no rest for the Templar
Move7: For an eternity of war, forward!
Attack1: Their sacrilege will be repaid a hundredfold!
Attack2: Their existence will not stand
Attack3: His wrath is terrible
Attack4: With fire and steel are His enemies purged of their wicked ways
Attack5: For righteous anger and glorious Sigismund
Attack6: To the darkness I bring fire
Attack7: With the Emperor’s will I destroy the shadows
Point_Capture1: Glory be
Point_Capture2: Danger is the food and drink of the Templar
Point_Capture3: In Sigismund’s name
Point_Captured1: There shall be no taint here
Point_Captured2: The Emperor’s glory is here
Point_Captured3: Conquest is homage to the Emperor
LoadTransport1: This shall be our field apothecarion
LoadTransport2: Take shelter here, brothers
UnloadTransport1: While His enemies live, there can be no rest
UnloadTransport2: Mankind has need of us yet
MoraleBreak1: Preserve yourselves for the counter attack!
MoraleBreak2: Pull back my brothers!
MoraleRestored1: Despair is an illusion of the mind
MoraleRestored2: Pain is an illusion of the senses
Charge1: I am your death!
Charge2: Your blasphemous crimes are at an end!
Charge3: Blasphemer!
Jump/Teleport1: Jump to battle
Jump/Teleport2: Teleport attack
Deepstrike1: I come to anoint the sick
Deepstrike2: Few brothers are lost in teleportation
Ability1: (ranged attack) Victory or death
Ability2: (ranged attack) Quake unbeliever, for I am your doom
Ability3: (ranged attack) By your destruction, know his power and glory!
Ability4: (defensive aura) Pain cleanses the body
Ability5: (defensive aura) Loyalty binds us all
Combat1: For your crimes against Humanity, I name you diablolus
Combat2: By the grace of the Holy Emperor and in His name, I cast you out
Combat3: Pay your recompense to the Crusade with your death!
Under_Fire1: The divine light of the Emperor will not be lost to the likes of you!
Under_Fire2: You will not besmirch the name of our Creator
Under_Fire3: None escape the Emperor’s vengeance!
Damage1: Are we not space marines?
Damage2: Even in death, geneseed lives on
Damage3: Pain is naught against the armor of contempt
Death1: Save my gene seed…
Death2: Think of the neophytes…
Death3: I am prepared to die…
Death4: Courage… death is but the beginning…
Command Squad Leader #2 - Sergent - Experienced Sword Brethren who will lead the Command Squad if Commander is absent.
Notes: Slightly deeper, seasoned Initiate voice. Sergeants are rare among the Black Templars, since every Initiate can lead a squad as needed. Sergeants instead assist the commanders of the Battle Company and Crusade in command functions. They are distinguished Initiates and on the cusp of assuming one of the honored command ranks
Unit_Complete1: Weakness festers into heresy
Unit_Complete2: Hesitate not
Unit_Complete3: Feel the fire of zeal in your hearts
Unit_Complete4: The Emperor’s favor protects his servants
Unit_Complete5: Unto the end of time, the Angels of Death wreak vengeance on the unholy
Unit_Complete6: Your honor is your life, let none dispute it
Unit_Complete7: I will visit death and eternal damnation on those who refuse the Emperor
Selection1: Our faith is our shield
Selection2: No remorse
Selection3: It is fear that fears *me*
Selection4: No Black Templar dies in vain
Selection5: These are dark times
Selection6: Strength and courage
Selection7: There is only the Emperor
Move1: Press on
Move2: It is not for a Templar to have doubts
Move3: He who has faith can always find a way
Move4: No fear in the face of perils set before us
Move5: The Emperor’s purpose waits for no man
Move6: Life and service are as one in the eyes of the Emperor
Move7: He is our shield and protector
Attack1: Show no mercy
Attack2: Unto the anvil of war
Attack3: Emperor’s oath!
Attack4: No pity! No remorse! No fear!
Attack5: We shall show the enemies no pity
Attack6: To whatever bitter end
Attack7: Thou shalt not oppose the holy Templars of his Imperial Majesty
Point_Capture1: For the greater glory of He on Terra
Point_Capture2: Impossible is nothing
Point_Capture3: Occupation is the handmaiden of war
Point_Captured1: Out of nothingness, conquest
Point_Captured2: Triumph is inevitable
Point_Captured3: Seized. Thanks be to Him.
LoadTransport1: Obedient to your command
LoadTransport2: Move us, brother
UnloadTransport1: We rejoin the fight
UnloadTransport2: Continue the mission
MoraleBreak1: Righteous retreat is justified
MoraleBreak2: Fall back and regroup
MoraleRestored1: The Emperor knows. The Emperor is watching
MoraleRestored2: We shall prevail
Charge1: The Emperor’s right hand fist!
Charge2: Primarch’s fury!
Charge3: Victory!
Jump/Teleport1: Behold the Emperor’s Angels
Jump/Teleport2: Our coming is death to the irreverent
Deepstrike1: Onto the battlefield
Deepstrike2: Orbital assault
Ability1: (ranged attack) My courage kills
Ability2: (ranged attack) The Emperor’s mercy!
Ability3: (ranged attack) The light of Terra burns the unclean!
Ability4: (defensive aura) In faith, persevere
Ability5: (defensive aura) Guard us against temptation
Combat1: Primarch! To your glory!
Combat2: This is your endgame, scum!
Combat3: I hate you
Under_Fire1: Trust Him at the hour of battle
Under_Fire2: From falsehood to truth, in battle and all things
Under_Fire3: Face the Templar at your peril!
Damage1: Life is a prison and death a release!
Damage2: You test our will and you shall find it indomitable!
Damage3: Greater foes than you could not lay the Templar low!
Death1: Remember me, brothers…
Death2: Defeat is blasphemy before the Emperor…
Death3: I will serve on other side…
Death4: Honor Him…
Command Squad Leader #3 - Champion - A Marine who has been given the honour of serving as the Emperor's Sword in battle. Close combat expert.
Notes: Booming awesome voice. His is the voice from the heavens that commands the attention of angels and lead his brothers onward to strike down the wicked. The Emperor’s Champion is a divinely inspired warrior, alone among his brothers having received visions from the Emperor in meditations on the eve of battle. None can stand before his wrath
Unit_Complete1: Many have tried to kill me, none have succeeded
Unit_Complete2: My fate is written by He-on-Earth. Blessed be his name and his coming
Unit_Complete3: We are called by the Emperor with a sacred duty to conquer in His name
Unit_Complete4: If it take another ten thousand years, this shall be a Human galaxy
Unit_Complete5: The all-conquering Master of Mankind protects His warriors
Unit_Complete6: Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle
Unit_Complete7: Death, war and blood; in vengeance serve the Emperor
Selection1: Righteous and pure
Selection2: Sigismund be praised
Selection3: For the Emperor!
Selection4: By the Golden Throne, command me well
Selection5: Puritas
Selection6: By Sigismund’s Black Sword
Selection7: What do you propose?
Move1: Emperor, Primarch, and Founding Father
Move2: Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring the light
Move3: Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith
Move4: Where there is shame, I shall point atonement
Move5: Where there is rage, I shall show its course
Move6: Accept any challenge. No matter the odds
Move7: There is nothing to fear but failure
Attack1: Die
Attack2: Final victory
Attack3: Their treachery ends here
Attack4: I swear that His almighty fury shall bring them low!
Attack5: This shall be the Emperor’s divine retribution
Attack6: Whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice in His glorious name
Attack7: No pity. No remorse. No fear.
Point_Capture1: Bless it in the name of Dorn
Point_Capture2: Have faith we shall make it so
Point_Capture3: Conquer in His Glorious name
Point_Captured1: Renew your oaths, brothers
Point_Captured2: Deliver the world to the Emperor
Point_Captured3: By deeds we prove our loyalty
LoadTransport1: Brothers, let us pray
LoadTransport2: Let us find their fell champion
UnloadTransport1: To battle, Templar-brothers!
UnloadTransport2: We take to the battlefield!
MoraleBreak1: Penance, brothers!
MoraleBreak2: Shame, brothers! Shame!
MoraleRestored1: Let hatred fill you. For hate is good
MoraleRestored2: My pledge is eternal service
Charge1: Glory to him on Terra!
Charge2: You dare exist in Mankind’s galaxy!
Charge3: By the holy triumvirate, I abjure thee!
Jump/Teleport1: The coming of the Templar is the Emperor’s apocalypse
Jump/Teleport2: To the fires of battle the Emperor sends his Angels of Death
Deepstrike1: Orbital assault
Deepstrike2: Challenge
Ability1: (ranged attack) Behold the wrath of the Emperor’s champion!
Ability2: (ranged attack) By my wrath you shall know His name!
Ability3: (ranged attack) By his sign I shall destroy you!
Ability4: (defensive aura) Prayer cleanses the soul
Ability5: (defensive aura) Fortitude, brothers
Combat1: No pity! No remorse! No fear!
Combat2: Dorn’s holy hand!
Combat3: Your worthless life ends!
Under_Fire1: The enemy approach
Under_Fire2: Let His wrath fill your hearts!
Under_Fire3: His strength and an eternity of war!
Damage1: He leads us from death to victory, from despair to hope!
Damage2: Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!
Damage3: Thou shalt have no defeat before the Emperor!
Death1: Avenge me brothers…
Death2: He watches us all…
Death3: Another will take my place…
Death4: This is not the end…
Command Squad Leader #4 - Banner Bearer - A Marine who has been given the honour of carrying his company's Battle Standard.
Notes: Very cultured and proper accent, English gentleman turned hateful zealot. As the symbol of Black Templar honor, the brother chosen to bear the ancient battle standard is impeccable in word and deed. Where the banner goes, so goes the Battle-Company and Crusade.
Unit_Complete1: This is the Emperors galaxy. Mankind’s galaxy. Our galaxy.
Unit_Complete2: A marine’s depth of faith that is unquenchable in its force of belief
Unit_Complete3: Blessed be. For are we not the chosen, His loyal servants unto death?
Unit_Complete4: We are charged with death for the Emperor’s enemies
Unit_Complete5: The Emperor turns their seas red with the blood of their slain
Unit_Complete6: Nobody is innocent, there are but varying levels of guilt
Unit_Complete7: Look to the glory of the future, and the demise of our enemies
Selection1: Sacrifice is honor
Selection2: Pray for Mankind
Selection3: My faith is sure
Selection4: Trust in the Emperor
Selection5: Blessed be, brother
Selection6: Intolerance is a blessing
Selection7: Speak, in the name of the Emperor
Move1: By our faith, we are made strong
Move2: In the name of Dorn
Move3: Innocence proves nothing
Move4: Doubt is a sign of weakness
Move5: Burn the heretic, the alien, the traitor
Move6: This shall be our day of reckoning
Move7: To question is to doubt
Attack1: With faith we shall conquer the galaxy in His most glorious name
Attack2: Thou shalt not oppose a brother of the Black Templars!
Attack3: The Emperor’s Angels strike down the wicked
Attack4: Suffer not the unclean to live!
Attack5: For our fallen brothers
Attack6: Kill them all
Attack7: Abhor the unclean
Point_Capture1: Plant proudly the colors of the Templar
Point_Capture2: The galaxy cries out for salvation
Point_Capture3: Give glory to the Emperor
Point_Captured1: Fidelitas acta probat [pronounced "fee-del-leh-tahs act-a pro-baat"]
Point_Captured2: From darkness, the Emperor’s light
Point_Captured3: Success honors the Primarch
LoadTransport1: Let us go, brothers
LoadTransport2: Take the Battle-Standard onward
UnloadTransport1: Forward for the Emperor
UnloadTransport2: Forward in glory
MoraleBreak1: The Emperor’s Astartes shall not die in vain
MoraleBreak2: We shall not die thus!
MoraleRestored1: My duty is my fate
MoraleRestored2: My salvation is my reward
Charge1: Zeal is its own excuse!
Charge2: One aim! One destiny! One Emperor!
Charge3: By blood and fire, I’ll end you!
Jump/Teleport1: Behold the colors of the Templar
Jump/Teleport2: What they can see, they soon learn to fear
Deepstrike1: In all things clarity
Deepstrike2: His Angels come on wings of faith
Ability1: (ranged attack) By deed I prove my faith
Ability2: (ranged attack) Compassion is weakness
Ability3: (ranged attack) Pay for your heresy
Ability4: (defensive aura) Endure for the Emperor
Ability5: (defensive aura) Uphold Him!
Combat1: Taste the vengeful wrath of the Emperor!
Combat2: The Master of Mankind will have no mercy on your soul!
Combat3: Lay your wicked plans to rest, you die today!
Under_Fire1: Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise!
Under_Fire2: Aflame with zeal!
Under_Fire3: Loyalty overcomes all!
Damage1: Pain strengthens my resolve
Damage2: Praise be to Him! Whose Astartes conquer the stars!
Damage3: You dare!
Death1: Faithful unto death…
Death2: My death goes to a better age…
Death3: The last measure of devotion…
Death4: Valor unto death…
Chaplain - Secondary Commander unit. Spiritual leader. Terrifying and sinister figures of holy purity. Equipped with the mighty Crozius Arcanum.
Notes: Like the vanilla Chaplain with slight Germanic accent. He roars his sermons of the battlefield. The Black Templar, unlike less warriors, are driven not by politics or desire to spill blood, but by faith in the God Emperor. Chaplains are their spiritual leaders among those who are already the most devoted and fanatical of the Emperor’s servants. He inspires awe and devotion, his face concealed by his skull helmet and his heart burning with fervor.
