Changing font colour
Posted 08 September 2015 - 12:48 AM
Posted 10 September 2015 - 12:35 PM
You have the red font in Rj-Rotwk.
Posted 15 September 2015 - 11:42 PM
Posted 14 October 2015 - 08:18 PM
As thrandy said you need to change const files, which is part of the APT editing, which there is some information on in the BFME 2 forums instead of the art and graphics one
I'd say look there first
Posted 15 October 2015 - 07:19 PM
Posted 18 October 2015 - 09:15 AM
tool is here http://modding-union...path=tools#kopf
But, Im having an issue aswell with const files. I go in the xml, edit the RGB values, convert back to const, whack it in a .big, and the font color hasnt changed.
Example entry, those RGB's are the correct place to modify yes? Seems it does nothing in-game
<font id="55" name="Albertus MT"/> <edittext id="56" top="-2.000000" left="-2.000000" bottom="39.900002" right="95.250000" font="55" alignment="2" red="255" green="102" blue="51" alpha="0" height="14.000000" readonly="1" multiline="1" wordwrap="0"> <ettext text="........"/>
Whilst im here Id like to know how to change the color of the outer Palantir/Spellbook glow. BFME2's is green, anyone know how to do that? One apt texture controls the inside of the Spellbook color, I wana know how to do the outer glow tho.
Edited by Valheru, 18 October 2015 - 09:30 AM.
Posted 16 November 2015 - 01:15 AM
Better late than never^^, you have to edit the first constantpool. You should find the right entries from line 172.
<constant id="140" string="colorAngmarCore"/> <constant id="141" string="80B4FF"/> <constant id="142" string="colorAngmarButtonUp"/> <constant id="143" string="7FAABB"/> <constant id="144" string="colorAngmarButtonOver"/> <constant id="145" string="C0EEFF"/> <constant id="146" string="colorAngmarLines"/> <constant id="147" string="74808E"/> <constant id="148" string="colorInnerFrameA"/> <constant id="149" string="colorInnerFrameB"/> <constant id="150" string="colorLine"/> <constant id="151" string="FFFFCC"/> <constant id="152" string="colorGadgetBox"/> <constant id="153" string="colorGadgetGameSpeed"/> <constant id="154" string="C47E40"/> <constant id="155" string="colorFrameGlobal"/> <constant id="156" string="0x"/> <constant id="157" string="colorTextOver"/> <constant id="158" string="colorTextUp"/> <constant id="159" string="colorTextDark"/> <constant id="160" string="colorTextBright"/> <constant id="161" string="colorSubTextBright"/> <constant id="162" string="0xC4D8DF"/> <constant id="163" string="colorSubTextDark"/> <constant id="164" string="0x57842B"/> <constant id="165" string="colorTitleA"/> <constant id="166" string="0x7FAABB"/> <constant id="167" string="tabTextColorUp"/> <constant id="168" string="tabTextColorOver"/> <constant id="169" string="tabTextColorDark"/> <constant id="170" string="tabTextColorBritght"/> <constant id="171" string="tabTextColorBright"/> <constant id="172" string="objColor"/> <constant id="173" string="0xFFFFFF"/>
Posted 19 November 2015 - 01:12 AM
lol i almost forgot about this topic
tnx guys, ill try it.....
Posted 19 November 2015 - 01:46 AM
Better late than never^^, you have to edit the first constantpool. You should find the right entries from line 172.
<constant id="140" string="colorAngmarCore"/> <constant id="141" string="80B4FF"/> <constant id="142" string="colorAngmarButtonUp"/> <constant id="143" string="7FAABB"/> <constant id="144" string="colorAngmarButtonOver"/> <constant id="145" string="C0EEFF"/> <constant id="146" string="colorAngmarLines"/> <constant id="147" string="74808E"/> <constant id="148" string="colorInnerFrameA"/> <constant id="149" string="colorInnerFrameB"/> <constant id="150" string="colorLine"/> <constant id="151" string="FFFFCC"/> <constant id="152" string="colorGadgetBox"/> <constant id="153" string="colorGadgetGameSpeed"/> <constant id="154" string="C47E40"/> <constant id="155" string="colorFrameGlobal"/> <constant id="156" string="0x"/> <constant id="157" string="colorTextOver"/> <constant id="158" string="colorTextUp"/> <constant id="159" string="colorTextDark"/> <constant id="160" string="colorTextBright"/> <constant id="161" string="colorSubTextBright"/> <constant id="162" string="0xC4D8DF"/> <constant id="163" string="colorSubTextDark"/> <constant id="164" string="0x57842B"/> <constant id="165" string="colorTitleA"/> <constant id="166" string="0x7FAABB"/> <constant id="167" string="tabTextColorUp"/> <constant id="168" string="tabTextColorOver"/> <constant id="169" string="tabTextColorDark"/> <constant id="170" string="tabTextColorBritght"/> <constant id="171" string="tabTextColorBright"/> <constant id="172" string="objColor"/> <constant id="173" string="0xFFFFFF"/>
do i need some special program for this or do i just change the file, and if thats the case then which file exactly? Im sorry for being noob, but i never worked with this kind of stuff....
