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C&C Tiberian history: Hints & Tips #70

artillery tiberian sun nod

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#1 Madin


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Posted 02 August 2015 - 10:13 PM

Name: Artillery
Side: Nod

Tier: 3
ERA: Tiberian Sun

Cost: $1500

Base Asset: Black_Drakon





This replaces the current Tiberian dawn artillery.

This artillery is considered the superior artillery piece, so direct comparisons are not really necessary.

This is tier 3 which obviously means that Nod can no longer build artillery at tier 2.


Here is a list of the key features:

  1. Standard tier 3 artillery range (same as Juggernaut).
  2. Weapon does 'CANNON' damage (good against vehicles).
  3. Reasonable projectile speed.
  4. Large minimum range.
  5. Large damage radius.
  6. Light amour.
  7. Cannot fire while moving.

As you would expect this artillery has more range then the M110 (1). The big deal though is that it does 'CANNON' damage (2), which means that it is useful vs vehicles right from the start (the M110 was not useful vs vehicles until it was upgraded with the Blue mix upgrade).

This allows you to use them in a similar manner to the Juggernaut, either as a mobile base defence, or picking off vehicles in the field behind a wall of tanks.



Artillery units sitting on a ridge, blasting enemy units below!



The 'CANNON' damage means that they can be used to harass enemy vehicles, like here against enemy harvesters.


In that regard the fact that it has good projectile speed (3) really helps, especially when dealing with moving targets. The projectile is not as fast as the Juggernauts, but it is faster than the M110.

What helps even more is the large damage radius (5), which is better than both the Juggernaut and the standard M110 warheads.

As you might expect, there is a reasonable minimum range (4), which as usual means that units that can get close enough will have a large advantage when dealing with your artillery.

Also the fact that the artillery is lightly armoured will factor into this (6), although while the armour is light, it still has more health then the M110 had.

Finally as you would probably expect, the artillery cannot fire on the move (7), it requires some time to deploy before it fires, and also it needs to un-deploy before it can move on.



Must deploy to fire



Bombard Spotted Target


The artillery has the ability to bombard a target that has been spotted by the Nod Commando!

This is very similar to the GDI Juggernauts spot bombardment (in that case it is the Sniper squad that does the spotting), so it should be very familiar to use.

The Nod Commando will remain invisible (provided she is standing still) whilst the bombardment happens as an added bonus.



Here is the target decal






Here a different target is bombarded


How will you sneak the Commando in considering that she is visible while moving? I would say that the Stealth Chinook is the preferred drop method (please note that you cannot spot a target while inside the Chinook!).

The radius that you can attack a target from relative to where the Commando is standing, is the same as GDI's spot bombardment.



Heroic Artillery Barrage



Once you have reached 'HEROIC' rank, you will unlock this ability.

It is similar to the GDI Hover MLRS's 'Rocket Bombardment' ability, in that it unlocks a weapon that fires more rounds, in a wider attack radius, and with more range, then the standard weapon.



As you can see it has a wide spread


In the case of the artillery, it fires 8 shells very rapidly (even allowing for the improved firing speed that you get with the 'HEROIC' rank), and in a wide spread.

The major detail here (as with the Hover MLRS Rocket bombardment) is the extra range that this can be fired from, it exceeds even the SSM in range!



Has some nice range!


Obviously you want to use this on either groups of structures, or an unsuspecting group of enemy units.

It recharges in around 60 seconds.



Blue mix



As with the M110, the Nod artillery is able to make use of the Blue mix upgrade.

While it is no longer relevant that the warhead does 'CANNON' damage, it still provides a nice damage, and damage radius boost. Also the extra damage done to infantry, that are typically resistant to 'CANNON' damage, is a welcome bonus.




The best thing? all of the above special abilities will be boosted by the Blue mix upgrade!

I can tell you, a spot bombardment with blue mix upgraded artillery is no joke, and an 'Artillery barrage' is fierce when done from a blue mix upgraded heroic artillery unit!


Finally some stats:
Default Weapon:
Firing duration = 4.25s
Weapon speed = 350
Minimum attack range = 150
Weapon Range = 675

Damage = 1250
Damage radius = 100
Damage type = CANNON
Default Weapon Ratings:
Primary use: Anti-structure
Anti-structure rating = Good+. Good damage dealt outside the range of most static defences.
Secondary use: Anti-Vehicle
Anti-Vehicle rating = Very Good. Very good damage against vehicles, in a very wide radius.
Blue Tiberium shell

Firing duration = 5s

Damage = 2250
Damage radius = 125
Damage type = CANNON + SNIPER (notes: Does 500 sniper damage!)
Blue Tiberium Ratings:
Primary use: Anti-structure
Anti-structure rating = Very good. Good damage dealt outside of the range of most static defences.
Secondary use: Anti-Vehicle
Anti-Vehicle rating = Very Good+. Very good damage against vehicles, in a very wide radius.

Teritary use: Anti-infantry
Anti-infantry rating = Very good+. Will kill most infantry squads in one hit, the greatly increased damage radius makes it harder to avoid.

Vehicle Stats
Vision = 675
Shroud clearing = 200
Health = 2800
Speed = 55


GDI are going to lose the artillery war!




Release 8 Update:

  • Turret turn rate 45 degrees a sec (was 60), Turret pitch 20 (was 30).

Edited by Madin, 13 May 2017 - 06:04 PM.

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