Unit_Complete1: Chaplain anointed
Unit_Complete2: Minister of the God Emperor
Unit_Complete3: Acknowledge death, but do not succumb to its touch
Unit_Complete4: Let the worthy rejoice
Unit_Complete5: I carry the Emperors word
Unit_Complete6: Instrument of his will
Unit_Complete7: Righteous zeal
Selection1: Vox in excelso (A voice from on high)
Selection2: The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching
Selection3: Trust no one else
Selection4: I administer his will
Selection5: Suffer not the heretic
Selection6: Ignorance is no defence
Selection7: No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear
Move1: Quod divina sapientia (What divine wisdom) [pronounced "kwoad div-eena sap-ee-en-tia"]
Move2: By the Emperors command
Move3: His will be done
Move4: I bring light to dark paths
Move5: Fear not the unknown
Move6: The Emperor guides me
Move7: Carrying the Emperors word forward
Attack1: Deus imperator noster vult (apx. Our God Emperor Wills It)* [pronounced "day-yus im-pear-ah-tour nohs-tair w-alt"]
Attack2: Suffer not the unclean to live
Attack3: To the darkness I bring fire
Attack4: Smite now the scions of the witch
Attack5: We are the Emperors wrath
Attack6: Purge the xenos filth
Attack7: Let the glory of battle envelop us
Point_Capture1: In nomine imperator (In the name of the Emperor)
Point_Capture2: Uphold the honour of the Imperium
Point_Capture3: The galaxy belongs to the Emperor
Point_Captured1: It has been cleansed
Point_Captured2: Great are the artifices of the Imperium
Point_Captured3: I bless it in the name of the Emperor
Join1: Join me my brothers
Join2: Behold the Emperors congregation
Join3: Rally to me Templars
Detach1: Heed my sermon brothers
Detach2: This path is mine alone
LoadTransport1: I will ride the Emperors chariot
LoadTransport2: This vessel shall deliver us
UnloadTransport1: Time to face the trial anew
UnloadTransport2: Back into the service of battle
MoraleBreak1: My faith has faltered
MoraleBreak2: Darkness overwhelms me
MoraleRestored1: Faith above all
MoraleRestored2: Have resolve my brothers
Charge1: Abolendam (abolition/abolishing) [pronounced "Ah-bo-len-dahm"]
Charge2: The enemy will see my face and know fear
Charge3: Forward into battle
Jump/Teleport1: I fly on wings of holy fire
Jump/Teleport2: By his unlimited power
Deepstrike1: His will from above
Deepstrike2: We descend from on high
Ability1: Omne Datum Optimum (Every perfect gift)**
Ability2: To the ignorant I bring faith
Ability3: Cleansing fire
Ability4: Exorcising
Ability5: Behold the Emperors might
Combat1: Smite and burn
Combat2: No pity
Combat3: Fight with zeal
Under_Fire1: Emperor shield me
Under_Fire2: Heretic fire
Under_Fire3: They strike from afar because they are weak
Damage1: My soul armour fails me
Damage2: No fear
Damage3: Holy Rosarius protect me
Death1: Death before dishonour
Death2: And so my final sermon is given
Death3: I am martyred
Death4: I give unto myself the Rite of Passage
*Based on the real crusading rallying cry of Deus Vult, 'God Wills It'
**Taken from the papal bull detailing the rights/privileges of the Knights Templar
Emperors Champion - Commander unit. A Marine who has been given the honour of serving as the Emperor's Sword in battle. A mighty close combat killer. Has Black Sword and Combat Shield.
Notes: Pompous, gravelly, almost spitting zealotry. Ever since Sigismund was elevated to the rank of first High Marshal of the Black Templars, there are others who have risen to follow in his stead as Emperor’s Champion. The practice of having an Emperor’s Champion has spread to other Chapters, but it is enshrined most strongly within the dogma of the Black Templars. Blessed by the Chaplains with the Litanies of Hate, he is gifted wit the best weapons and armor in the forge: the Black Sword and the Armor of Faith.
Unit_Complete1: I have finished my meditations.
Unit_Complete2: I am the Emperor's Own Champion, as Sigismund before me.
Unit_Complete3: I step forth from the Chapel Hawk, to the field of battle.
Unit_Complete4: With the Armor of Faith shall I confound them, with the Black Sword shall I smite them.
Unit_Complete5: Et custos et pugnax. (means both a keeper and a champion) [pronounced "et - cust - ows - et - poog - nacks]
Unit_Complete6: At the stroke of midnight did his vision come to me - and thus did it speak...
Unit_Complete7: I have led you in your vows, now I lead you in war.
Selection1: This is not fitting.
Selection2: Where are the foe?
Selection3: Bring forth your champions!
Selection4: You dare disturb my rapture?
Selection5: The Armour of Faith was not meant to rest!
Selection6: The Black Sword tires of this indolence!
Selection7: How can I rest when, I have vows to fulfill!
Move1: Agitatione purgatur! (means: purify through motion) [pronounced "aj - it - ash - ey - own - ee - purg - a - tor"]
Move2: Are you sure their commanders are there?
Move3: What foe requires vanquishing?
Move4: Imperator Vult! (means: Emperor wills it)
Move5: My fury makes my armour light!
Move6: Now will you see swift vengeance!
Move7: The sound of my footfalls are as a beating drum!
Attack1: May my arm be true as steel!
Attack2: Ferro comite! (means: the sword my companion) [pronounced "fair - row - com - ee - tay"]
Attack3: Auspice Sigismunde! (means: under the guidance of Sigismund) [pronounced "or - spis" and "sig - is - mund - ey"]
Attack4: I will carve my vows into your beating chest!
Attack5: Dorn give my arm strength!
Attack6: I fear no death, only failure!
Attack7: Your armour is paper before my blade!
Point_Capture1: Fix the banner here.
Point_Capture2: This blessed banner shall not fall.
Point_Capture3: If we must.
Point_Captured1: I've tarried long enough.
Point_Captured2: My sword is no spade - forward!
Point_Captured3: We're wasting time!
LoadTransport1: Driver, lend my charge wings!
LoadTransport2: Get me there, so I can have their heads!
UnloadTransport1: I am here!
UnloadTransport2: Lower the ramp!
MoraleBreak1: I am failing my vows!
MoraleBreak2: If I fall, the battle is lost!
MoraleBreak3: To me Templars, to me!
MoraleRestored1: My work is not finished here!
MoraleRestored2: By my sword, I will not fail!
MoraleRestored3: The vision restores me!
Charge1: <long shout>
Charge2: One man, many deaths!
Charge3: Ex gladius moratum! (means: death from the sword) [pronounced "Ex gla-dee-us more-ah-tum"]
Combat1: Die Heretic, die!
Combat2: I - am - death!
Combat3: Witches, I taste the blood of witches!
Under_Fire1: the Armour of Faith is not so easily bested!
Under_Fire2: your rounds ring from my armour!
Under_Fire3: cease your prattling and draw!
Damage1: Sigismund will not let me fall.
Damage2: My true armour is faith!
Damage3: Deactivating damage sensors!
Death1: Caelum Denique! (means: heaven at last) [pronounced "kae-lum den-ee-kway" ]
Death2: I die in shame!
Death3: They mock my vow!
Death4: I pray you... leave me in my ignominy...
Marshall - Commander unit. A Company Commander, second only in experience and skill to the Chapter's own Master. Excels at close combat and inspires all Space Marines under his command.
Notes: Rich voice, Jeremy Irons, Very posh, English/ Germanic, zealous (more interested in attack than defense) The titular leader of a Black Templar Crusade, a Marshal is not only a warrior so deadly that he will rarely meet his match on the field of battle, but one whose expertise includes concerns beyond the battlefield, for the leading of a Crusade is a herculean task indeed. Only the most inspiration and determined warriors may rise to become a Marshal, having long proved their courage and determination within the ranks of the Sword Brethren or Castellan.
Unit_Complete1: I carry the light of the Emperor to the stars.
Unit_Complete2: The crusade is now under my command.
Unit_Complete3: We will strike them from above, then spear them upon our armour.
Unit_Complete4: Per aspera ad astera. (through difficulties to the stars) [pronounced "per - asp - air - ah - ad - ast - air - ah"]
Unit_Complete5: Nobiscum Deus. (means: God is with us) [pronounced "No-bees-coom day-yus"]
Unit_Complete6: Castellan, I wish to inspect the men.
Unit_Complete7: I am displeased with your lack of progress.
Selection1: You have something to say?
Selection2: E tenebris Lux. (means light out of darkness) [pronounced "ey - ten - e - bris - lucks"]
Selection3: Repeat that!
Selection4: Damn it man, speak up!
Selection5: Yes, High Marshal, what are your orders?
Selection6: If the High Marshal asks for me I'll be at the front.
Selection7: Res non verba. (words not deed) [pronounced "res - non - verb - ah]
Move1: I go. Pray you are finished before I arrive.
Move2: Assemble your men and converge on my position.
Move3: I'll attend to that myself.
Move4: Now the enemy will feel the full wrath of the Black Templars.
Move5: Prepare for my arrival!
Move6: Hold the reports, I'll see it for myself.
Move7: This had better be good.
Attack1: Chronicler - enter this as engagement nine six four one.
Attack2: The Crusade has arrived on your doorstep!
Attack3: The Marshal goes to war!
Attack4: Now you will taste the steel of my resolve.
Attack5: I bring light to your innards!
Attack6: Now can hold a candle to my prowess!
Attack7: I bring the lantern to light the way, and the sword to carve it!
Point_Capture1: Another league for the Empire of Man!
Point_Capture2: Every step from Holy Terra is a step towards redemption!
Point_Capture3: Mark this moment, for the Black Templars claim this land!
Point_Captured1: Point captured. Castellan you begin fortification.
Point_Captured2: One day, this shall be a mighty Keep!
Point_Captured3: Good, the aspect of the position pleases me.
LoadTransport1: Your Marshall requires transport.
LoadTransport2: With all speed.
UnloadTransport1: Sound the fanfare and lower the ramp.
UnloadTransport2: That will do, driver.
MoraleBreak1: Dorn's blood - they have blunted our purpose!
MoraleBreak2: Castellan, where are my reinforcements?
MoraleBreak3: Damn them! Damn them all!
MoraleRestored1: Once more, for Rogal Dorn!
MoraleRestored2: The lantern burns yet!
MoraleRestored3: The night is darkest before the dawn! And the dawn is coming!
Charge1: Hurl them back!
Charge2: Drive a wedge through their centre!
Charge3: Make them fear the Astartes of the Black Templars!
Combat1: Burn heretic, burn!
Combat2: Yes, combat at last!
Combat3: No mercy to the foe!
Under_Fire1: You dare to fire at me?
Under_Fire2: Your faith in your guns is misplaced.
Under_Fire3: Bullets cannot save you.
Damage1: Artificer armour at 60%.
Damage2: I'll have that techmarine's metal hide for this!
Damage3: I just got this back from the armoury, damn you!
Death1: Sigismund, smite them in my stead...
Death2: The crusade will not die with me, alien...
Death3: <sigh> Absque dedecore (means: without stain) [pronounced "ab - skway - dead - e - kor - ay"]
Death4: I sought the stars...
Castellan - Commander unit. A Sword Brethren who has earned the right to lead a Crusade's Fighting Company. Commands and supports Black Templar Squads into battle.
Notes: Character - English, stern, gruff, older man (more interested in defense than attack)
Unit_Complete1: Aegis Fortissima Virtis. (means: virtue is the strongest shield [pronounced "aye - jis - fort - iss - im - a - virt - is")
Unit_Complete2: The Keep will not fall while I am in command.
Unit_Complete3: We will sally forth, and surprise them.
Unit_Complete4: I answer to the Marshal.
Unit_Complete5: Call the Chaplain, I need his counsel.
Unit_Complete6: I wish to inspect the men.
Unit_Complete7: The Marshal is displeased with your lack of progress.
Selection1: Defendendo Vinco. (means: I conquer through defence) [pronounced "Defen-den-do wing-co"]
Selection2: Report!
Selection3: Repeat that!
Selection4: Damn it man, I can't hear you when you stutter!
Selection5: Yes, Marshal, what are your orders?
Selection6: If the Marshal asks for me I'll be at the front.
Selection7: How is the initial deployment progressing?
Move1: Meet me there.
Move2: Assemble your men and converge on my position.
Move3: I'll attend to that myself.
Move4: If you want something done, kill it yourself.
Move5: By the time I get there, I expect the enemy to be dead, understand?
Move6: Hold the reports, I'll see it for myself.
Move7: I'll personally secure the field for the Marshal's arrival.
Attack1: So it's come to this has it?
Attack2: Fight me, cowards!
Attack3: Now you will see why I lead and you follow!
Attack4: My example is a lesson! Heed it well.
Attack5: Follow me, men! Into battle!
Attack6: The best defence, is a good offence!
Attack7: By the time the enemy knows my rank, they will be dead.
Point_Capture1: Fix the banner here.
Point_Capture2: This blessed banner shall not fall.
Point_Capture3: This ground is marked for fortification.
Point_Captured1: Signal the servitors.
Point_Captured2: Summon the techmarine - he has work to do.
Point_Captured3: I want this point fortified before sunset, understand?
LoadTransport1: Your Castellan requires transport.
LoadTransport2: Make room aboard.
UnloadTransport1: Lower the ramp.
UnloadTransport2: Let me off, driver.
MoraleBreak1: The crusade is faltering!
MoraleBreak2: The Marshal will have my head!
MoraleBreak3: The Chaplain questions my command!
MoraleRestored1: I will not fail my Marshal and my Primarch!
MoraleRestored2: I lead yet!
MoraleRestored3: Save your scorn for lesser men!
Charge1: Charge!
Charge2: Templars, to me!
Charge3: For Dorn!
Combat1: Hack and Slash!
Combat2: Call this a melee?
Combat3: My men are without number!
Under_Fire1: Taking fire from enemy positions.
Under_Fire2: Their fortifications are strong.
Under_Fire3: Armed resistance.
Damage1: Check armour integrity.
Damage2: Fetch me the techmarine.
Damage3: I just got this back from the armoury, damn you!
Death1: The Crusade! The Marshal! I... <dies>
Death2: Exegi... <expires> (means: I have tried) [pronounced "ex - edge - ee"]
Death3: <scream>
Death4: Emperor, I commend my service...
Notes: Succinct, Battle-weary but Zealous.
Unit_Complete1: Rhino deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Our hull is blessed, our hearts ready.
Unit_Complete3: Ready to transport our Initiates, Marshal.
Unit_Complete4: We answer the call to battle.
Unit_Complete5: Marshal, you bade us?
Unit_Complete6: Rhino, reporting as ordered.
Unit_Complete7: Ready and able, Marshall.
Selection1: My lord?
Selection2: What do you require?
Selection3: Where would you like us?
Selection4: Orders?
Selection5: Instructions?
Selection6: Marshal?
Selection7: Engines idling.
Move1: Coordinates received.
Move2: May the Emperor protect us.
Move3: Understood.
Move4: On our way.
Move5: Underway.
Move6: Moving.
Move7: En route.
Attack1: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Attack2: Forward, Brothers!
Attack3: Yes Marshal, Engaging.
Attack4: Getting our men there!
Attack5: Emperor have mercy on them.
Attack6: Assaulting.
Attack7: Initiates! At the ready!
Under_Fire1: Marshal, we are taking hits!
Under_Fire2: Under Fire!
Under_Fire3: Advise repositioning.
Damage1: Hull integrity degrading!
Damage2: Reposition!
Damage3: Systems failing!
Death1: Bail out!
Death2: Rhino down!
Death3: Self destruct sequence activated!
Death4: Emperor receive us...
Notes: Succinct, Battle-weary but Zealous.
Unit_Complete1: Razorback deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Our hull is blessed, our guns ready.
Unit_Complete3: Ready to spirit our initiates to the fight, Marshal.
Unit_Complete4: We answer the call to battle.
Unit_Complete5: Marshal, you bade us?
Unit_Complete6: Razorback, reporting as ordered.
Unit_Complete7: Ready to rain death on our foes, Marshal!
