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Petition: Change Revora/GR Ban rules

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#1 cgf123`

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 01:12 PM

its 2016 and we're still playing a 2008 game - why does GR.org/Revora still have antiquated ban policies that feel like they're even older than KW?

at this point i dont think anyone cares if the likes of Green_ZERO got away with murder....

the fact is certain people in this community are spending time, money and effort to keep the game alive -- be it via patches, maps, sponsoring tournaments, videos etc

honestly it doesn't feel worth the effort if key players are being banned from Revora for arbitrary reasons, and we're being blatantly denied of high quality games as a result

and yes, ARBITRARY reasons -- they ARE ARBITRARY and TRIVIAL compared to the sacrifices some of the others (me included) make in terms of money, time and effort

by not allowing these 'banned' players from playing and/or not giving us any say in these decisions... you are HURTING the community - you are SPITTING IN THE FACE of people who make contributions to keep the competitive online KW community alive

if GR/Revora do not change their policies, i'm afraid you will leave some of us with no option than to stop supporting and hosting events on GR/Revora and find alternative arrangements for the same whereby our concerns and efforts would actually be respected.


post +1 here if you agree that 'banned' players should be allowed to play in events based on PLAYERS' consent, and not a bunch of admins here who dont even play the game

Edited by cgf123`, 31 August 2016 - 01:31 PM.

#2 incapaisa

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 01:29 PM

post +1 here if you agree that 'banned' players should be allowed to play in events based on PLAYERS' consent, and not a bunch of admins here/on revora who dont even play the game


And please don't delete or lock this thread..


Can you gentleman properly debate and post on to why we can't just as adults move on and learn to enjoy a 8 year old game without such restrictions and moderation.


Especially when the ban you have in place does not work thus he is allowed to play regardless, and cause of him other players get banned thus furthering the damage done on this small niche community.

#3 Irenë Hawnetyne

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 01:45 PM

I'm not an admin here, but I don't think it's out of line to suggest reading this on the topic of Green_ZERO, whose banning was clearly far from arbitrary.


they ARE ARBITRARY and TRIVIAL compared to the sacrifices some of the others (me included) make in terms of money, time and effort



It's worth noting that the services provided to you by GR/Revora were build and are provided by the players here, and no profit has been made from them, and the sacrifices members here have made, in time and effort, has led to your ability to play these games on their servers.


and not a bunch of admins here/on revora who dont even play the game



I like this sentence because it's neither true or relevant. They built it, it's up to them how they wish to moderate it.


 why we can't just as adults move on and learn to enjoy a 8 year old game without such restrictions and moderation.



If we all acted like adults, moderation would not be necessary, and members such as Green_ZERO would not need banning. 

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#4 Phx

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 01:50 PM

+1 as ive said a million times, once Green_ZERO has his account back he has no reason to even continue making accounts to play the dam game, im sure the majority of the C&C 3 Kanes Wrath community want to see him unbanned he's done alot for the community and simply wants to play the game at this point....

#5 Wookibert

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 02:13 PM


we are not nearly enough players to ban anyone. if he is unbanned he wouldnt damage the servers (your work) anymore coz he would not have any reason for it. unbanning him and simply be done with that whole affair would be the best solution for everyone the server hosts and the players

#6 Krustenkaese999

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 03:22 PM

Maybe this is not any longer a topic about "What shit this guy did" than "How can Revora keep the own face". Its like saying: "One time life-banned = forever being life-banned". The thought is: "when Revora is going down on the knees for GZ than everybody can act like an asshole because there is no sanction" !!!


I think that this is the wrong thought !


Guys, everybody (Admin, Casual player, Low-Mid Player, Caster, Pro-Player, Viewer etc.) of the KW community has the same Goal: Keeping Kane alive as long as possible !


