Hi! Generals Zero Hour
I really need help, I'm having constant lagg every 1 second With gentool when im in game lobby in multiplayer, like before game start, not in the multiplayer lobby, but in the game lobby, where we choose armies and so fourth, my fps drop every 1 second from 32 to 15, then back to 32 and to 15, this happens every time. I tried to repair the game through origin, i deleted the game, reinstalled, shutdown my computer, retried, this did not work. I reinstalled gentool but it says some kind of Dangerous file With gentool when i install it and it diminishes it like i shoudnt install it. When I run generals without gentool, it doesnt lagg anywhere, its constant 32 fps there, but only With gentool does this problem occur. I've tried everything I can, im out of options, and I really need help. I love this game and want to continue to play it...
Edited by Raffe Karim, 01 April 2015 - 01:37 PM.