Selection1: Razorback, ready.
Selection2: Weapons primed and ready.
Selection3: Orders?
Selection4: Marshal?
Selection5: Engines Idling.
Selection6: Instructions?
Selection7: Coordinates?
Move1: Orders received.
Move2: Understood Marshal.
Move3: Weapons hot, we're moving.
Move4: Underway.
Move5: En route.
Move6: On our way.
Move7: Advancing.
Attack1: Initiates! Lock and Load!
Attack2: Fire at Will!
Attack3: Emperor have mercy on them.
Attack4: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Attack5: Yes Marshal, Engaging.
Attack6: For the Emperor!
Attack7: Destroy them all!
Under_Fire1: Razorback taking fire!
Under_Fire2: Under Fire!
Under_Fire3: Advise repositioning!
Damage1: Systems failing!
Damage2: Hull integrity degrading!
Damage3: Initiate damage control!
Death1: Bail out!
Death2: Razorback down!
Death3: Self destruct sequence initiated.
Death4: Emperor receive us...
Damocles - Sensor Tank. Coordinates ground forces with any Marine or Imperial Naval forces in orbit. Can call down orbital bombardments and see large parts of the battlefield.
Notes: Sounds like a Black Templar Initiate brother spoken through elaborate electronic distortions. The Damocles is a command vehcile and sophisticated instruction of electronic warfare and direction.
Unit_Complete1: His sanction comes from above
Unit_Complete2: Advance the Emperor’s cause
Unit_Complete3: Love He-on-Terra and he shall reward you
Unit_Complete4: His Holy Purpose is to end the unclean
Unit_Complete5: The angry hand of the God-Emperor
Unit_Complete6: Command me, that I may serve
Unit_Complete7: Their world shall become as a lake of fire
Selection1: Pride is a sin
Selection2: His will from Terra to the stars
Selection3: Have courage
Selection4: Inextinguishable light
Selection5: Cultivate your hate
Selection6: Be mindful
Selection7: Stars from stars
Move1: Persevere and conquer
Move2: Forward for the Emperor
Move3: For Emperor and truth
Move4: Mind and hand
Move5: That is the way
Move6: Humanity advances
Move7: Let it be
Attack1: He is our Light
Attack2: Hazards are naught
Attack3: Intolerance
Attack4: Conquer the darkness
Attack5: Dare to destroy
Attack6: I win
Attack7: Faith or death
Charge1: Advancing on the enemy
Charge2: We shall run you down
Charge3: No fear
Ability1: (orbital bombard) His fire smites the wicked!
Ability2: (orbital bombard) He knows no mercy for the unclean!
Ability3: (orbital bombard) His enemies die in agony!
Ability4: (reveal) The Emperor knows all
Ability5: (reveal) He watches from the heavens
Combat1: I cast you down!
Combat2: In defense of His realm!
Combat3: Pay for your impudence!
Death1: <overloading electronics with explosions>
Death2: Overload!
Death3: Damocles lost!
Death4: Machine-spirit!
Land Speeder Tornado - Fast Attack. Skimmer. Heavier Land Speeder variant, mounting a secondary, under-slung weapon. Many weapon upgrades.
Notes: Vanilla Land Speeder voice with Germanic accent.
Unit_Complete1: I dare all
Unit_Complete2: Here begins new duties
Unit_Complete3: Forgive us our sins
Unit_Complete4: Evil works are turned to ashes before the Emperor light
Unit_Complete5: Hate makes one strong
Unit_Complete6: As He never rests from endless strife, neither shall we
Unit_Complete7: Death is not to be feared, only failure
Selection1: Honor
Selection2: I’m ready
Selection3: I serve
Selection4: Praise Him
Selection5: Steel your mind
Selection6: A world of war
Selection7: Endure
Move1: Let it be done
Move2: Seek and ye shall find
Move3: For the Throne of Terra
Move4: By the hand of Dorn
Move5: In His name
Move6: He is the might and the way
Move7: Forward
Attack1: Taste my fury!
Attack2: None are spared the touch of His wrath…
Attack3: He is the Light
Attack4: So it shall be done!
Attack5: Kill for the Emperor
Attack6: Emperor’s Mercy
Attack7: Exitialis [pronounced "ex-it-ee-ah-lis"]
Charge1: Who shall be first?
Charge2: Now we come to it!
Charge3: Eat damnation!
Combat1: Show me your fury!
Combat2: Flee, fools!
Combat3: Fight well!
Death1: One by one we are diminished
Death2: The toll is taken
Death3: Do not mourn
Death4: I go to rapture at His right hand
Land Speeder Typhoon - Fast Attack. Skimmer. Mount a Typhoon missile launcher in addition to its gunner-operated weapon.
Notes: Vanilla Land Speeder voice with Germanic accent.
Unit_Complete1: We few may die this day
Unit_Complete2: Praise Him, our Paragon, our Exemplar. All-conquering Master of Humanity
Unit_Complete3: I am the instrument of His wrath
Unit_Complete4: Be raised high and exalted
Unit_Complete5: The Emperor’s immortal retinue walk the road of ages
Unit_Complete6: We never fight alone, for The Emperor is our constant
Unit_Complete7: He is the Lord of War, who directs the flight of his Space Marines
Selection1: I am His
Selection2: Resolute
Selection3: Bloody wars and faith
Selection4: By He, mightiest of all men
Selection5: He gives us value
Selection6: I will not yield
Selection7: Throne of Terra
Move1: Moving swiftly
Move2: Emperor be praised
Move3: I shall prepare the way
Move4: Duty above all things
Move5: Justice and vengeance be our watchwords
Move6: As it is written
Move7: The path is singular and clear
Attack1: For Him Enthroned on Earth
Attack2: Judgment, faith, and fury
Attack3: War forevermore
Attack4: By his Light I will prevail
Attack5: Armor cannot shield the heathen
Attack6: Fiery enlightenment
Attack7: For His grace and glory
Charge1: Tremble, enemy of Mankind!
Charge2: I will not waver!
Charge3: Glorious ruin!
Combat1: Go back to your black pit
Combat2: Such hubris, villian [pronounced "hue-bris"]
Combat3: As it shall ever be
Death1: Evasive pattern!
Death2: Dwell forever in His light…
Death3: Remember us…
Death4: Glory and power…
Notes: Vanilla dreadnought voice Death incarnate, towering war machines, each dreadnought is a treasured relic and tangible link to the Chapter’s past heritage only awoken from slumber in times of great need. Each is an Old One, a mighty Black Templar hero having suffered grievous wounds, has been given a great honor to continue his service down the long Road of Ages.
Unit_Complete1: I walk between the darkness and the light.
Unit_Complete2: This day shall be our day of reckoning.
Unit_Complete3: My awakening sows fear in the hearts of the heretic.
Unit_Complete4: There is no such thing as tolerance for the heretics and the xenos as far as the Emperor is concerned.
Unit_Complete5: There is only the Emperor, he is our shield and protector.
Unit_Complete6: I live to serve all believers.
Unit_Complete7: I carry the Emperors will as my torch, with it I destroy the shadows.
Selection1: Armed and ready.
Selection2: *Screeching metal.*
Selection3: Who shall I kill in your name?
Selection4: Prepared to destroy the non-believers.
Selection5: What is your will?
Selection6: I am obliged to your will.
Selection7: I'm awake, I'm awake.
Move1: Look not to the shame of the past, but to the glory of the future.
Move2: Towards the enemy I suppose?
Move3: I'll hunt them down and grind their bones to dust.
Move4: Lead us from death to victory.
Move5: Death, war and blood; in vengeance to serve the Emperor.
Move6: Rejoice in furious challenge.
Move7: Be pleased with this wars tumultuous roar.
Attack1: Crush their hopes, their dreams. And turn their songs into cries of lamentation.
Attack2: Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.
Attack3: We are called by the Emperor with a sacred duty to conquer it in his name.
Attack4: Let us wash away the stain of our dishonour in the hot blood of our enemies.
Attack5: My craft is death.
Attack6: In war there is simply a choice. Defeat them or be defeated. And defeat them we shall.
Attack7: Death to all in our path.
Charge1: No pity! No Remorse! No fear!
Charge2: Where there is rage, I shall show its course.
Charge3: Take no prisoners.
Combat1: Kill them all, all I say!
Combat2: In the name of the Emperor I smite you!
Combat3: *Incoherent words, loud scream.*
Death1: *High pitched scream and then creaking metal/collapse.*
Death2: Your honour is your life, let none dispute it.
Death3: To the Emperor now....
Death4: I see it? I see what is coming...
Venerable Dreadnought
Notes: An ancient even among the deathless olden ranks of Dreadnoughts. As much machine as marine, his voice is very mechanical indeed, and in the flat vox speech, only the attentive might detect a shade of sorrow and forgetfulness that is the toll of encasement and near immortality in the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought chassis
Unit_Complete1: Admit your errors and ask forgiveness of your brothers
Unit_Complete2: How the echoes of bygone ages ring on in me
Unit_Complete3: The Emperor sits in judgment
Unit_Complete4: The Emperor’s mandate preserves me through the ages
Unit_Complete5: Through these many wars and campaigns, I endure
Unit_Complete6: If I endure for all eternity, war shall still be my church, death my prayer
Unit_Complete7: Dither not in pursuit of duty, even if it takes you to the end of life and beyond
Selection1: You are so sure of yourself
Selection2: Dreadnought endures… forever
Selection3: There is always war
Selection4: Is the Emperor returned to us…?
Selection5: Hailing command channel
Selection6: Brethren hear me
Selection7: Have respect
Move1: An eternity for the Emperor
Move2: This struggle shall never end
Move3: His will be done
Move4: Know my name and purpose
Move5: I will have passage
Move6: In His sign shall I walk this road of ages
Move7: Until the end of time, or death take me
Attack1: Terra eternal
Attack2: Let the transgressor be turned aside
Attack3: Crusade forth in faith
Attack4: Compassion is weakness
Attack5: Be staunch in faith, without mercy for enemies
Attack6: Attack for effect
Attack7: Conquest or death
Charge1: The Emperor punishes the wicked
Charge2: Fiend!
Charge3: Cry out for mercy in vain
Ability1: I am the Emperor’s instrument, that I might smite His enemies
Ability2: The hammer of His crusading wrath
Ability3: Bid me to destroy them
Ability4: I will protect you
Ability5: From death and destruction shall I shield you
Combat1: Atone, unbeliever
Combat2: Consider your repentance at my hands
Combat3: See what I have wrought
Death1: Recover me…
Death2: Brothers…
Death3: My chassis fails…
Death4: Sleep… once more…
Notes: Experienced, Cold, Calculating. Pure Hatred for the enemy pervades every thought in this operator.
Unit_Complete1: Predator deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Predator on the field.
Unit_Complete3: Predator ready.
Unit_Complete4: All weapons primed and ready, Marshal.
Unit_Complete5: The Emperor's righteous fist, reporting.
Unit_Complete6: Predator, ready for orders.
Unit_Complete7: Predator, planetside and idling.
Selection1: Predator here.
Selection2: Orders?
Selection3: Have you found us targets yet?
Selection4: Itching for action, Marshal.
Selection5: Instructions?
Selection6: Ready and Able, Marshal.
Selection7: Ready to bring death to our foes.
Move1: Repositioning.
Move2: Advancing.
Move3: Moving as ordered.
Move4: Orders understood.
Move5: Coordinates received, Marshal.
Move6: Under way.
Move7: En route.
Attack1: Gladly.
Attack2: Target information received.
Attack3: Engaging targets.
Attack4: We shall bring them death.
Attack5: Bringing down the Emperor's Wrath on them!
Attack6: Destroy them all!
Attack7: Firing all weapons.
Charge1: Run them down.
Charge2: Give no quarter.
Charge3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Death1: <Clanking Metal> [Defiant Scream]
Death2: Forgive me, Emperor, for I have failed you.
Death3: Bail out!
Death4: Self-destruct sequence initiated!
Notes: Experienced, Cold, Calculating. Pure Hatred for the enemy pervades every thought in this operator.
Unit_Complete1: Vindicator deployed.
Unit_Complete2: You called for a line breaker, Marshal?
Unit_Complete3: Biggest gun in the arsenal, reporting.
Unit_Complete4: Vindicator planetside and idling.
Unit_Complete5: Vindicator ready for orders.
Unit_Complete6: Vindicator ready.
Unit_Complete7: Vindicator on the field.
Selection1: Vindicator reporting.
Selection2: Vox open.
Selection3: Orders?
Selection4: Instructions?
Selection5: Demolisher loaded and ready.
Selection6: Ready and able, Marshal.
Selection7: Ready to bring death to our foes.
Move1: Repositioning.
Move2: Advancing.
Move3: Moving as ordered.
Move4: Orders understood.
Move5: Coordinates received, Marshal.
Move6: Under way.
Move7: En route.
Attack1: Target information received.
Attack2: Engaging targets.
Attack3: Bringing down the Emperor's hammer!
Attack4: Firing all weapons!
Attack5: We shall bring them death.
Attack6: Demolishing selected targets.
Attack7: Gladly.
Charge1: Run them down.
Charge2: Give no quarter.
Charge3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Death1: Self-destruct sequence initiated.
Death2: Emperor receive us!
Death3: Vindicator down!
Death4: Bail out!
Land Raider
Notes: Confident and experienced, Militaristic precision.
Unit_Complete1: Land Raider deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Land Raider, planetside and idling.
Unit_Complete3: The Emperor's divine wrath, yours to command.
Unit_Complete4: Land Raider, ready for orders.
Unit_Complete5: Godhammers charged and ready.
Unit_Complete6: You bade us, Marshal?
Unit_Complete7: Where do you need us, Marshal?
Selection1: Land Raider here.
Selection2: Orders?
Selection3: Instructions?
Selection4: Vox link established.
Selection5: Marshal?
Selection6: Engines idling.
Selection7: Ready to go, Marshal.
Move1: Coordinates received.
Move2: Under way.
Move3: Advancing.
Move4: Moving.
Move5: Understood.
Move6: On our way.
Move7: Acknowledged.
Attack1: Proceeding with Attack Pattern Beta.
Attack2: Gunners, look alive!
Attack3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Attack4: Yes Marshal, engaging.
Attack5: Target received.
Attack6: The Emperor's wrath shall descend as you order.
Attack7: Gunners, fire at will.
Charge1: Run them down.
Charge2: Give no quarter.
Charge3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Death1: Self-destruct sequence initiated.
Death2: Emperor receive us.
Death3: Land Raider down!
Death4: Bail out!
Land Raider Crusader
Notes: Confident and experienced, Militaristic precision.
Unit_Complete1: Land Raider Crusader deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Land Raider Crusader, planetside and idling.
Unit_Complete3: The Emperor's divine wrath, yours to command.