Posted 20 November 2015 - 04:12 PM
You can do that with a hexeditor, too, but i think its easier with the already mentioned apteditor
With the apteditor you have to convert the files (you can do that with drag&drop), then you have to edit the posted parts for the textcolors, and after that you convert the file back.
Posted 21 November 2015 - 08:28 AM
hmm, i downloaded the program but when i drag any file from apt folder in ROTWK directory, it shows some error message
am i doing something wrong?
Posted 21 November 2015 - 01:05 PM
Edited by Gwanw, 21 November 2015 - 01:06 PM.
Posted 15 April 2016 - 05:30 PM
Better late than never^^, you have to edit the first constantpool. You should find the right entries from line 172.
<constant id="140" string="colorAngmarCore"/> <constant id="141" string="80B4FF"/> <constant id="142" string="colorAngmarButtonUp"/> <constant id="143" string="7FAABB"/> <constant id="144" string="colorAngmarButtonOver"/> <constant id="145" string="C0EEFF"/> <constant id="146" string="colorAngmarLines"/> <constant id="147" string="74808E"/> <constant id="148" string="colorInnerFrameA"/> <constant id="149" string="colorInnerFrameB"/> <constant id="150" string="colorLine"/> <constant id="151" string="FFFFCC"/> <constant id="152" string="colorGadgetBox"/> <constant id="153" string="colorGadgetGameSpeed"/> <constant id="154" string="C47E40"/> <constant id="155" string="colorFrameGlobal"/> <constant id="156" string="0x"/> <constant id="157" string="colorTextOver"/> <constant id="158" string="colorTextUp"/> <constant id="159" string="colorTextDark"/> <constant id="160" string="colorTextBright"/> <constant id="161" string="colorSubTextBright"/> <constant id="162" string="0xC4D8DF"/> <constant id="163" string="colorSubTextDark"/> <constant id="164" string="0x57842B"/> <constant id="165" string="colorTitleA"/> <constant id="166" string="0x7FAABB"/> <constant id="167" string="tabTextColorUp"/> <constant id="168" string="tabTextColorOver"/> <constant id="169" string="tabTextColorDark"/> <constant id="170" string="tabTextColorBritght"/> <constant id="171" string="tabTextColorBright"/> <constant id="172" string="objColor"/> <constant id="173" string="0xFFFFFF"/>
Apologies for posting on a dead topic, but
1) where is this constantpool 'file' you mentioned? I am not familiar with this xml terminology (I mainly only know chucks of c and assembly).
2) Why is it the first constantpool?
Edited by OperationRenegade, 15 April 2016 - 07:45 PM.
Posted 16 April 2016 - 02:48 AM
1. There's not an further file for the constantpool, its already in the converted xml file (used by an actionscript). But you have to use the mentioned editor, cause the other version ignore the const-file (thats the original file, where the const entries are saved).
2. It doesnt have to be the first constantpool, but EA added the basic informations like textcolor to the first actionscript and so to the first constantpool.
Posted 16 April 2016 - 05:57 PM
Thanks Gwanw for the speedy response. Sorry for being nooby but it if its not too much of a hassle:
1) How do I access the 'StrategicCommandButton'? (last line in the code I supplied)
2) what does character="12" mean?
3) what does constant id="157" mean?
4) I understand what strings are, but what are they even doing in the example you gave?
What I am trying to do in my mod is to add a new functioning button for fortress upgrades in the WOTR map, preferably with a toggle (between the standard hero command set and the fortress upgrade command set) and the added button being radial (i.e. not on the palantir) .
Unfortunately, this seems to require such apt hardcoding.
File: StrategicHUD.apt (xml)
<<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <aptdata> <movieclip> <imports> <import name="ButtonTimerOverlay" movie="libInGameUI" character="5"/> <import name="LoadMovieFrame" movie="libInGameUI" character="15"/> </imports> <exports> <export name="StrategicCommandButton" character="12"/>
Posted 17 April 2016 - 01:49 AM
1.&2. You have to look for the character with the id 12 (in this case it is a sprite character). This character will be exported with the name "StrategicCommandButton".
3. The id means, that the actionscript which uses this constant pool can push the string through a different commands (its useful for strings pushed more often than once).
4. For example with pushconstant val="0" you can push the string of the constant id="0" or with pushvalue val="0" the attached value of the string.
I dont think, thats prossible, most of the actionscripts are direct related to the functions of the engine, so you have to use the radial/palantir commandset. I dont know to add a new button with new functions beyond the apts.
But my experience with the WOTR-mode is very limited, so perhaps its possible, therefore a try could be worth, but I cant help you that much .
Posted 17 April 2016 - 08:11 PM
1&2 - look for the character where (is it like ASCII - where a value represents a character - eg 'A')? In the same .apt or .const file?
Woah, in contrast to c and assembly xml is like double dutch .
Posted 17 April 2016 - 08:26 PM
The characters are in the apt file, only the strings of the constantpool are saved in the const file.
Posted 18 April 2016 - 09:00 PM
Cheers Gwanw for trying to explain it to me; xml is truly a mystery to me .
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