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C.A.B.A.L. Rising

C.A.B.A.L. Rising is a partial conversion for C&C3, it’s aim is to add 2 more factions (C.A.B.A.L. and the Forgotten), and to enhance the balance and the gameplay of each faction mixing both tradition and innovation.


C.A.B.A.L. Rising News

Each update will be posted here.

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C.A.B.A.L. Rising staff rec... - last post by Experience

General Discussion / Suggestions

Here you can talk about everything related to the mod. You can post your suggestions here.

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I like the idea - last post by Frank_K

Bugs / Glitches

Help us to find any bug of the mod, report here any possible game crashes.

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Support / Online Tournaments

You can post here your maps for CABAL Rising. Sign in for online games and tournaments.

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GDI Section

Discuss about each aspect of Global Defensive Initiative.

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Nod Section

Discuss about each aspect of the Brotherhood.

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Scrin Section

Discuss about each aspect of the alien race.

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CABAL Section

Discuss about each aspect of Computer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform.

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Forgotten Section

Discuss about each aspect of the mutants.

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