Unit_Complete4: Land Raider Crusader, ready for orders.
Unit_Complete5: All systems check green, ready for duty.
Unit_Complete6: You bade us, Marshal?
Unit_Complete7: Where do you need us, Marshal?
Selection1: Crusader here.
Selection2: Orders?
Selection3: Instructions?
Selection4: Vox link established.
Selection5: Marshal?
Selection6: Engines idling.
Selection7: Ready to go, Marshal.
Move1: Coordinates received.
Move2: Under way.
Move3: Advancing.
Move4: Moving.
Move5: Understood.
Move6: On our way.
Move7: Acknowledged.
Attack1: Proceeding with Attack Pattern Echo.
Attack2: Gunners, look alive!
Attack3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Attack4: Yes Marshal, engaging.
Attack5: Target received.
Attack6: The Emperor's wrath shall descend as you order.
Attack7: Gunners, fire at will.
Charge1: Run them down.
Charge2: Give no quarter.
Charge3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Death1: Self-destruct sequence initiated.
Death2: Emperor receive us!
Death3: Crusader down!
Death4: Bail out!
Land Raider Prometheus
Notes: Regal, quiet but commanding.
Unit_Complete1: Land Raider Prometheus deployed.
Unit_Complete2: Land Raider Prometheus, planetside and idling.
Unit_Complete3: Marshal? Your ride is here.
Unit_Complete4: Land Raider Prometheus, ready for orders.
Unit_Complete5: Land Raider Prometheus on the field.
Unit_Complete6: Ready to lead.
Unit_Complete7: Sensors engaged, Battle Barge uplink established.
Selection1: Command and Control here.
Selection2: Status Report.
Selection3: Vox open. Go ahead.
Selection4: Vox link established.
Selection5: Command?
Selection6: Are we needed, Marshal?
Selection7: Prometheus on site.
Move1: Coordinates received.
Move2: Under way.
Move3: Advancing.
Move4: Moving.
Move5: Understood.
Move6: On our way.
Move7: Acknowledged.
Attack1: Proceeding with Attack Pattern Alpha.
Attack2: Engaging.
Attack3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Attack4: All Heavy Bolters, fire!
Attack5: Target received.
Attack6: Targets marked and sent.
Attack7: Gunners, fire at will.
Charge1: Run them down.
Charge2: Give no quarter.
Charge3: Purge, Cleanse, Purify.
Death1: Self-destruct sequence initiated.
Death2: Emperor receive us!
Death3: C&C down!
Death4: Sending final Vox burst!
The clarions of chaos call loud! Curse them!
Fell traitors merit only death
Dark Eldar
We shall exterminate all your kind, corsair
Abominate the Xenos. Hunt down the Pirate.
Unfathomable alien witches
Tell your heathen gods that it was the Black Templars who laid you at their doorstep
Imperial Guard
It is written that by his actions you shall know the heretic. So I declare you hereticus
The loyalties of men are filled with doubt and fear, such is it with you
We have not forgotten the ancient warnings, thinking machine. Your end is neigh
Unholy daemon machines
We know your leader well, Ork
Creatures of Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka [pronounced "gahz-cool mag ur-rook thrak-a"]
Greenskin scum
Sisters of Battle
What you have in faith, you lose in idiocy, sister
By the sin of decadence, I denounce you, creature of the Ministorum
Space Marines
Your faith is weak, brother
This is not befitting of Astartes, brother
The Emperor grants expansionism only to Mankind, blue alien
Come, faithless alien
Black Templars
Our brothers are fallen, the seed of Dorn corrupted. Death to the renegade.
This is a dark day that Black Templar fights Black Templar
Blood Angels
The hand of mutation and bloodthirst is upon you, brother
This madness disgraces noble Sanguinius, brother!
Dark Angels
The Dark Angels have forgotten the Emperor’s agenda, brother
The trust you merit is in short supply, Dark Angel brother
Fallen Angels
Surrender now, renegade Astartes
You disgrace your Chapter, fallen one
Legion of the Damned
Ghosts are the legacy of the damned, destroy them
Now you wish to use trickery on me, cursed phantom
Space Wolves/13th Company
Trust not the mutant, for he be your brother no longer
Are you Marine or beast, *brother*?
We know you well, son of Guilliman
Was the betrayal of the Terrible Angel not enough, Ultramarine?
White Scars
There is much of the savage in you, brother
Withdraw, riders of Khan. The Emperor wills it
Death Guard
How far it is you have fallen, Death Guard
Your soul rots, traitor
Emperors Children
Those who give in to corruption forfeit their souls, son of Fulgim
You die today, fallen Children
Iron Warriors
You cannot besiege the besiegers, Iron Warrior
We shall purge your soul *for* you, spawn of Perturabo
Thousand Sons
Let their fate stand warning – warp-magick breeds only treachery
No more of your lies, Thousand Son!
World Eaters
Your Daemon-Primarch fails here, traitor. As you failed on Armaggeddon
A thousand curses on Angron the Accursed, the Blood-soaked, the Fallen One
Word Bearers
Zeal knows no boundary against the heretic.
Death Korps of Kreig
You are misguided by your orders, Death Corps
You atone poorly for your rebellion, Krieger
Your lack of discipline is disturbing, Elysian.
You shall not be so cavalier with His angels, Elysian
Those who trespass against His angels, trespass against Him, foolish Mordian
Once touched by Chaos, always touched by Chaos, Mordian
You faith is as lacking as your humility, Praetorian
Pride is a sin, Guardsman of Praetoria
Steel Legions
Armor plate shall avail you not, rebel
Could you not heed the example of those brave on Armaggeddon, heretic?
Go back to your deserts, heretic
Your sacrilege disgraces honored Tallarn, guardman
Foolish rebel, now only the cold of the Emperor’s Mercy awaits you
Resist at your peril, iceworlder
Do you desert the Emperor in his hour of need yet again, rebel?
You disgrace your grey saint, heretic
Alien filth!
Your illusions are wasted on the Emperor’s faithful, xenos
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Your Inquisition has no authority here
The Emperor’s Astartes are sovereign, Inquisitor
You overstep yourself, Hereticus
Your meddling ends now, witch hunter
There is no xenos breed so alien, so utter voracious as the tyranid
The extra-galactic menace is damned in the eyes of the Emperor and all men
Abhor the hideous daemon!
By the Emperor, we shall slay this demon!
Behold.. Foul Demon!
We have spotted the enemy.
Enemy is sighted.
The Faithless ones approach.
Behold.. they come.
The Enemy will attack us at their own peril.
These are no allies to the Emperor.
Fear not sword brothers!
Curse this foul beast!
We have located the priority target.
Look.. enemy tanks approach.
Enemy armour in the area!
We require devastator support!
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 04 November 2009 - 06:15 AM
Techmarine Builder - Standard Tech Marine builder unit lacking major upgrades.
Techmarine - Advanced TechMarine aka "Master of the Forge" available in middle tiers. Has multiple arm and weapon upgrades.
Tech Servitor - A Servitor squad buildable when Adv. TechMarine is on the field. Has weapon upgrades such as Tech, Bolter, PlasmaCannon, and Melta Gun.
Combat/Relay - Basic Tier1 Crusader Combat squad. Has Neophyte Squad Leader.
Combat/Relay Sargent - Neophyte Squad Leader for the Combat squad.
Crusader/Relay - Close Combat Initiate. Has Neophyte Close Combat Squad Leader.
Crusader/Relay Sargent - Neophyte Squad Leader for the Crusader squad. Fierce melee warrior with many years of battle experience.
Crusader Ranged/Relay - Ranged Initiate. Has Neophyte Squad Leader.
Crusader Ranged/Relay Sargent - Neophyte Squad Leader for the Crusader Ranged squad. Fierce warrior with many years of battle experience.
Attack Bike - Fast Attack Choice. Has multiple weapon upgrades.
Assault Marines - Fast Attack Choice. Assault Initiates who use jump packs to assault enemies from above in close combat.
Sword Brethren/Relay - Heavy Infantry. Experienced soldiers possessing exceptional fighting skills and resolve in battle. Multiple Ranged weapon upgrades. Has Squad Leader.
Sword Brethren/Relay Sargent - Squad Leader for Sword Brethren squad. Lightning Claws Sword Brethren with incredible battlefield experience.
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay - Heavy Infantry. Experienced soldiers possessing exceptional fighting skills and resolve in battle. Multiple close combat weapon upgrades. Has Squad Leader.
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay Sargent - Squad Leader for Sword Brethren Close Combat squad. Lightning Claws Sword Brethren with incredible battlefield experience.
Terminator - Sword Brethren Terminator Squad. Mighty battlefield warriors armoured and armed with incredible firepower and resilience.
Terminator Assault - Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad. Mighty battlefield warriors armoured and armed with incredible firepower and resilience. Has multiple squad leaders.
Terminator Assault Sargent #1 - Squad Leader for Terminator Assault squad. Sword Brethren Lightning Claws Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with Lightning Claws.
Terminator Assault Sargent #2 - Squad Leader for Terminator Assault squad. Sword Brethren Assault Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with a ThunderHammer and Storm Shield.
Command Squad Lead - An Initiate honoured with serving as bodyguard for a Black Templar Company Commander. Has Multiple Leaders.
Command Squad Leader #1 - Apothecary - Healer unit. Skilled medic that can perform battle surgery.
Command Squad Leader #2 - Sergent - Experienced Sword Brethren who will lead the Command Squad if Commander is absent.
Command Squad Leader #3 - Champion - A Marine who has been given the honour of serving as the Emperor's Sword in battle. Close combat expert.
Command Squad Leader #4 - Banner Bearer - A Marine who has been given the honour of carrying his company's Battle Standard.
Chaplain - Secondary Commander unit. Spiritual leader. Terrifying and sinister figures of holy purity. Equipped with the mighty Crozius Arcanum.
Emperors Champion - Commander unit. A Marine who has been given the honour of serving as the Emperor's Sword in battle. A mighty close combat killer. Has Black Sword and Combat Shield.
Castellan - Commander unit. A Sword Brethren who has earned the right to lead a Crusade's Fighting Company. Commands and supports Black Templar Squads into battle.
Marshall - Commander unit. A Company Commander, second only in experience and skill to the Chapter's own Master. Excels at close combat and inspires all Space Marines under his command.
Rhino - Standard metal transport box we all love. Equipped with Storm bolter to suppress infantry.
Razorback - Troop Assault Transport. At the cost of transport space, provides extra fast-moving heavy weapons for attacks.
Damocles - Sensor Tank. Coordinates ground forces with any Marine or Imperial Naval forces in orbit. Can call down orbital bombardments and see large parts of the battlefield.
Land Speeder Tornado - Fast Attack. Skimmer. Heavier Land Speeder variant, mounting a secondary, under-slung weapon. Many weapon upgrades.
Land Speeder Typhoon - Fast Attack. Skimmer. Mount a Typhoon missile launcher in addition to its gunner-operated weapon.
Dreadnought/Relay - Heavy Walker. Has multiple weapon upgrades.
Predator - Heavy Tank. Has weapon upgrades.
Vindicator - Heavy Siege Tank.
Land Raider - Elite Heavy Support Transport Tank.
Land Raider Crusader - Elite Troop Transport Tank.
Land Raider Prometheus - HQ Transport / Command and Control Tank.
Spotting (2 of each - spoken by Tier1 main infantry -- Combat/Relay ):
Vanilla Factions
Dark Eldar
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Space Marines
User Factions
Space Marine Chapters
Black Templars
Blood Angels
Dark Angels
Fallen Angels
Legion of the Damned
Space Wolves/13th Company
White Scars
Chaos Marks
Death Guard/Nurgle
Emperors Children/Slaanesh
Iron Warriors
Thousand Sounds/Tzeentch
World Eaters/Khorne
Imperial Guard
Death Korps of Kreig
Steel Legions
Inquisition Daemonhunt
Black Templars -- random voice scripts
For Dorn and him on earth
Retreat is not an option
For his Grace and Glory
Marshall/Emperors Champion:
"Gloria Imperium!"
"Insert army-wide vow here _____"
"I carry the Emperors will as my torch, with it I destroy the shadows"
*Creaking*...*Gibberish moan*
" The Galaxy is the Emperor's. And anyone or anything that challenges that claim is an enemy that must be destroyed"
"For the emperor i died, now i live in glory"
"I live foreverer in the emperors Name"
"Thank i served in life... now i fight in eternal crusade"
Assault Initiate:
"On our way."
"Scorched skies!"
"My will is yours."
"Duty and honour to serve the Emperor."
"In the emperors name... die Witch"
"For the glory of the imperium .... Kill them all"
"There is no retreat... only glory or death"
"Give them nothing... and take from them everything"
"Avenge the emperor ... Kill the traitors"
"The Crusade in the emperors name... to his glory"
"No Pity, no remorse..."
"For the emperor i live...and die in glory"
"Kill them all... traitors has not redemption"
"Engage till the last of them"
"Brothers... die in glory... CHAAAARGE"
"Die in glory as sigismund the first champion"
"Lightning fast death blows. Thats how we work."
"In and out before you can blink."
Sword Brethren:
"This day shall be our day of reckoning."
"Honour is found in the death of the heretic."
"Shoulder pads, check. Weapons, check. Now then, where are the ones to kill?"
"For the last time! I know not of this land of 'Germany.' I know only the Emperor and my own ship."
Further random scripts:
“Steadfast, like Lord Dorn” - morale saying.
“Emperor’s teeth! that will not happen again!” - after regaining morale.
“Emperor deliver me” - when failed morale. (pleading)
“I smell a Witch”
“Hex-speaker, your judgement is near”
“Foul xenos, you disgust me!”
“Praise the Emperor, foes to kill”
“3 on 1, it hardly seems fair (for them)” (when outnumbered) - laughing.
“5 on 1, now that’s more like it” (when outnumbered)
“They are a great tide, this will be glorious”
“Purge them.... to the last drop of blood”
“I find your lack of faith, disturbing....” - against other Imperials.
“Stand down Guard, and we shall be merciful”
“Our loyalty is shown true, for we never relent”
“By the Black Sword of Sigismund”
“The Emperor’s Will is my torch, and I bring illumination.... and Fire!”
“The Emperor willed it”
“The Emperor wills it”
“For the High Marshal!”
“This will make for a grand re-telling on The Eternal Crusader”
“Helbrecht would be proud”
“By the Golden throne, we will prevail”
“Here comes the Emperor’s Sword of Justice”
“With the Reclusiarch’s blessing, we will over come”
“We are the Emperor’s crusaders”
“Judgement’s mailed fist comes”
“Brother! No! - you’ll pay for that, scum!” - in a hard fight.
“Their techno-sorcery defies me!” - in a hard fight.
“You can’t run forever” - when enemy flees.
