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I need help with my Word of Power for Saruman

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#1 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:19 PM

Ok, I successfully created a carbon copy of Gandalf's Word of Power, except its a red, instead of blue. Looks great ingame.

But, adding it to Saruman is a little bit harder. The animation I added screwed up Saruman's other abilties. Heres the orginal code:

        AnimationState        =  SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE           
     StateName = Attacking
                AnimationName           = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_TNTB
                AnimationMode       = ONCE
            FXEvent            = Frame:5 Name:FX_SarumanPreAttackBlast

        AnimationState          = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE
            Animation                = Throwing Fireball
                AnimationName        = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
            FrameForPristineBonePositions = 27
         AnimationState        =  SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO
            StateName = Attacking
                AnimationName       = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKB
                AnimationMode       = ONCE
            FrameForPristineBonePositions = 27

As you can see, the Fire ball anims and the WoP anims both have SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE as their state. When I first tried it, when I tried to use the fireball attack, Saruman started to perform his preattack FX of WoP (SarumanPreAttackBlast) and than shot out a fireball, not what was supposed to happen (he is supposed to shoot a fireball out of his staff while pointing it forward. He didnt' do that). I have tried switching around the AnimationState to SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE, but that is a nuetral anim. I have repeatedly tried different combinations of the number of the SPECIAL_WEAPON_# code, but I always get only two of the three special powers working. It's really hard to explain what the problem is, so I attached an ini file with my new saruman. its got all of the new data into one folder. Experience vets, please see if you can fix the problem.

Attached Files

Edited by |MeMw| Witch-King Riding Shelob, 04 August 2005 - 09:07 PM.

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#2 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:31 PM

Well from just looking at the file I have a couple of Ideas:

-You could try using the Dominate and SpeechCraft Animations

-You could try creating a new AnimationState name "WORD_OF_POWER" or something like that.

-You could have it set up so that there is no animation but saruman says something like "fools!" or "you are weak!" right before the blast....I mean, after all it is a "word" of power :p

EDIT: I just found a code that might help you with your power:

SetModelCondition = ModelConditionState:USER_2
SetModelConditionTime = 2.1

This was in Aragorn.ini under the Athelas section...worth looking at at the very least.


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 04 August 2005 - 08:34 PM.

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#3 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:36 PM

Woah, fast reply.

If you look at code, you can see that I am using the Wormtounge/Speechcraft animation.

GothmogtheOrc, could you check out the ini for me?

Also, as a sidenote, I can do some work for your mod now.

EDIT: DAMN, even faster edit!

Edited by |MeMw| Witch-King Riding Shelob, 04 August 2005 - 08:37 PM.

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#4 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:48 PM

Will that code work for what your doing?

EDIT: DAMN, even faster edit!

lol, oh yea :p

Regarding my mod: Basically I don't have much you could do at the moment...I really need to get working on it but I've been waiting for the skins and models to start comming in... I can send you what I've got and you can start on them if you want.


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#5 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:55 PM

-You could try creating a new AnimationState name "WORD_OF_POWER" or something like that.

What you said about the athelas didn't work. HOW exactly would I make a new AnimatinoState?
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#6 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:58 PM

I just meant you could rename it...but I'm not very good with animations...so I'm probably wrong :p


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 04 August 2005 - 08:58 PM.

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#7 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 08:59 PM

I'm sure Celeglin could know, with all of the special abilities hes had to work with for his mod. Also, Hostile could you check this out?
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#8 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 09:02 PM

Did you try all of the Athelas coding?

EDIT: Btw, the animation that you posted at the top was missing something: the "animation = ?"...

Try this:

 AnimationState    = USER_1
  	StateName    = Attacking
  	Animation    = TNTB
    AnimationName  = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_TNTB
    AnimationMode  = ONCE

And then add this to the Behavior code:

SetModelCondition	= ModelConditionState:USER_1
SetModelConditionTime	= 2.1


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 04 August 2005 - 09:04 PM.

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#9 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 09:23 PM

That didn't work, unfortuanatly.
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#10 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 09:34 PM

Well that just about exhausts my "extensive" knowledge of Animations :p

Time to call in someone else like you suggested. "CELEGLIN!! HOSTILE!! COME HERE."


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#11 Grim


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Posted 05 August 2005 - 01:06 AM

*cry* You didn't call me so i won't answer...


Have in mind you can't have specialweapons with the same number, and you can't have 2 anims with the same conditionstate, i think only the last will be played.

I can't remember if SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE works, have a look at gandalf's code, i think he has 3 specialweapons, it should inspire you. I believe you can use SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE, SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO and SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE (and 1,2,3 in the module), one for each specialweapon.
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#12 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 02:53 AM

Grim, I have manipulated those blocks so much its crazy, and I probably altered what you said. Ive tried everything.

BTW, Gandalf has 3 special powers: Word of Power is SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE, wizard blast is SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO, and Istari Light is SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE. I can't figure out the difference of how they would make all three work, so Grim, why don't you give it a shot? I attached the file with my original post. Help would be much apreciated :p

BTW, Vapula was adding a Word of Power to Saruman with his Hero Mod, but he couldn't get it to work. Is it possible this was the problem he encountered? And just could not figure it out?

