Hills of Evendim
This map is one of the older Lone Wolf maps but has recently been reworked adding in more detail and increasing it's quality.
In the north of the realm once known as Arnor lies a lake the Nenuial also called Lake Evendim.
On the Sourthern banks of Lake Evendim stands the ruins of the old capital of Arnor Annuminas.
On the other side of the lake to the north lies the Hills of Evendim a wildernaess that was once watched by the Dunedain of Arnor.
Since the fall of Arnor the watchtowers have since crumbled with disuse, the wilderness becoming wilder.
The remaining Dunedain don't often venture he except at need.
This area however remains a place with great scenery being home to high hills,Pine Forests and the north bank of Nenuial.
This map is a 6 player camp map layed out in a 3v3 style.
The bases placed so that the map is split in half with South vs North.
The map has Economy plots and Watchtower plots and is spacious.
The Hills provide obstacles and a few chokepoints while the Pine Forests allows concealment.
The top 3 camps are separated by Hills and the bottom 3 separated by the bays of Nenuial.
Edited by Radspakr, 03 July 2011 - 10:25 PM.