Maybe Green Zero is an asshole and maybe he deserved being banned. I watched his Revora=Nazi video and its just ridiculous and childish. Nobody has an advantage with videos like that. The conclusion is that guys from revora dislike all of GZs videos and GZ dislike the videos from Gamereplays. In the end both factions have dislikes^^


Its fact that he is a pro-player, pro-caster, popular and Kanes Wrath fetishist. Maybe he has no real live but who knows...^^. In general he is a guy who is important for the Kanes Wrath community. He was important 8 Years ago and it never changed !


Phx is right when he says that: "once Green_ZERO has his account back he has no reason to even continue making accounts to play the dam game". That means that there would be less work for revora when there is not any longer a troll making 200 accs the whole time.


Some guy made the advise to ban him from Gamereplays but unban him from CNC Online. Let him play in CNC Online and in tournaments. If he wants to sign up for tournaments there are a lot of guys who would do this job for him.


Some advantages are:

- having one more good player in tournament and in ladder.

=> more competition in tournaments and in ladder = more viewers in streams and maybe more players because of more popularity

- less work with troll accounts

- less work with stupid topics like that

- a community which is more satisfied

- more respect for revora because they are working together with the community

- maybe new casting videos when Spartacus and GZ can work together. Both are brilliant casters. I would love to see both guys casting the same match

- more qualified opinions in issues like a new BH/T59 Balance Patch

- a guy who can make it to Ro16 with Steel Talons in Ladder Season^^



Ah yeah I forgot following:



Edited by Krustenkaese999, 31 August 2016 - 03:27 PM.

#7 Mathijs


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Posted 31 August 2016 - 03:35 PM

We've reached out to him several times, and got personal confirmation that even in the event of us unbanning him, he would continue to break server rules, slander us, and continue to attack our infrastructure if we applied penalties, meaning he's either unbanned and an untouchable nuisance, or a banned/blacklisted nuisance, like now. It's clear to us that if we unban Green_ZERO, we would only give him a larger podium for him to slander us on, and we'd lose all credibility in enforcing rules on our server, because there's very little anyone could do that's worse than what he's done, and if he's free to play, so should any toxic asshole that wants to ruin our service.


Also, there's nothing 'antiquated' about an online server banning people that deliberately mess with their service. It happens every day. You just don't like it in this case.


I don't understand why you're talking to us, when the obvious aggressor is Green_ZERO. Why don't you go off and petition him to stop spamming our infrastructure and slandering us in his videos, maybe tell him he's spitting in our faces, or some other dramatized platitude? Every new account he makes solidifies his ban, and every lie he spreads makes us less inclined to reach out one more time. Here's how it is: We don't want him on our server, regardless of his competitive skill, his (generally toxic and slanderous) videos, or his fanbase. The rules were clearly communicated to him, he chose to break them (and continues to break them to this day - if he'd sat out his initial suspension instead of trying to satisfy his giant ego, none of this would be happening), and therefore he is permanently banned. That's how rules work - people don't get away with stealing some old lady's purse because they've got a bunch of friends that think he's really a very nice contributing member of society. Green _ZERO knew our rules, chose to break them thinking he'd get away with it, and when he didn't, decided the best way forward wasn't to apologize and face the consequences, but antagonize us further through harrassment and attacks on our systems.


As it stands, Green_ZERO will never be unbanned. This decision is enforced by Phil, the creator and lead admin of C&C:Online.

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#8 Space

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 07:19 PM


He's the best vodder and I absolutely don't care about his attitude in-game. If anything it's more tolerable than many of the players that are currently unbanned. You said he's going to be slandering your server once he's unbanned, I'm sure that won't happen. In the skype chat we had some time ago it was made clear that he won't be doing anything slanderous if he is unbanned. He's a great player, great cast, his talent (more specifically his videos) are what made me personally get back to this game when I had no intentions of returning back in January. Players like him keep the game alive and servers running; brings more audience and makes the game flourish. Could you please just let go of any personal issues and start a new page? It's time to move on. How about some kind of agreement where GZ is not allowed to break any CNC Online rules whatsoever? How about an apology? What do you want? I'm guessing you will reply to me with "there is nothing I want he is banned and that is it." If that's the case you're being totalitarian and no argument can be made because there is no room for one. If not I expect a reasonable solution to finally end this hate war. It's time to see GZ praising you in his videos not hating on you. It's also time to see you have him unbanned instead of him wasting so much time just to try to play a few games before getting banned again. I'm voting for his return for the sake of the community. I'm trying to make a reasonable and selfless decision. Can you do that?