Edited by |MeMw| Witch-King Riding Shelob, 05 August 2005 - 02:56 AM.

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#13 Drakein

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 04:14 AM

I haven't tried this, but try this:

In the w3dDrawing block

       AnimationState        =  SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE    
    StateName = Attacking
               AnimationName           = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_TNTB
               AnimationMode       = ONCE
           FXEvent            = Frame:5 Name:FX_SarumanPreAttackBlast

Now, in your word of power code

Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_WordWeaponFireUpdate   
  SpecialPowerTemplate    = SpecialAbilityWordOfPower
  WhichSpecialWeapon  = 3
  SkipContinue  	= Yes

  UnpackTime              = 1700 
  PackTime                = 1  
  FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 2500; Hold AI for this long after we fire.
  AwardXPForTriggering    = 0  
  StartAbilityRange  = 80.0
  SpecialWeapon  	= GandalfWordOfPower

So its the WhichSpecialWeapon that determines which animation is used. This should work.

Edited by Drakein, 05 August 2005 - 04:16 AM.

#14 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 04:48 AM

WhichSpecialWeapon = 3

I didn't see that..... I am an idiot. Ill try that and see if it works.
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#15 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 05:51 AM

Ooh la la! It worked! Thanks!

Now I have three more problems that I can't figure out, and I need help with.

1. How do I make trolls produce at rank 2 when the Troll Cage is at rank 3 (like with mumakil and mumakil pen).

2. I added King's Favor to Aragorn, but I need an animation. What animation in Theoden.ini refers to King's Favor, so I can add it and edit it?

3. I added Glorious Charge (my idea of last stand) to Boromir, but I need an animation. What animation in Theoden.ini refers to Glorious Charge, so I can add it and edit it?

If you guys could point me out in the right direction I would love that. Then my mod would be done and I can try to release it again and see what happens.
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#16 Grim


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Posted 05 August 2005 - 12:13 PM

WhichSpecialWeapon  = 3

I didn't see that..... I am an idiot. Ill try that and see if it works.


...you can't have specialweapons with the same number...

...you can use SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE, SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO and SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE (and 1,2,3 in the module), one for each specialweapon....

Maybe was i not enough clear? :)

1) Make a troll object with the grant level module set to 2 (you have it in your saruman at level 10 don't come and say you don't know what it is ^_^), and either you make a commandset change (from commandset without troll level 2 to commandset with it), using an upgrade triggered at level 3 of the structure, or, simply add on your commandbutton for the troll a neededupgrade = upgrade_StructureLevel3 and NEED_UPGRADE in options (check for the upgrade in the experiencelevel.ini on the building)

For the troll, if you want the normal troll to be level 2 and produced at level 3 building, you can give him directly the grant level module, if you want to keep it you'll have to do another object or childobject. In the case of a new object, don't forget to add it to experiencelevels.ini. I think childobjects benefit of the experience levels of their parent, so in that case you don't need to add it.

2) ?? What do you mean exactly? You can't add animations from a model to another if they don't have the same skeleton. Are you looking for the conditionstate used??

3) Same question
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#17 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 05:41 PM

WhichSpecialWeapon  = 3

I didn't see that..... I am an idiot. Ill try that and see if it works.


...you can't have specialweapons with the same number...

...you can use SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE, SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO and SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE (and 1,2,3 in the module), one for each specialweapon....

Maybe was i not enough clear? :)

1) Make a troll object with the grant level module set to 2 (you have it in your saruman at level 10 don't come and say you don't know what it is ^_^), and either you make a commandset change (from commandset without troll level 2 to commandset with it), using an upgrade triggered at level 3 of the structure, or, simply add on your commandbutton for the troll a neededupgrade = upgrade_StructureLevel3 and NEED_UPGRADE in options (check for the upgrade in the experiencelevel.ini on the building)

For the troll, if you want the normal troll to be level 2 and produced at level 3 building, you can give him directly the grant level module, if you want to keep it you'll have to do another object or childobject. In the case of a new object, don't forget to add it to experiencelevels.ini. I think childobjects benefit of the experience levels of their parent, so in that case you don't need to add it.

2) ?? What do you mean exactly? You can't add animations from a model to another if they don't have the same skeleton. Are you looking for the conditionstate used??

3) Same question


1) I was looking all through experiencelevels.ini to get that. Ill try that.

2) I was looking for the NAME of the animations, so I can ad it, then change the animation to something that Aragorn already has. Like what I did with Saruman's anim for Word of Power. Added Gandalf's animation, than change it to something that already exists (and if I feel like it, a new FX).

3) Same as 2.
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#18 Grim


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Posted 05 August 2005 - 05:49 PM


Just take whatever animation block of the character you want to have the new power, and give it the right animationstate, no need of an animation name or anything.
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#19 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 06:05 PM

Sorry to ask....but what is the name of the animationstate of Theoden's Kings Favor and Glorious Charge? Im gonna need someone to help me out..... I really don't know about this kind of stuff.
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#20 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 03:54 AM

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