“Accept any challenge, no matter the odds”
“Abhor the Witch, destroy the Witch”
“Uphold the honour of the Emperor”
“Suffer not the Unclean to live”
“You are an Abomination, your time has come”
“Daemon, time to go home”
“(the) Possessed, we shall end your shame”
“Blasphemy” - when daemons are spotted.
“Daemons?! Proof material of our foes corruption” - includes Eldar Avatar.
“Traitor, your reckoning looms”
“Heretic, did you think you’d not be called to account?”
“Your skull for the Golden throne, fool” - to Khorne Berserkers.
“Eldar.... what meddling do they wreck upon us, this time?”
“Eldar?! Perfideous xenos!”
“Greenskins? Fodder for my blade”
“Uugh! Orks, the smell is revolting!”
“Waaa this, beast!”
“Ah, the Tau, Damocles resumes....” (chuckles at the end)
“Your guns won’t save you from us, Tau”
“The Greater Good? More xeno’s lies”
"We are the knights of the Emperor. Like Sigismund before us."
"Only we take up the cause of the eternal crusade"
"Lesser Astartes wear the aquila. We do not, for we are His symbol."
"Hatred is good. Hones the mind. Let it light a fire of wrath in your hearts my brethren."
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 05 November 2009 - 01:37 PM
Unit_Complete1: I walk between the darkness and the light.
Unit_Complete2: This day shall be our day of reckoning.
Unit_Complete3: My awakening sows fear in the hearts of the heretic.
Unit_Complete4: There is no such thing as tolerance for the heretics and the xenos as far as the Emperor is concerned.
Unit_Complete5: There is only the Emperor, he is our shield and protector.
Unit_Complete6: I live to serve all believers.
Unit_Complete7: I carry the Emperors will as my torch, with it I destroy the shadows.
Selection1: Armed and ready.
Selection2: *Screeching metal.*
Selection3: Who shall I kill in your name?
Selection4: Prepared to destroy the non-believers.
Selection5: What is your will?
Selection6: I am obliged to your will.
Selection7: I'm awake, I'm awake.
Move1: Look not to the shame of the past, but to the glory of the future.
Move2: Towards the enemy I suppose?
Move3: I'll hunt them down and grind their bones to dust.
Move4: Lead us from death to victory.
Move5: Death, war and blood; in vengeance to serve the Emperor.
Move6: Rejoice in furious challenge.
Move7: Be pleased with this wars tumultous roar.
Attack1: Crush their hopes, their dreams. And turn their songs into cries of lamentation.
Attack2: Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.
Attack3: We are called by the Emperor with a sacred duty to conquer it in his name.
Attack4: Let us wash away the stain of our dishonour in the hot blood of our enemies.
Attack5: My craft is death.
Attack6: In war there is simply a choice. Defeat them or be defeated. And defeat them we shall.
Attack7: Death to all in our path.
Charge1: No pity! No Remorse! No fear!
Charge2: Where there is rage, I shall show its course.
Charge3: Take no prisoners.
Combat1: Kill them all, all I say!
Combat2: In the name of the Emperor I smite you!
Combat3: *Incoherent words, loud screem.*
Death1: *High pitched screem and then creaking metal/collapse.*
Death2: Your honour is your life, let none dispute it.
Death3: To the Emperor now....
Death4: I see it? I see what is coming...
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 05 November 2009 - 02:59 PM
Unit_Complete1: Chaplain anointed
Unit_Complete2: Minister of the God Emperor
Unit_Complete3: Acknowledge death, but do not succumb to its touch
Unit_Complete4: Let the worthy rejoice
Unit_Complete5: I carry the Emperors word
Unit_Complete6: Instrument of his will
Unit_Complete7: Righteous zeal
Selection1: Vox in excelso (A voice from on high)
Selection2: The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching
Selection3: Trust no one else
Selection4: I administer his will
Selection5: Suffer not the heretic
Selection6: Ignorance is no defence
Selection7: No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear
Move1: Quod divina sapientia (What divine wisdom)
Move2: By the Emperors command
Move3: His will be done
Move4: I bring light to dark paths
Move5: Fear not the unknown
Move6: The Emperor guides me
Move7: Carrying the Emperors word forward
Attack1: Deus imperator noster vult (apx. Our God Emperor Wills It)*
Attack2: Suffer not the unclean to live
Attack3: To the darkness I bring fire
Attack4: Smite now the scions of the witch
Attack5: We are the Emperors wrath
Attack6: Purge the xenos filth
Attack7: Let the glory of battle envelop us
Point_Capture1: In nomine imperator (In the name of the Emperor)
Point_Capture2: Uphold the honour of the Imperium
Point_Capture3: The galaxy belongs to the Emperor
Point_Captured1: It has been cleansed
Point_Captured2: Great are the artifices of the Imperium
Point_Captured3: I bless it in the name of the Emperor
Join1: Join me my brothers
Join2: Behold the Emperors congregation
Join3: Rally to me Templars
Detach1: Heed my sermon brothers
Detach2: This path is mine alone
LoadTransport1: I will ride the Emperors chariot
LoadTransport2: This vessel shall deliver us
UnloadTransport1: Time to face the trial anew
UnloadTransport2: Back into the service of battle
MoraleBreak1: My faith has faltered
MoraleBreak2: Darkness overwhelms me
MoraleRestored1: Faith above all
MoraleRestored2: Have resolve my brothers
Charge1: Abolendam (abolition/abolishing)
Charge2: The enemy will see my face and know fear
Charge3: Forward into battle
Jump/Teleport1: I fly on wings of holy fire
Jump/Teleport2: By his unlimited power
Deepstrike1: His will from above
Deepstrike2: We descend from on high
Ability1: Omne Datum Optimum (Every perfect gift)**
Ability2: To the ignorant I bring faith
Ability3: Cleansing fire
Ability4: Exorcising
Ability5: Behold the Emperors might
Combat1: Smite and burn
Combat2: No pity
Combat3: Fight with zeal
Under_Fire1: Emperor shield me
Under_Fire2: Heretic fire
Under_Fire3: They strike from afar because they are weak
Damage1: My soul armour fails me
Damage2: No fear
Damage3: Holy Rosarius protect me
Death1: Death before dishonour
Death2: And so my final sermon is given
Death3: I am martyred
Death4: I give unto myself the Rite of Passage
*Based on the real crusading rallying cry of Deus Vult, 'God Wills It'
**Taken from the papal bull detailing the rights/privileges of the Knights Templar
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 06 November 2009 - 02:29 AM
Unit_Complete1: We have learned from His Angels of Death, and now join their ranks.
Unit_Complete2: We are here to prove our worth!
Unit_Complete3: (As a group) We swear to serve you, Commander!
Unit_Complete4: Here to serve the will of the Marshal!
Unit_Complete5: Our training is complete, their slaughter can begin.
Unit_Complete6: Seek the enemy, destroy the enemy.
Unit_Complete7: Our pledge is eternal service, Commander.
Selection1: We will find the enemy, just give the order!
Selection2: Our souls burn with righteous fury!
Selection3: Whatever the order, we will follow!
Selection4: Let us prove our worth to the Emperor!
Selection5: Sons of Dorn, ready to move.
Selection6: What would you have of us?
Selection7: (Impatiently) By Sigismund, give us our orders!
Move1: Is the enemy there?
Move2: Yes, we go now!
Move3: Our hate will grant us haste.
Move4: Wrath shall drive us forward!
Move5: We will advance, without fear!
Move6: Death comes quickly, for we are swift!
Move7: Our advance can not be halted!
Attack1: Destroy all who would challenge the Emperor's will!
Attack2: My blade shall taste their blood!
Attack3: Your impurity will be cleansed by my hatred!
Attack4: By faith and fury, they shall be purged!
Attack5: A carpet of corpses will be our wake!
Attack6: The blood of the heretic shall baptize our blades!
Attack7: Our purge begins now!
Point_Capture1: It shall be ours, at any cost!
Point_Capture2: We will raise the Banner of the Emperor high!
Point_Capture3: A simple task for an Angel of Death.
Point_Captured1: Area secured Commander, now send us forward!
Point_Captured2: Our armies shall walk under the banner of the Emperor.
Point_Captured3: The strategic point has been captured, moving on to the next target!
LoadTransport1: Carry us to the battle!
LoadTransport2: This transport shall take us into the heart of the enemy!
UnloadTransport1: Into the field brothers, the battle is nigh!
UnloadTransport2: We have arrived, what task do you have for us?
MoraleBreak1: Our zeal has failed us!
MoraleBreak2: Emperor damn them! Fall back!
MoraleRestored1: We know no fear!
MoraleRestored2: Rallied and ready to return to the fray!
Charge1: Chaaaaaarge!
Charge2: For the Marshal!
Charge3: Slay the beasts!
Charge4: To the enemy!
Jump/Teleport1: Advancing from the unexpected quarter.
Jump/Teleport2: Into the heart of the enemy, brothers!
Deepstrike1: His Angels descend from the skies!
Deepstrike2: Battle brothers, on the way!
Combat1: For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!
Combat2: Feel my hatred, heretic!
Combat3: Your death is upon you!
Under_Fire1: Their guns can not stop us! Charge!
Under_Fire2: Under enemy fire and ready to advance!
Under_Fire3: The enemy are here, do not hold us back!
Damage1: Ack... Pain has no meaning for me!
Damage2: Ah, a scar to mark my victory!
Damage3: No injury can stop my wrath!
Death1: My reward is... salvation.
Death2: Brothers... avenge me.
Death3: I die with my honor...
Death4: The galaxy... will be ours...
Crusader (Sergeant for Combat Squad)
Unit_Complete1: The wrath of their youth, tempered my hatred and experience.
Unit_Complete2: I am here to guide your fury.
Unit_Complete3: You have learned the craft of death, follow me to master it.
Unit_Complete4: Follow me brothers, to glory and victory!
Unit_Complete5: I have tread the paths of war, let me show you the way.
Unit_Complete6: With my leadership, honor will be ours.
Unit_Complete7: The Marshal sends me to lead you, brothers.
Selection1: Crusaders, ready for orders.
Selection2: Hated has filled us, we are ready to serve.
Selection3: Loyal servants until death, we wait for our orders.
Selection4: What is needed of us?
Selection5: The young Initiates are eager, where shall I direct their fury?
Selection6: We're ready for our orders.
Selection7: Ready to advance, where are we needed?
Move1: As Sigismund, we seek the enemy!
Move2: Advance, sons of Dorn!
Move3: Where we are needed, we will go.
Move4: The enemy will fear our tread.
Move5: Moving to attack positions.
Move6: As we advance, so does our devotion.
Move7: To the front, brothers.
Attack1: Let holy rage consume you!
Attack2: An eternity of war is ours, brothers!
Attack3: Crush them beneath your boots marines!
Attack4: Attack, attack until there is nothing left!
Attack5: Lay waste to them, sons of Dorn!
Attack6: Vengeance for the Emperor!
Attack7: To stand before us is to stand before Death itself!
Point_Capture1: It shall be ours, at any cost!
Point_Capture2: We will raise the Banner of the Emperor high!
Point_Capture3: A simple task for an Angel of Death.
Point_Captured1: Area secured Commander, now send us forward!
Point_Captured2: Our armies shall walk under the banner of the Emperor.
Point_Captured3: The strategic point has been captured, moving on to the next target!
LoadTransport1: Carry us to the battle!
LoadTransport2: This transport shall take us into the heart of the enemy!
UnloadTransport1: Into the field brothers, the battle is nigh!
UnloadTransport2: We have arrived, what task do you have for us?
MoraleBreak1: Our zeal has failed us!
MoraleBreak2: Emperor damn them! Fall back!
MoraleRestored1: We know no fear!
MoraleRestored2: Rallied and ready to return to the fray!
Charge1: Chaaaaaarge!
Charge2: For the Marshal!
Charge3: Slay the beasts!
Charge4: To the enemy!
Jump/Teleport1: Advancing from the unexpected quarter.
Jump/Teleport2: Into the heart of the enemy, brothers!
Deepstrike1: His Angels descend from the skies!
Deepstrike2: Battle brothers, on the way!
Combat1: For Sigismund! For Dorn! For the Emperor!
Combat2: Feel my hatred, heretic!
Combat3: Your death is upon you!
Under_Fire1: Their guns can not stop us! Charge!
Under_Fire2: Under enemy fire and ready to advance!
Under_Fire3: The enemy are here, do not hold us back!
Damage1: Ack... Pain has no meaning for me!
Damage2: Ah, a scar to mark my victory!
Damage3: No injury can stop my wrath!
Death1: My reward is... salvation.
Death2: Brothers... avenge me.
Death3: I die with my honor...
Death4: The galaxy... will be ours...
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 06 November 2009 - 06:21 AM
Unit_Complete1: Crusaders here, ready for combat.
Unit_Complete2: Ready to lead the charge, Commander.
Unit_Complete3: We are here, to put this world to the sword.
Unit_Complete4: The Great Crusade has come to this world.
Unit_Complete5: Dorn's wrath has arrived.
Unit_Complete6: The will of the Emperor has brought us here to conquer this world.
Unit_Complete7: the swords of the Emperor are here to annihilate.
Selection1: Melee squad, ready for battle!
Selection2: What enemy needs to meet our blades?
Selection3: We have vowed to follow you, Commander.
Selection4: Where shall we press the assault?
Selection5: Our weapons are ready for butcher's work.
Selection6: What is His will, Commander?
Selection7: Whatever you need of us Commander.
Move1: Crusaders, advance to battle!
Move2: We will crush everything in our path!
Move3: Their death comes swiftly.
Move4: Relocating, Commander.
Move5: Our zeal will grant us haste!
Move6: We will lend our strength there.
Move7: Pushing forward.
Attack1: Let the bloodbath begin!
Attack2: We will destroy them all!
Attack3: Forward, into their midst Marines!
Attack4: To melee, sons of Dorn!
Attack5: Honor your oaths, Templar!
Attack6: Eradicate them without mercy!
Attack7: Our blades shall rend them asunder!
Point_Capture1: Our skill is wasted on such a task, but we go.
Point_Capture2: Is that needed for the Crusade?
Point_Capture3: We will assault that position.
Point_Captured1: It's ours, ready to attack the next position.
Point_Captured2: This point belongs to the Emperor now.
Point_Captured3: Dorn would be shamed at such meager defense.
LoadTransport1: Driver, carry us to battle!
LoadTransport2: Swiftly, we are needed elsewhere!
UnloadTransport1: We're needed here brothers.
UnloadTransport2: Ready your chainswords and dismount!
MoraleBreak1: Impossible! Our assault has been beaten back!
MoraleBreak2: Shame is ours, we must fall back!
MoraleRestored1: Rallied and ready to go into the breach again!
MoraleRestored2: It was a minor setback, they will fall before our blades soon.
Charge1: (*revving of a chainsaw*) Eviscerate!
Charge2: For oath and glory!