#9 Irenë Hawnetyne

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 08:03 PM

How about some kind of agreement where GZ is not allowed to break any CNC Online rules whatsoever?



I don't know about you, but I was under the impression nobody is supposed to break the rules. That's sort of something you agree to by joining CNC:Online.

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#10 PurpleGaga27


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Posted 31 August 2016 - 08:17 PM



Give him a second chance.


I don't think CrazyGDIFan123 is the only person wanting Revora/GameReplays to change banning rules. Maybe either Phil, Toxicshock, Plokite and Methuselah (if he's still there in GR) will have to decide this.

#11 Mathijs


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Posted 31 August 2016 - 08:30 PM


He's the best vodder and I absolutely don't care about his attitude in-game. If anything it's more tolerable than many of the players that are currently unbanned. You said he's going to be slandering your server once he's unbanned, I'm sure that won't happen. In the skype chat we had some time ago it was made clear that he won't be doing anything slanderous if he is unbanned. He's a great player, great cast, his talent (more specifically his videos) are what made me personally get back to this game when I had no intentions of returning back in January. Players like him keep the game alive and servers running; brings more audience and makes the game flourish. Could you please just let go of any personal issues and start a new page? It's time to move on. How about some kind of agreement where GZ is not allowed to break any CNC Online rules whatsoever? How about an apology? What do you want? I'm guessing you will reply to me with "there is nothing I want he is banned and that is it." If that's the case you're being totalitarian and no argument can be made because there is no room for one. If not I expect a reasonable solution to finally end this hate war. It's time to see GZ praising you in his videos not hating on you. It's also time to see you have him unbanned instead of him wasting so much time just to try to play a few games before getting banned again. I'm voting for his return for the sake of the community. I'm trying to make a reasonable and selfless decision. Can you do that?

You're just making a very big, idealistic deal over something that is very simple. Your proposed agreement is exactly how we started out, because everyone who makes an account on C&C:Online agrees to not breaking our rules. Duh. In Green_ZERO's case, we made a special effort to explain these rules to him, because we knew of his past actions and wanted to ensure things went smoothly on our server. Look how that went.


Green_ZERO broke the rules knowingly, got a suspension for that, broke his suspension while abusing our staff, got banned, and has since made thousands of fake accounts to fuck with us. You don't have the foggiest idea of how vile this guy is, because you're not dealing with that side of him. There is simply no way we want someone like this on our server, that we work on, that we pay for, in our free time and out of our own pockets. If this looks like a totalitarian decision to you, that's because it is: C&C:Online belongs to Revora, and Revora admins have decided that this guy is permanently unwelcome for the things that he has done and continues to do to this day. We are willing to forgive a lot of things and have done so in the past for other toxic players, in KW and the other games we cover. But the way Green_ZERO has and continues to spread lies and attack our server (his account spam has gotten a lot worse very recently), he has dug his own grave.


I like how you're coming up with these proposals as if they are a last ditch effort rather than the obvious thing Green_ZERO should have done from the start: not break the rules. We gave him several chances, he's failed them all. Apologies and promises are empty: he has made it his mission to fuck with us, has told us this directly, and we're not going to make exceptions for people who are this awful. He's been going on for a very long time now and has showed no signs of stopping - he's kept up his slandering, he's kept up and intensified his account spam. I repeat: last month we reached out to him to do pretty much exactly what you suggest - talk things over to find a solution. He told us to fuck off in no uncertain terms. Does this not raise a red flag for you? We have personally reached out, but the only thing we get from his side is worse and worse attacks, with his fans, the people in this thread, not him, taking it upon themselves to come here and tell us what to do about it. It's beyond ridiculous. We're not going to spend more time on this basket case - we've tried, and we've been entirely rejected, with the assurance that he'll never stop, no matter what we do. He's banned, as he would be on any other gaming platform.


