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Kanes Wrath Log in Trouble

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#41 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 03:44 PM

By the way. Game Ranger is working for me now, but I still cannot get on to the Revora Server.

#42 ToxicShock


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Posted 25 October 2015 - 07:09 PM

Did you change something to make GameRanger work? If so, please try to log in to C&C:Online again and make another post here. I will check the log again to see if you show up.

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#43 XXcyberstorm

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 09:47 PM

When I tried GameRanger the first time it failed because I had KW open which was my mistake. I have tried since then to get on Revora and it still won't work. 

#44 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 29 October 2015 - 11:33 PM

Any new ideas anybody?

#45 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 03:28 AM

Are there any port numbers I need to open?

#46 ToxicShock


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Posted 07 November 2015 - 08:48 AM

You need to open all of this port range for KW to connect to other players:  UDP Ports: 8088-65535   However, in your case, that is not yet an issue because you are not connecting to the server at all.    The port range to connect to the server for KW  is the same as that for TW (where you can connect) so that is probably  not the issue.      You'll have to remind me about the firewall situation.        Did you make an exception for TW are any firewalls you have switched off?

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#47 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 07:28 PM

There is an exception made to let me play both TW and KW with my firewall. I even tried disabling my firewall completely just to see if that was it. But had no luck logging on. So it may not be a firewall solution.

#48 s2nZo


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 06:00 PM

What is your modem? Do you have a switch between? Does it got a firmware update? What is your ISP?


You look to have the same problem as hellcatC-17, his provider blocked those port from one day to the other and therefore is unable to play anymore, despite i have searched like a crazy all possible solution. There is no way to bypass those blocked port. Maybe with a VPN, but i am not sure if that can work.


What i would try to be sure about this, is to reinstall Windows, do not update anything, do not install firewall, neither antivirus, nothing, disable your wifi service, just install TW/KW and try again, if that still don't work, this is or related to your modem bad configurated or your ISP blocking those port.


To be sure it isn't a modem error, put a static ip on your computer, check your modem and look if there isn't an option to portforward everything to your computer with his static ip, so ALL port will be opened and forwarded to it. If that still don't work, then it is your ISP blocking them. Disable ALL the port forwarding to secure yourself back again, we usually don't open all the port like this, it's dangerous.


If you want, and only if, i can do it for you using TeamViewer so you see yourself what i am doing, maybe you did something wrong somewhere (i hope).



There is nothing much we all can do for you


By the way, is GameRanger using another range of port than the one needed by CCO?

Edited by s2nZo, 11 November 2015 - 06:03 PM.

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#49 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 29 November 2015 - 11:31 PM

Is there a time we can meet and do Team Viewer to try and see what this is?

#50 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 19 December 2015 - 02:22 AM

Has any solution came up for this yet? 


S2 we should try Team Viewer if that will help us find out what is wrong.

#51 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 26 December 2015 - 06:12 PM

Is anybody still looking into this? Would really be nice to get back on Revora.

#52 ToxicShock


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Posted 27 December 2015 - 07:56 AM

Oh boy. I'm all out of ideas. Anyone else?

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#53 ~AngelOfDeath~


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 09:04 PM

What i would try to be sure about this, is to reinstall Windows, do not update anything, do not install firewall, neither antivirus, nothing, disable your wifi service, just install TW/KW and try again, if that still don't work, this is or related to your modem bad configurated or your ISP blocking those port.



#54 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 14 January 2016 - 11:18 PM

I was able to access Revora today about 20 minutes ago. I went offline once and have not been able to get back on since. So weird.

#55 s2nZo


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Posted 22 January 2016 - 10:32 AM

My bad bro, i don't check enough Revora anymore, send me your skype by PM, we will try to set a date to check your problem myself

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#56 XXcyberstormXX

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 06:26 PM

did the servers get any update or any sort of changes that would make me unable to connect to them? I am unable to establish any sort of connection with the servers, but can play through gameranger only...

#57 AggressivePanda

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 09:57 PM

I remember playing with you cyber a few months back, have you done anything since then? Like you used to have zero issues with it :/

Edited by AggressivePanda, 06 March 2016 - 09:57 PM.

#58 ViperMkVII


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 11:12 PM

Hi, can you do a test to collect some log?

Extract all files from this zip file Attached File  CNC.zip   1.39MB   141 downloads

and run "cnconline.exe" inside it (after having extracted all files, of course)

[It won't help you get online, it will just log information, and please don't use this anymore if you are able to play online, otherwise it may generate a log file of several megabytes after every match]


And use it to start your game.


If it runs correctly, when your game is starting, it should prompt a window displaying the path to a "CNCOnline_InGameLog.txt", which normally should be here: %TEMP%\CNCOnline_InGameLog.txt


Then, try to log into C&C:Online. After your log in attempt, exit game and upload that in-game log, and probably we can find the cause of that problem inside this log file.


If your game crash/doesn't prompt window at start up/or you have other problems with this zip file, please tell me.


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