Charge3: The Emperor wills it!
Charge4: Cleanse the unclean!
Jump/Teleport1: Reinforcements on their way.
Jump/Teleport2: No where is safe from our wrath!
Deepstrike1: Cut off the head, slay the body!
Deepstrike2: Into the heart of the enemy we go!
Combat1: Stain the ground with their blood!
Combat2: The Emperor's wrath is upon you!
Combat3: Your death is inevitable!
Under_Fire1: Assault squad under fire!
Under_Fire2: Charge that enemy fire point!
Under_Fire3: Prepare for the charge, Templar!
Damage1: They've found weak points in my armor!
Damage2: Emperor protect us!
Damage3: It is only a flesh wound, I can continue.
Death1: Press... the attack...
Death2: Avenge my failure...
Death3: Continue without me...
Death4: I die in service to you... Emperor...
Venerable Crusader (Melee) - Squad Leader for Melee Crusader Squad
Unit_Complete1: I lead with the experience of two centuries of warfare.
Unit_Complete2: I will lead the charge.
Unit_Complete3: By order of the Marshal, I am here to focus your hate.
Unit_Complete4: We will break the enemy.
Unit_Complete5: It is an honor to lead you into battle.
Unit_Complete6: We will raise our swords together, brothers.
Unit_Complete7: With my leadership, we can not fail.
Selection1: Melee squad, ready to attack.
Selection2: Your orders, commander?
Selection3: Where should we attack?
Selection4: The initiates are anxious, what task do you have for us?
Selection5: Hatred, wrath, and fury are in our souls, as our chainswords are in our hands.
Selection6: A challenge for us?
Selection7: Will this task be worthy of our skills?
Move1: Advance, Templar!
Move2: The planet will tremble with our passing.
Move3: Yes sir, we are on our way.
Move4: A wise position to attack from.
Move5: Only a fool would stand before us.
Move6: We go, closer to the enemy.
Move7: Swiftly brothers, we are needed elsewhere!
Attack1: Remember the oaths you swore to the Emperor, and attack!
Attack2: No fear, no remorse, no mercy!
Attack3: Let fury give you strength, and hatred guide your strikes!
Attack4: Ready your chainswords for carnage!
Attack5: For Sigismund and Holy Dorn, attack!
Attack6: Crush them brothers!
Attack7: The God-Emperor gives us strength!
Point_Capture1: Our skill is wasted on such a task, but we go.
Point_Capture2: Is that needed for the Crusade?
Point_Capture3: We will assault that position.
Point_Captured1: It's ours, ready to attack the next position.
Point_Captured2: This point belongs to the Emperor now.
Point_Captured3: Dorn would be shamed at such meager defense.
LoadTransport1: Driver, carry us to battle!
LoadTransport2: Swiftly, we are needed elsewhere!
UnloadTransport1: We're needed here brothers.
UnloadTransport2: Ready your chainswords and dismount!
MoraleBreak1: Impossible! Our assault has been beaten back!
MoraleBreak2: Shame is ours, we must fall back!
MoraleRestored1: Rallied and ready to go into the breach again!
MoraleRestored2: It was a minor setback, they will fall before our blades soon.
Charge1: (*revving of a chainsaw*) Eviscerate!
Charge2: For oath and glory!
Charge3: The Emperor wills it!
Charge4: Cleanse the unclean!
Jump/Teleport1: Reinforcements on their way.
Jump/Teleport2: No where is safe from our wrath!
Deepstrike1: Cut off the head, slay the body!
Deepstrike2: Into the heart of the enemy we go!
Combat1: Stain the ground with their blood!
Combat2: The Emperor's wrath is upon you!
Combat3: Your death is inevitable!
Under_Fire1: Assault squad under fire!
Under_Fire2: Charge that enemy fire point!
Under_Fire3: Prepare for the charge, Templar!
Damage1: They've found weak points in my armor!
Damage2: Emperor protect us!
Damage3: It is only a flesh wound, I can continue.
Death1: Press... the attack...
Death2: Avenge my failure...
Death3: Continue without me...
Death4: I die in service to you... Emperor...
Ranged Crusader Squad - Ranged Initiate. Has Neophyte Squad Leader.
I imagine these to be colder, less hot-headed than the close-combat squads. Stubborn and hard shift, rather than aggressive and hard to hold back.
Unit_Complete1: Boltermen of the Emperor, prepared for combat.
Unit_Complete2: Our bolters are consecrated and ready for war.
Unit_Complete3: We're here to support the advance.
Unit_Complete4: Our guns are primed and ready to fire.
Unit_Complete5: We are ready to give our lives for the Emperor.
Unit_Complete6: Backbone of the chapter on site.
Unit_Complete7: We are ready to cover our brother's charge.
Selection1: Do not mistake our caution for cowardice.
Selection2: There is no shame in fighting at range.
Selection3: We will hold the line, till the last!
Selection4: We are the striking fist of the long arm of the Emperor.
Selection5: Deploy us where we can support our brothers.
Selection6: Yes Commander? What would you have of us?
Selection7: Boltermen, ready to serve.
Move1: Moving to overwatch positions.
Move2: Advancing to those coordinates.
Move3: If that is where our firepower is needed.
Move4: Setting up a defensive line there.
Move5: We will defend that location as if Dorn himself was with us!
Move6: Yes, order us into range.
Move7: We're on the way, it won't be long.
Attack1: We will unleash a hail of death!
Attack2: Our guns will sweep them aside in a cascade of firepower!
Attack3: We'll bring our weapons to bear on those heretics.
Attack4: Our bolters will roar a prayer of rage to the Emperor.
Attack5:The enemy shall fall to our guns like grass falls before a scythe.
Attack6: Divine instruments of His will, our bolters will leave none of them alive.
Attack7: Our attack won't cease until the enemy are erased from this world.
Point_Capture1: We will secure and defend the position.
Point_Capture2: That is a good firing position, we shall take it.
Point_Capture3: A tactically sound decision.
Point_Captured1: The point is ours, setting up fields of fire.
Point_Captured2: We've claimed this point for the Emperor. Let the heretics try and take it.
Point_Captured3: This point belongs to the Black Templar now.
LoadTransport1: Our firepower is needed elsewhere, load up!
LoadTransport2: Into the transport, brothers!
UnloadTransport1: All guns to rapid fire: Dismount!
UnloadTransport2: Dismount and set up a perimeter.
MoraleBreak1: Our guns have no affect! Fall back to secondary positions!
MoraleBreak2: Falling back to resupply!
MoraleRestored1: We've restocked our supplies and are returning to battle.
MoraleRestored2: Reform the line! We must hold them back!
Charge1: Fix bayonets brothers! To melee!
Charge2: Into the fray Templar, have no fear!
Charge3: Empty your clips and charge!
Charge4: They're weak, now break them!
Jump/Teleport1: Shifting to where we're needed.
Jump/Teleport2: No obstacle matters to our advance.
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod assault, begin.
Deepstrike2: We're amongst them, fire at will!
Combat1: Taste my bayonet, scum!
Combat2: I'll stain my fists with your blood!
Combat3: The line must hold!
Under_Fire1: The enemy is targeting us, returning fire.
Under_Fire2: Crusaders under attack, we'll cover our brother's advance.
Under_Fire3: Good! A firefight!
Damage1: Our armor is no defense!
Damage2: Call for the apothecary!
Damage3: I need medical attention!
Death1: I go now... to join the Emperor...
Death2: Dorn... I held out to the last.
Death3: Death is the only release...
Death4: The light...
Venerable Crusader (Ranged) - Initiate Squad Leader for the Ranged Crusader Squad. Fierce warrior with many years of battle experience.
Unit_Complete1: Follow my directions, sons of Dorn.
Unit_Complete2: I'm here to make sure the line is held.
Unit_Complete3: My heavy weapon should make the difference.
Unit_Complete4: A veteran of centuries of warfare leads you, victory is certain.
Unit_Complete5: Under my watch, we will not fail commander.
Unit_Complete6: The enemy's death is assured, I guarantee it.
Unit_Complete7: Our foes are doomed now.
Selection1: Ready to serve your will, Commander.
Selection2: What are our orders?
Selection3: I hear you, what is our task?
Selection4: We are ready to serve the Emperor.
Selection5: Whatever is required, it shall be done.
Selection6: Are there new orders, Commander?
Selection7: Whatever the cost, we will do it.
Move1: Yes sir, advancing to that location.
Move2: As you wish.
Move3: Acknowledged Commander.
Move4: Orders received, relocating our defense.
Move5: Our guns will clear a path!
Move6: Forward brothers, for the Emperor!
Move7: Advance brothers, the Marshal wills it!
Attack1: All Templar, fire at will!
Attack2: Short bursts are all that is required for these wretched creatures.
Attack3: Sons of Dorn, throw them back!
Attack4: Push back their attack, with a tide of bolt-rounds!
Attack5: They can not stand before our barrage!
Attack6: Choose your targets, force them into the crossfire!
Attack7: Let loose your fury marines!
Point_Capture1: We will secure and defend the position.
Point_Capture2: That is a good firing position, we shall take it.
Point_Capture3: A tactically sound decision.
Point_Captured1: The point is ours, setting up fields of fire.
Point_Captured2: We've claimed this point for the Emperor. Let the heretics try and take it.
Point_Captured3: This point belongs to the Black Templar now.
LoadTransport1: Our firepower is needed elsewhere, load up!
LoadTransport2: Into the transport, brothers!
UnloadTransport1: All guns to rapid fire: Dismount!
UnloadTransport2: Dismount and set up a perimeter.
MoraleBreak1: Our guns have no affect! Fall back to secondary positions!
MoraleBreak2: Falling back to resupply!
MoraleRestored1: We've restocked our supplies and are returning to battle.
MoraleRestored2: Reform the line! We must hold them back!
Charge1: Fix bayonets brothers! To melee!
Charge2: Into the fray Templar, have no fear!
Charge3: Empty your clips and charge!
Charge4: They're weak, now break them!
Jump/Teleport1: Shifting to where we're needed.
Jump/Teleport2: No obstacle matters to our advance.
Deepstrike1: Drop Pod assault, begin.
Deepstrike2: We're amongst them, fire at will!
Combat1: Taste my bayonet, scum!
Combat2: I'll stain my fists with your blood!
Combat3: The line must hold!
Under_Fire1: The enemy is targeting us, returning fire.
Under_Fire2: Crusaders under attack, we'll cover our brother's advance.
Under_Fire3: Good! A firefight!
Damage1: Our armor is no defense!
Damage2: Call for the apothecary!
Damage3: I need medical attention!
Death1: I go now... to join the Emperor...
Death2: Dorn... I held out to the last.
Death3: Death is the only release...
Death4: The light...
Attack Bike - Fast Attack Choice. Has multiple weapon upgrades.
Unit_Complete1: Mobile support ready
Unit_Complete2: Heavy cavalry of the chapter, ready to destroy the enemy.
Unit_Complete3: Fueled and ready to attack.
Unit_Complete4: Our bikes have been blessed by the techmarines and are prepared for conflict.
Unit_Complete5: We've arrived, and are eager for combat.
Unit_Complete6: Attack bikes, ready to ride.
Unit_Complete7: Our bikes are chomping at the bit, and ready for war.
Selection1: Where do you need our guns?
Selection2: Waiting in reserve and ready for orders.
Selection3: What needs to be destroyed?
Selection4: Whatever the target, we will seek and destroy.
Selection5: Does the enemy trouble our advance?
Selection6: Send us to hunt the enemy, Commander.
Selection7: Heavy weapons ready to charge.
Move1: Heavy weapons on the move.
Move2: Bringing our support where it is needed most!
Move3: Attack bikers, moving to position.
Move4: Advancing to a position to strike.
Move5: Distance means nothing to us.
Move6: Taking up flanking positions!
Move7: We stalk our prey.
Attack1: Our attack will be quick and decisive.
Attack2: Target received, it will be destroyed shortly.
Attack3: We ride to their destruction!
Attack4: Sight up your heavy weapons, our targets have been selected!
Attack5: The commander has let us loose! Attack!
Attack6: Our mounts will carry us to our foes.
Attack7: They won't know what hit them.
Point_Capture1: We will scout the area and secure it.
Point_Capture2: Isn't that a waste of our mobility?
Point_Capture3: If that is what the Marshal wills...
Point_Captured1: This position is clear, can we move on?
Point_Captured2: The point is ours, bring up support so we can hold it!
Point_Captured3: Now before the counter attack comes, send us reinforcements!
MoraleBreak1: Our attack falters! Fall back and regroup for another pass!
MoraleBreak2: The surprise is lost, withdraw!
MoraleRestored1: Ready for another attack run!
MoraleRestored2: Our targets will be destroyed this time.
Charge1: Crush them beneath our wheels!
Charge2: Ready your chainswords!
Charge4: Ride them down!
Jump/Teleport1: Teleporting to a forward position.
Jump/Teleport2: From there we will attack their rear.
Deepstrike1: They won't see us coming from this direction.
Deepstrike2: Deep strike insertion beginning.
Combat1: We're bogged down in melee!
Combat2: Crush them! Clear a path!
Combat3: We need support!
Under_Fire1: They've spotted us!
Under_Fire2: We're under attack! Starting our attack run!
Under_Fire3: Enemy spotted, moving to engage.
Damage1: I'm hit!
Damage2: Our bike has been damaged! Techmarine support needed!
Damage3: Are you alright brother?
Death1: Aaaah! (*crashing sound, like a motorcycle ramming a wall*)
Death2: Our fuel tank has been -(*explosion*)
Death3: The firestorm is too intense! Argggh! (*more crashing sounds*)
Death4: (*crashing sounds and screams*) Emperor... protect us...
Assault Marines - Fast Attack Choice. Assault Initiates who use jump packs to assault enemies from above in close combat.
Unit_Complete1: Jump infantry ready for battle.
Unit_Complete2: Our jet backs are fueled and ready.
Unit_Complete3: Angels of death, ready to attack.
Unit_Complete4: Here to bring His wrath down upon the enemy.
Unit_Complete5: Assault marines on site, and at your command.
Unit_Complete6: We've prepared for the assault, no matter where it is.
Unit_Complete7: Here at your orders commander, and ready to serve.
Selection1: Ready to spearhead the assault.
Selection2: Weapons at the ready.
Selection3: Thrusters primed, Commander.
Selection4: Do you need us to lead the charge?
Selection5: You have only to give the order, Commander.
Selection6: Yes commander, what is it?
Selection7: Is the attack about to begin?
Move1: Moving to attack positions.
Move2: We will go on foot and conserve fuel.
Move3: Forward brothers, and prepare to strike.
Move4: Ready your chainswords, we go.
Move5: Assault marines advancing.
Move6: As you command.
Move7: Moving to the muster-field.
Attack1: They can not escape their death!
Attack2: We will strike like His fist descending from the heavens!
