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The Weather Hills

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#1 Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:17 AM


Weather Hills



Another one of the older Arnor maps being reworked.
The Weather Hills map has changed quite a bit from it's origins and is now more unique among the "Hill" maps.
This map has the players fighting on the hill tops instead of below them.

The Weather Hills were once part of the old kingdom of Arnor,they served as watch places and when Arnor was divided
they became contested as the realms of Arthedain and Cardolan had it's borders nearby and the watch tower of Amon Sul
to the south was contested heavily.
The Weather Hills are highlands to the North East of Bree and north of the Road.
The lands are littered with ruins of the smaller watchtowers of Arnor in it's prime.
The Weather Hills are now desolate with only the hardiest adventurers daring to brave the wilderness.


This map is a 4 player Camp map set up in a FFA style.
The players move along the various hill tops and high bridges.
This map has many chokepoints and narrow paths and there is some tree covering in some areas.


Edited by Radspakr, 03 February 2014 - 11:12 AM.

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