So I added the following code into my hero's ini.
Behavior = BloodthirstyUpdate ModuleTag_Bloodthirsty ;In order to sacrifice or be sacrificed, you must have a BloodthirstyUpdate SacrificeFilter = ALL;Hordes with BloodthirstyUpdates I can sacrifice (hint: use template names) NumToSacrifice = 5;Must sacrifice this number of units in the same horde in order to gain veterancy. ;InitiateVoice = UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcs ;InitiateVoice2 = UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcsBattleChatter End
and I added Command_BloodThirstySacrifice into my hero's commandset.ini.
now when I activate it, my hero starts to kill target units but he doesn't gain any experience from it. Does anybody know how to add a bloodthirsty module into an object which isn't horde.