Attack3: You need not order a Templar to attack!
Attack4: Our blades will taste the enemy today!
Attack5: They shall be driven before us, and cut down without mercy!
Attack6: We will break their lines for you!
Attack7: Our assault is irresistible!
Point_Capture1: Securing the objective!
Point_Capture2: Breaking through to take that point!
Point_Capture3: The enemy have no hope of holding out.
Point_Captured1: The assault is progressing well! Drive forward and push them back!
Point_Captured2: This position belongs to the Templar!
Point_Captured3: It is ours! Ready to attack the next point!
MoraleBreak1: The spearhead is broken! Fall back!
MoraleBreak2: We're too far ahead! Fall back and regroup with our brothers!
MoraleRestored1: Our will is reforged!
MoraleRestored2: Ready to attack again!
Charge1: For Dorn!
Charge2: Templar, charge!
Charge3: Let your chanswords sing!
Charge4: Assault marines, attack!
Jump/Teleport1: Into their midst!
Jump/Teleport2: Crush them underfoot!
Deepstrike1: Angels of death, descending from heaven.
Deepstrike2: We will attack from behind their lines!
Combat1: Take the chainsword to them brothers!
Combat2: Cut them down!
Combat3: We're amongst them!
Under_Fire1: Assault marines under attack!
Under_Fire2: We can't just stand against this firepower!
Under_Fire3: Return fire and wait for the order to attack!
Damage1: My armor is damaged! My jump-pack is still functional though.
Damage2: That almost hit my fuel lines!
Damage3: We need support!
Death1: Only in death... does duty end...
Death2: Damned xenos...
Death3: Emperor protect my soul...
Death4: Death is my release...
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 10 November 2009 - 12:18 AM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 13 December 2009 - 04:43 PM
This is what needs to be done:
What voice scripts are still missing (Dec 13, 2009)
1) Squad/Units
Sword Brethren/Relay - Heavy Infantry. Experienced soldiers possessing exceptional fighting skills and resolve in battle. Multiple Ranged weapon upgrades. Has Squad Leader.
Sword Brethren/Relay Sargent - Squad Leader for Sword Brethren squad. Lightning Claws Sword Brethren with incredible battlefield experience.
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay - Heavy Infantry. Experienced soldiers possessing exceptional fighting skills and resolve in battle. Multiple close combat weapon upgrades. Has Squad Leader.
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay Sargent - Squad Leader for Sword Brethren Close Combat squad. Lightning Claws Sword Brethren with incredible battlefield experience.
Terminator - Sword Brethren Terminator Squad. Mighty battlefield warriors armoured and armed with incredible firepower and resilience.
Terminator Assault - Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad. Mighty battlefield warriors armoured and armed with incredible firepower and resilience. Has multiple squad leaders.
Terminator Assault Sargent #1 - Squad Leader for Terminator Assault squad. Sword Brethren Lightning Claws Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with Lightning Claws.
Terminator Assault Sargent #2 - Squad Leader for Terminator Assault squad. Sword Brethren Assault Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with a ThunderHammer and Storm Shield.
Command Squad Lead - An Initiate honoured with serving as bodyguard for a Black Templar Company Commander. Has Multiple Leaders.
Command Squad Leader #1 - Apothecary - Healer unit. Skilled medic that can perform battle surgery.
Command Squad Leader #2 - Sergent - Experienced Sword Brethren who will lead the Command Squad if Commander is absent.
Command Squad Leader #3 - Champion - A Marine who has been given the honour of serving as the Emperor's Sword in battle. Close combat expert.
Command Squad Leader #4 - Banner Bearer - A Marine who has been given the honour of carrying his company's Battle Standard.
Emperors Champion - Commander unit. A Marine who has been given the honour of serving as the Emperor's Sword in battle. A mighty close combat killer. Has Black Sword and Combat Shield.
Castellan - Commander unit. A Sword Brethren who has earned the right to lead a Crusade's Fighting Company. Commands and supports Black Templar Squads into battle.
Marshall - Commander unit. A Company Commander, second only in experience and skill to the Chapter's own Master. Excels at close combat and inspires all Space Marines under his command.
Rhino - Standard metal transport box we all love. Equipped with Storm bolter to suppress infantry.
Razorback - Troop Assault Transport. At the cost of transport space, provides extra fast-moving heavy weapons for attacks.
Damocles - Sensor Tank. Coordinates ground forces with any Marine or Imperial Naval forces in orbit. Can call down orbital bombardments and see large parts of the battlefield.
Land Speeder Tornado - Fast Attack. Skimmer. Heavier Land Speeder variant, mounting a secondary, under-slung weapon. Many weapon upgrades.
Land Speeder Typhoon - Fast Attack. Skimmer. Mount a Typhoon missile launcher in addition to its gunner-operated weapon.
Predator - Heavy Tank. Has weapon upgrades.
Vindicator - Heavy Siege Tank.
Land Raider - Elite Heavy Support Transport Tank.
Land Raider Crusader - Elite Troop Transport Tank.
Land Raider Prometheus - HQ Transport / Command and Control Tank.
2) All spotting scripts
3) Add a brief 1-2 sentence description for each unit under "Notes:" so the voice actor understand how to play the part.
Always check THIS POST for what is missing.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 14 December 2009 - 06:19 PM
So essentially a Sergeant of a squad just needs all unique Unit_Complete lines, and then perhaps 2-3 unique Selection, Move, and Attack lines. The rest we would dup off the squad it comes from. All good?
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Posted 16 December 2009 - 02:45 PM
Sword Brethren/Relay - Heavy Infantry. Experienced soldiers possessing exceptional fighting skills and resolve in battle. Multiple Ranged weapon upgrades. Has Squad Leader. Character - deep, English, aristocratic
Unit_Complete1: Sword Brethren - on the field of combat.
Unit_Complete2: Our bolters are oiled, our will is firm!
Unit_Complete3: Our tabards sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: The Brethren of the Sword answer your summons, my Lord.
Unit_Complete5: We are Sigismund's finest!
Unit_Complete6: Make way for the company of the sword!
Unit_Complete7: At range, we have no equal!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our guns are silent - for now.
Selection4: Yes?
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My trigger-finger is growing restless.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Establishing new firebase, designation Alpha-Five.
Move4: Keep your muzzles up.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - advance as one!
Attack2: <sound of cocking bolters>
Attack3: Show them the light of your tracer rounds!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody the field, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Ready weapons and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: We are running low on ammo!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren!
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Fire point black!
Combat2: Hyahhh!
Combat3: Ha! You didn't know I could do that with a gun, did you?
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We must win this firefight!
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: About pauldrons.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my bolter - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Sword Brethren/Relay Sargent - Squad Leader for Sword Brethren squad. Lightning Claws Sword Brethren with incredible battlefield experience.
Character - Germanic, aristocratic
nit_Complete1: Heed my words - and we will triumph.
Unit_Complete2: I have earned my blades.
Unit_Complete3: The heralds will sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: I expect a hundred score from each of you.
Unit_Complete5: I am a paragon amongst paladins!
Unit_Complete6: I am here to lead you, my Brethren!
Unit_Complete7: Move aside!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our bolters rest - for now.
Selection4: I've seen weather like this before.
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My lightning claws need wetting.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: I'll make sure they get there.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Nothing will stop us.
Move4: No matter what the obstacle.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - rolling advance!
Attack2: <sound of crackling lightening claws>
Attack3: Show them the light of your tracer rounds!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody the field, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Ready weapons and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: My Lord, we are nearly out of ammo!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren!
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Have at you!
Combat2: Taste my lightning claws!
Combat3: Drink deep of my steel!
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We need to close the range quickly.
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: About pauldrons - quickly.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my sword - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay - Heavy Infantry. Experienced soldiers possessing exceptional fighting skills and resolve in battle. Multiple close combat weapon upgrades. Has Squad Leader.
Character - deep, English, aristocratic
Unit_Complete1: Sword Brethren - on the field of combat.
Unit_Complete2: Our blades are sharpened, our will is firm!
Unit_Complete3: Our tabards sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: The Brethren of the Sword answer your summons, my Lord.
Unit_Complete5: We are Sigismund's finest!
Unit_Complete6: Make way for the company of the sword!
Unit_Complete7: We have never yet been bested!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our swords rest - for now.
Selection4: Yes?
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My sword itches within its scabbard.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: Moving out.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Nothing will stop us.
Move4: No matter what the obstacle.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - charge!
Attack2: <sound of drawing blades>
Attack3: Show them the light of tempered steel!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody your tabbards, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Draw swords and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: Our swords are broken!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren!
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Have at you!
Combat2: Hyahhh!
Combat3: Drink deep of my steel!
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We need to close the range quickly.
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: Shields to the fore.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my sword - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Sword Brethren Close Combat/Relay Sargent - Squad Leader for Sword Brethren Close Combat squad. Lightning Claws Sword Brethren with incredible battlefield experience.
Character - Germanic, aristocratic
nit_Complete1: I am here now.
Unit_Complete2: I have earned my blades.
Unit_Complete3: The heralds will sing of our victories!
Unit_Complete4: I expect a hundred score from each of you.
Unit_Complete5: I am a paragon amongst paladins!
Unit_Complete6: I am here to lead you, my Brethren!
Unit_Complete7: Move aside!
Selection1: Awaiting attack coordinates.
Selection2: Name the foe, my Lord!
Selection3: Our swords rest - for now.
Selection4: I've seen weather like this before.
Selection5: What do you ask, my liege?
Selection6: My lightning claws need wetting.
Selection7: Are we awaiting a mount?
Move1: I'll make sure they get there.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Nothing will stop us.
Move4: No matter what the obstacle.
Move5: Push your amour to its limit men.
Move6: We vow to be first.
Move7: A transport would make this faster!
Attack1: Sword Brethren - charge!
Attack2: <sound of crackling lightening claws>
Attack3: Show them the light of tempered steel!
Attack4: No compassion for the alien, the xenos and the witch!
Attack5: Bloody your tabbards, men!
Attack6: Brethren - now is our time!
Attack7: For Dorn, for Sigismund, for the Emperor!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Mounting transport.
LoadTransport2: Speed us to the battle, driver.
UnloadTransport1: Brethren, dismount.
UnloadTransport2: Draw swords and blow the hatches.
MoraleBreak1: Our swords are broken!
MoraleBreak2: How could we lose?
MoraleBreak3: Never before did we know such defeat!
MoraleRestored1: For Sigismund, rally Brethren!
MoraleRestored2: Call yourself Sword Brethren? Back at them!
MoraleRestored3: There is but one path to redemption!
Charge1: Servos to maximum!
Charge2: Drive the foe from the field!
Charge3: Charge!
Combat1: Have at you!
Combat2: Taste my lightning claws!
Combat3: Drink deep of my steel!
Under_Fire1: Lord the Brethren are taking fire.
Under_Fire2: We need to close the range quickly.
Under_Fire3: Taking ranged fire my Liege.
Damage1: They are finding the joints in our armor.
Damage2: Armor integrity down to 50%.
Damage3: Shields to the fore.
Death1: My Lord, the Brethren have fallen!
Death2: I commend my soul to the Emperor.
Death3: Take my sword - it must survive me.
Death4: <scream>
Terminator - Sword Brethren Terminator Squad. Mighty battlefield warriors armoured and armed with incredible firepower and resilience.
Character: Deep, electronic voices (similar to vanilla termies)
Unit_Complete1: We continue the Crusade in Tactical Dreadnought Armour!
Unit_Complete2: Nothing can stand in our way!
Unit_Complete3: We will create a bulwark against the tide of the enemy!
Unit_Complete4: We are the Chapter's greatest warriors!
Unit_Complete5: Slow in step, mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: At last! The chapter's finest armour is ours to command!
Selection1: Yes?
Selection2: I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: The sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons.
Selection7: Where is the Techmarine - I need ungents!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: En route.
Move3: We will establish a foothold.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Terminators engage!
Attack2: Multiple contacts!
Attack3: Send the resupply train - we'll need more ammo!
Attack4: Kill them all!
Attack5: Sword Brethren - earn their respect!
Attack6: Their weapons are as air before us!
Attack7: Open up with all guns!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them on our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: Autosenses overloaded!
MoraleRestored1: Autosenses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: We've reacquired the target.
MoraleRestored3: Surrender? Us? Ha!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Give them a wall of fire!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, their blades are penetrating our armour!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: It's not possible!
Death2: The Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Terminator Assault - Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad. Mighty battlefield warriors armoured and armed with incredible firepower and resilience. Has multiple squad leaders.
Unit_Complete1: We continue the Crusade in Tactical Dreadnought Armour!
Unit_Complete2: Nothing can stand in our way!
Unit_Complete3: Direct us to where the fighting is thickest!
Unit_Complete4: We are the Chapter's greatest warriors!
Unit_Complete5: Slow in step, mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: At last! The chapter's finest armour is ours to command!
Selection1: Yes?
Selection2: I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: The sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons.
Selection7: Where is the Techmarine - I need ungents!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: En route.
Move3: Certainly.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Drive forward into the heart of the foe!
Attack2: Seek out the whites of their eyes!
Attack3: Hack them to pieces!
Attack4: Kill them all!
Attack5: Sword Brethren - earn their respect!
Attack6: Charge the centre!
Attack7: Crush them utterly!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them upon our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: Autosenses overloaded!
MoraleRestored1: Autosenses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: We've reacquired the target.
MoraleRestored3: Surrender? Us? Ha!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Fall like a morning star!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, they have heavy-calibre weapons!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: It's not possible!
Death2: The Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Terminator Assault Sargent #1 - Squad Leader for Terminator Assault squad. Sword Brethren Lightning Claws Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with Lightning Claws.
Unit_Complete1: Men! In Tactical Dreadnought Armour you cannot be harmed!
Unit_Complete2: I will not fail you!
Unit_Complete3: I will direct them to where the fighting is thickest!
Unit_Complete4: You are the Chapter's greatest warriors, and I will lead you!
Unit_Complete5: You may be slow in step, but you are mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: The chapter's finest armour is yours to command! How will you use it?
Selection1: Communication channel open my Liege.
Selection2: Marshal, I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: Men, the sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons, men!
Selection7: Renew your vows, check your weapons!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: They are en route.
Move3: We will combat any foe at those coordinates.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, men, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Drive forward into the heart of the foe!
Attack2: Remember your training!
Attack3: Hack them to pieces!
Attack4: Men! Kill them all!
Attack5: Two claws, eight ways to die!
Attack6: My lightning claws will split you from your helm to your nave!
Attack7: Crush them utterly!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them upon our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: The Brethren's resolve is failing!
MoraleRestored1: Autosenses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: Call yourselves Sword Brethren?
MoraleRestored3: I will never yield!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Fall like a morning star!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, they have heavy-calibre weapons!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: It's not possible!