@Zocom: This would be his fourth chance. We're done.

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#12 Irenë Hawnetyne

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 08:37 PM



Give him a second chance.


I don't think CrazyGDIFan123 is the only person wanting Revora/GameReplays to change banning rules. Maybe either Phil, Toxicshock, Plokite and Methuselah (if he's still there in GR) will have to decide this.


Not to continue this argument, but just saying, Phil did decide this. https://forums.revor...o-last-warning/

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#13 GZero1987

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 01:05 AM

Incapaisa requested that I respond to this thread even though it is likely my post will be immediately deleted due to my apparent "lifetime ban". Some of the admins post very confusing statements surrounding these so called rules that I'm breaking when they have specifically handed me a lifetime ban, which essentially makes rules irrelevant if you basically just informed me that I have nothing to lose. Addressing the other admins comments are irrelevant as most are highly inaccurate or inconsistent and I don't want to waste my time so I'll just address the main ones.


Claiming that I do not want to be unbanned is not fooling anyone, when Revora approach the community to make comments like this you can feel the cringe a mile away. Pasidon told me once that I should not assume that he knows nothing about the community, but it wasn't an assumption mate. What possible motivation could I have to want to remain banned? I have to either miss out on tournaments or sneak in, I have to use endless smurf account to play casually and Revora never actually addresses what my motivation could be with the exception that "GZ is evil. What a total joke.


Stating that I will continue to break server rules once unabnned? Why? What for? Once again you leave the motivation department pretty shortchanged as there is no logical reason why this would occur and if admins do for some reason believe that I will continue to break the rules then they are clearly being mislead or misinformed. There no denying that pretty much all of the admins do not actually play the game and history has show us that they continue to make bad decision when they remove the actual community from the decision making process.


Advising that Green_ZERO is the aggressor is one of dumbest points I have seen so far, yeah because I totally banned myself, that's basically what the admins are saying. Make no mistake that the reason for the ban stems from a grudge that ToxicShock has against me that he had been carrying since GameSpy and when they shut down and were replaced by Revora, Toxic found no more moral boundaries to keep him in line. 


If Revora really cares about the community (which is in serious question here), then they will unban me and allow me to legitimately return to the community instead of having me take it by force. Remember, I have been playing this game since its release in 2007 and I sure as hell are not going to let a bunch of old men decide that I cannot play anymore just so they can feel empowered. Attacking me grants me all the justification I need to defend myself and I know that you guys know that I could cause irreparable damage to your systems, but I don't, I only take what I need and I avoid causing too much of a mess.


This problem has been created by ToxicShock and forced onto Revora, now you fight a war which has already been lost. Just move on, unban me because if you do, then you will probably never hear from me again (unless of course you come looking for me). Deleting this or writing some 1000 words counter post to why I'm apparently evil is a waste of time because you will not find a single player who is ever going to support what you are doing to me.



Total Career Games Played: 10,137

Games Played While Free: 7944

Games Played While Banned: 2193


Days Banned: 586

Days Free: 3084


I'm at the stage where I literally do not care anymore about what you have to say about me, just unban me and let the community continue in peace. If you still feel the need to keep me banned then this problem is just going to continue to get worse and worse as it has over the last two years.



#14 incapaisa

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 01:38 AM

Look...there you have it..straight from the horse's mouth.


What you admins fail to acknowledge is that GZ loves this game so much...and He expresses that through hours of creating vods which no one pays him.  I doubt he collect much ad revenue with his channel.


I know you admins will read that post and clearly point out the threats he has made.


GZ really just wants to play the game and what has happened is you guys created a scenario where GZ is forced to defend himself taking possible malicious actions.


And Having your Rank 87 account is so important to him and many other players.


Since You guys can not properly enforce the ban why not allow him some form of redemption.  A period of say 3-6 months where he has to be on full and best behavior with zero tolerance for making any mistakes.


