Revised. I think the way to do the more 'alien' Mechanicus units is to have them beep and whistle threateningly (I liked the Drones in the movie Oblivion) OR to have the Commanding Unit (Archmagos?) talk about them. Not to have the Scyllax themselves talk - they are little more than killy servitors after all... So when there is a voice below - it's the Archmagos! I imagine the Archmagos very similar to the IG Tech Priest voice (which I love - a sneery Darth Sidious type). In fact I'd love to do the voice myself if I may!
I recommend that as they are powered by a Rad Furnace that they do poison damage when they die to anything nearby - perhaps in an explosion?
Unit_Complete1: <rustling sound like wraiths>
Unit_Complete2: We have unleashed the Scyllax!
Unit_Complete3: Scyllax Guardian Automata...
Move1: <response beep>
Move2: Send out the Scyllax!
Move3: On mechandrite limbs...
Attack1: Dissection protocols loaded...
Attack2: <threatening beep>
Attack3: Set Rad Furnaces to full burn!
Under_Fire1: <warning beep>
Under_Fire2: The Scyllax are taking damage...
Under_Fire3: Scyllax are not programmed for this!
Capture1: <affirmative beep>
Capture2: The Scyllax will see to it...
Capture3: Send in the Scyllax...
Capped1: <triumphant beep>
Capped2: Set Scyllax to sentry mode...
Capped3: The guardians have it...
Morale_Break1: <nervous beep>
Morale_Break2: Pull the Scyllax out... they can no more here...
Morale_Break3: Signal the Scyllax to withdraw...
Morale_Restored1: <rallying beep>
Morale_Restored2: The Scyllax are not so easily bested...
Morale_Restored3: Scyllax have not flesh to fear!
Load_Transport1: Scyllax to conveyor.
Load_Transport2: Put the Scyllax aboard...
Unload_Transport1: Scyllax exiting conveyor.
Unload_Transport2: New perimeter established.
Death1: <Powering down sound>
Death2: Overload the Rad Furnaces, the Scyllax have failed...
Death3: Scyllax destroyed. Schedule component recovery.
Edited by Mephistoned, 12 July 2015 - 03:01 PM.