Death2: Men, the Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, men, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Terminator Assault Sargent #2 - Squad Leader for Terminator Assault squad. Sword Brethren Assault Terminator Captain. Elite Captain equipped with a ThunderHammer and Storm Shield.
Unit_Complete1: Men! In Tactical Dreadnought Armour you cannot be harmed!
Unit_Complete2: I bring the shield of the Emperor's Light, and the hammer of his divine wrath.
Unit_Complete3: I will direct them to where the fighting is thickest!
Unit_Complete4: You are the Chapter's greatest warriors, and I will lead you!
Unit_Complete5: You may be slow in step, but you are mighty in deed!
Unit_Complete6: Forward Brethren, into Legend!
Unit_Complete7: The chapter's finest armour is yours to command! How will you use it?
Selection1: Communication channel open my Liege.
Selection2: Marshal, I have you on my screen.
Selection3: Where's the Crusader?
Selection4: More waiting, my Lord?
Selection5: Men, the sooner we begin, the greater the destruction.
Selection6: Check your weapons, men!
Selection7: Renew your vows, check your weapons!
Move1: Accelerate to combat speed.
Move2: They are en route.
Move3: We will combat any foe at those coordinates.
Move4: Doubtless.
Move5: More haste, men, less speed.
Move6: Terminators are moving.
Move7: Let's hope the enemy tarries.
Attack1: Drive forward into the heart of the foe!
Attack2: Remember your training!
Attack3: Hack them to pieces!
Attack4: Men! Kill them all!
Attack5: Your blows fall as rain upon my shield.
Attack6: Come closer, that I may split thy skull!
Attack7: Crush them utterly!
Point_Capture1: Consider it done, my Liege.
Point_Capture2: We will impale them upon our banner!
Point_Capture3: You charge us with this task?
Point_Captured1: My Lord, the Brethren hold it!
Point_Captured2: The flag of the templars flies above the field!
Point_Captured3: We hold the enemy position.
LoadTransport1: Terminators aboard!
LoadTransport2: We have need of your speed.
UnloadTransport1: Open the hatches!
UnloadTransport2: Terminators disembark!
MoraleBreak1: Our armour is too heavy!
MoraleBreak2: We can't see anything!
MoraleBreak3: The Brethren's resolve is failing!
MoraleRestored1: Autosenses back on line.
MoraleRestored2: Call yourselves Sword Brethren?
MoraleRestored3: I will never yield!
Charge1: Coax the last ounce of speed from your amour men!
Charge2: Fall like a morning star!
Charge3: Smash them!
Combat1: They're trying to get behind us.
Combat2: Feel the wrath of the Dark Knights!
Combat3: <servo-assisted battle sounds>
Under_Fire1: Small arms fire is nothing to us!
Under_Fire2: You dare to open fire?
Under_Fire3: Spend your magazines - they will not avail you!
Damage1: My Lord, they have heavy-calibre weapons!
Damage2: Terminator armour integrity 70% and falling.
Damage3: They are finding weaknesses in our armour!
Death1: Take my hammer - it must survive me!
Death2: Men, the Emperor beckons me.
Death3: Retrieve my amour, it must be restored.
Death4: For me, men, the crusade is over. Avenge me.
Edited by Mephistoned, 17 December 2009 - 09:58 PM.
Posted 16 December 2009 - 02:53 PM
Sword Brethren
Sword Brethren Sargent
Sword Brethren Close Combat
Sword Brethren Close Combat Sargent
Terminator Sword Brethren Squad
Terminator Assault Sword Brethren Squad
Terminator Assault Sargent #1
Terminator Assault Sargent #2
So essentially the following need full scripts:
Sword Brethren
Sword Brethren Close Combat
Terminator Sword Brethren Squad
Terminator Assault Sword Brethren Squad
And these need 7 unique Unit_Complete, 2-3 unique Selection, Move, Attack, and Death scripts (the rest derived from their original squad):
Sword Brethren Sargent
Sword Brethren Close Combat Sargent
Terminator Assault Sargent #1
Terminator Assault Sargent #2
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 16 December 2009 - 05:19 PM
Will do more soon.
Posted 16 December 2009 - 05:26 PM
Can you post each squad or sarg done when you completed them?
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 17 December 2009 - 11:05 AM
Well Sword Brethren (aka. Ranged) and Sword Brethren Close Combat are two completely different methods of handling the enemy thus their personalities and attitudes would be reflective in their voices hence why they would come across differently. Same with the 2xTerminator types. Adds some real personality to the squads.
Can you post each squad or sarg done when you completed them?
Yes - I've added some variety where appropriate - particularly regarding different weapon fits and responses relating to ranged/ cc warfare. However, utterances involving morale, movement, damage, capturing etc - it's all pretty similar whether you're carrying lightning claws or an assault cannon. I presume also use the same voice actor for assault and ranged termies, so they will have a lot in common, but yes nice to have variety I agree.
You've seen them in the above post right? I'll post more as complete.
Posted 17 December 2009 - 02:57 PM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 17 December 2009 - 03:32 PM
Sword Brethren (aka Ranged)
Sword Brethren Sargent
I see the Close Combat but not the Ranged ones.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
Latest DoW Advanced AI Download!
Posted 17 December 2009 - 10:01 PM
Unit_Complete1: I have finished my meditations.
Unit_Complete2: I am the Emperor's Own Champion, as Sigismund before me.
Unit_Complete3: I step forth from the Chapel Hawk, to the field of battle.
Unit_Complete4: With the Armor of Faith shall I confound them, with the Black Sword shall I smite them.
Unit_Complete5: Et custos et pugnax. (means both a keeper and a champion pronun et cust ows et poog nacks)
Unit_Complete6: At the stroke of midnight did his vision come to me - and thus did it speak...
Unit_Complete7: I have led you in your vows, now I lead you in war.
Selection1: This is not fitting.
Selection2: Where are the foe?
Selection3: Bring forth your champions!
Selection4: You dare disturb my rapture?
Selection5: The Armour of Faith was not meant to rest!
Selection6: The Black Sword tires of this indolence!
Selection7: How can I rest when, I have vows to fulfill!
Move1: Agitatione purgatur! (means: purify through motion pronun aj it ash ey own ee purg a tor)
Move2: Are you sure their commanders are there?
Move3: What foe requires vanquishing?
Move4: Imperator Vult! (means: Emperor wills it)
Move5: My fury makes my armour light!
Move6: Now will you see swift vengence!
Move7: The sound of my footfalls are as a beating drum!
Attack1: May my arm be true as steel!
Attack2: Ferro comite! (means: the sword my companion pronun: fair row com ee tay)
Attack3: Auspice Sigismunde! (means: under the guidance of Sigismund pronun: or spis sig is mund ey)
Attack4: I will carve my vows into your beating chest!
Attack5: Dorn give my arm strength!
Attack6: I fear no death, only failure!
Attack7: Your armour is paper before my blade!
Point_Capture1: Fix the banner here.
Point_Capture2: This blessed banner shall not fall.
Point_Capture3: If we must.
Point_Captured1: I've tarried long enough.
Point_Captured2: My sword is no spade - forward!
Point_Captured3: We're wasting time!
LoadTransport1: Driver, lend my charge wings!
LoadTransport2: Get me there, so I can have their heads!
UnloadTransport1: I am here!
UnloadTransport2: Lower the ramp!
MoraleBreak1: I am failing my vows!
MoraleBreak2: If I fall, the battle is lost!
MoraleBreak3: To me Templars, to me!
MoraleRestored1: My work is not finished here!
MoraleRestored2: By my sword, I will not fail!
MoraleRestored3: The vision restores me!
Charge1: <long shout>
Charge2: One man, many deaths!
Charge3: Ex gladius moratum! (means: death from the sword)
Combat1: Die Heretic, die!
Combat2: I - am - death!
Combat3: Witches, I taste the blood of witches!
Under_Fire1: the Armour of Faith is not so easily bested!
Under_Fire2: your rounds ring from my armour!
Under_Fire3: cease your prattling and draw!
Damage1: Sigismund will not let me fall.
Damage2: My true armour is faith!
Damage3: Deactivating damage sensors!
Death1: Caelum Denique! (means: heaven at last)
Death2: I die in shame!
Death3: They mock my vow!
Death4: I pray you... leave me in my ignominy...
Marshall - Commander unit. A Company Commander, second only in experience and skill to the Chapter's own Master. Excels at close combat and inspires all Space Marines under his command.
Character: Rich voice, Jeremy Irons, Very posh, English/ Germanic, zealous (more interested in attack than defence)
Unit_Complete1: I carry the light of the Emperor to the stars.
Unit_Complete2: The crusade is now under my command.
Unit_Complete3: We will strike them from above, then spear them upon our armour.
Unit_Complete4: Per aspera ad astera. (through difficulties to the stars pron: per asp air ah ad ast air ah)
Unit_Complete5: Nobiscum Deus. (means: God is with us)
Unit_Complete6: Castellan, I wish to inspect the men.
Unit_Complete7: I am displeased with your lack of progress.
Selection1: You have something to say?
Selection2: E tenebris Lux. (means light out of darkness pronun: ey ten e bris lucks)
Selection3: Repeat that!
Selection4: Damn it man, speak up!
Selection5: Yes, High Marshal, what are your orders?
Selection6: If the High Marshal asks for me I'll be at the front.
Selection7: Res non verba. (words not deed pronun res non verb ah)
Move1: I go. Pray you are finished before I arrive.
Move2: Assemble your men and converge on my position.
Move3: I'll attend to that myself.
Move4: Now the enemy will feel the full wrath of the Black Templars.
Move5: Prepare for my arrival!
Move6: Hold the reports, I'll see it for myself.
Move7: This had better be good.
Attack1: Chronicler - enter this as engagement nine six four one.
Attack2: The Crusade has arrived on your doorstep!
Attack3: The Marshal goes to war!
Attack4: Now you will taste the steel of my resolve.
Attack5: I bring light to your innards!
Attack6: None can hold a candle to my prowess!
Attack7: I bring the lantern to light the way, and the sword to carve it!
Point_Capture1: Another league for the Empire of Man!
Point_Capture2: Every step from Holy Terra is a step towards redemption!
Point_Capture3: Mark this moment, for the Black Templars claim this land!
Point_Captured1: Point captured. Castellan you begin fortification.
Point_Captured2: One day, this shall be a mighty Keep!
Point_Captured3: Good, the aspect of the position pleases me.
LoadTransport1: Your Marshall requires transport.
LoadTransport2: With all speed.
UnloadTransport1: Sound the fanfare and lower the ramp.
UnloadTransport2: That will do, driver.
MoraleBreak1: Dorn's blood - they have blunted our purpose!
MoraleBreak2: Castellan, where are my reinforcements?
MoraleBreak3: Damn them! Damn them all!
MoraleRestored1: Once more, for Rogal Dorn!
MoraleRestored2: The lantern burns yet!
MoraleRestored3: The night is darkest before the dawn! And the dawn is coming!
Charge1: Hurl them back!
Charge2: Drive a wedge through their centre!
Charge3: Make them fear the Astartes of the Black Templars!
Combat1: Burn heretic, burn!
Combat2: Yes, combat at last!
Combat3: No mercy to the foe!
Under_Fire1: You dare to fire at me?
Under_Fire2: Your faith in your guns is misplaced.
Under_Fire3: Bullets cannot save you.
Damage1: Artificer armour at 60%.
Damage2: I'll have that techmarine's metal hide for this!
Damage3: I just got this back from the armoury, damn you!
Death1: Sigismund, smite them in my stead...
Death2: The crusade will not die with me, alien...
Death3: <sigh> Absque dedecore (means: without stain pronun ab skway dead e kor ay)
Death4: I sought the stars...
Castellan - Commander unit. A Sword Brethren who has earned the right to lead a Crusade's Fighting Company. Commands and supports Black Templar Squads into battle.Character: English, stern, gruff, older man (more interested in defence than attack)
Unit_Complete1: Aegis Fortissima Virtis. (means: virtue is the strongest shield Pronun: aye jis fort iss im a virt is)
Unit_Complete2: The Keep will not fall while I am in command.
Unit_Complete3: We will sally forth, and surprise them.
Unit_Complete4: I answer to the Marshal.
Unit_Complete5: Call the Chaplain, I need his counsel.
Unit_Complete6: I wish to inspect the men.
Unit_Complete7: The Marshal is displeased with your lack of progress.
Selection1: Defendendo Vinco. (means: I conquer through defence)
Selection2: Report!
Selection3: Repeat that!
Selection4: Damn it man, I can't hear you when you stutter!
Selection5: Yes, Marshal, what are your orders?
Selection6: If the Marshal asks for me I'll be at the front.
Selection7: How is the initial deployment progressing?
Move1: Meet me there.
Move2: Assemble your men and converge on my position.
Move3: I'll attend to that myself.
Move4: If you want something done, kill it yourself.
Move5: By the time I get there, I expect the enemy to be dead, understand?
Move6: Hold the reports, I'll see it for myself.
Move7: I'll personally secure the field for the Marshal's arrival.
Attack1: So it's come to this has it?
Attack2: Fight me, cowards!
Attack3: Now you will see why I lead and you follow!
Attack4: My example is a lesson! Heed it well.
Attack5: Follow me, men! Into battle!
Attack6: The best defence, is a good offence!
Attack7: By the time the enemy knows my rank, they will be dead.
Point_Capture1: Fix the banner here.
Point_Capture2: This blessed banner shall not fall.
Point_Capture3: This ground is marked for fortification.
Point_Captured1: Signal the servitors.
Point_Captured2: Summon the techmarine - he has work to do.
Point_Captured3: I want this point fortified before sunset, understand?
LoadTransport1: Your Castellan requires transport.
LoadTransport2: Make room aboard.
UnloadTransport1: Lower the ramp.
UnloadTransport2: Let me off, driver.
MoraleBreak1: The crusade is faltering!
MoraleBreak2: The Marshal will have my head!
MoraleBreak3: The Chaplain questions my command!
MoraleRestored1: I will not fail my Marshal and my Primark!
MoraleRestored2: I lead yet!
MoraleRestored3: Save your scorn for lesser men!
Charge1: Charge!
Charge2: Templars, to me!
Charge3: For Dorn!
Combat1: Hack and Slash!
Combat2: Call this a melee?
Combat3: My men are without number!
Under_Fire1: Taking fire from enemy positions.
Under_Fire2: Their fortifications are strong.
Under_Fire3: Armed resistance.
Damage1: Check armour integrity.
Damage2: Fetch me the techmarine.
Damage3: I just got this back from the armoury, damn you!
Death1: The Crusade! The Marshal! I... <dies>
Death2: Exegi... <expires> (means: I have tried pronun ex edge ee)
Death3: <scream>
Death4: Emperor, I commend my service...
Edited by Mephistoned, 19 December 2009 - 01:31 PM.
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