As you can see he just wants to play the game and it is painful that a game which love and have played for so many years , you can no longer take part in it legitimately.



As you can see several players and majority of the community is advocating for this change to occur.  Many refuse or fail to post here due to harsh repercussions or being in a bad light if their name was to be posted here.


Worst case scenario if GZ shows he can not change for the best of the community than effectively Re-Ban him and just continue the daily which hunt of smurf/fake accounts of the server.



We as the community is asking for some form of redemption.

As GZ stated why would he continue his behavior if he is just allowed back into the community and is allowed to play again.


Now I know you guys are concerned with Reputation of Revora and will have to make strong concessions if GZ would be allowed back but trust me..when I say your reputation is severely damaged and not looked upon favorably among st the community.


Does GZ cheat?, Money hacks, or stuff of that nature..of course not.


So can you please consider offering one chance..one form of redemption.


What do you really have to lose..


and honestly what are the consequences if you keep the ban in place.


He will continue to play and continue to flood the server with accounts.


So like I said several times before the BAN holds little purpose other than damaging the morale and atmosphere of the community.



Lets not bring up how other players got Banned for a few days or few weeks dues to GZ antics.


We are a small community..barely reach 100 people at peak times of the server..


I believe if we are all adults we can logically debate and talk on why a form of redemption can be a possible solution for the best of the community.


Cause honestly the BAN is doing more harm than good especially since it can not be effectively enforced.



I hope we can get a logical and fair response regarding GZ posting here and also my posts here.

#15 OneV1SI0N

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 01:46 AM

what's the point even playing this game even more.. the game is dead already and it's losing an active player that keeps the game alive.. why couldnt you just ban him from forums and not the actual game?

#16 cgf123`

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 02:49 AM

It's worth noting that the services provided to you by GR/Revora were build and are provided by the players here, and no profit has been made from them, and the sacrifices members here have made, in time and effort, has led to your ability to play these games on their servers.



I like this sentence because it's neither true or relevant. They built it, it's up to them how they wish to moderate it.

Perfectly understood - except if this service was created FOR the community, why would you make decisions that are AGAINST our interests? The only possible answers are:

a) You don't respect our interests

b) You don't understand our interests


if this is going to continue to be the case, we'd rather not play on Revora... and in the end, it wouldn't be worth it for anyone - neither us players, nor the admins putting their time into managing it



I'm not denying GZ reacted with immaturity, but permanent bans in this community, especially without the players' consent, feel 100% out of place.


Banning GZ accomplishes absolutely NOTHING GOOD besides settling an old personal score -- and that's all this is about... petty personal scores, which is how this whole matter even began.



The admins here dont play the game, so they have no clue what it feels like to lose some of our best players. Perhaps if the community shared the admins' opinon towards GZ, I could totally see a strong case for a long-term ban, because such a player is truly detrimental to the playerbase.


But its not the case -- the community doesn't have issues with GZ; we value him highly as a player and caster. He's very respectful and appreciative of what other players offer to enrich the community -- be it with their gameplay ability, casting, creating maps, mods etc. He's known to trash talk a little, but it's harmless and not rude to the point that any hardened veteran of this game would take personally.



Actually, you know what?


If GZ is unbanned and he makes a 'mess' again, I'd be 10000000% happy to PERSONALLY help 'clean up' the mess (and hopefully there will be other volunteers too), if I'm given the chance -- I'm willing to offer MY time, and I'm willing to shoulder the burden you guys take... as long as it gives me SOME say in the matter of who gets banned and why.


I mean... apparently you don't seem to understand or value what we as players or content creators offer to the game's community as a whole, and hence take no heed of our opinons. So why not give me a chance to offer you my services in a way that you DO understand?


I'm willing to open my eyes and understand your perspective... are you guys willing to do the same?

Edited by cgf123`, 01 September 2016 - 02:52 AM.

#17 Mathijs


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 06:29 AM




Claiming that I do not want to be unbanned is not fooling anyone, when Revora approach the community to make comments like this you can feel the cringe a mile away.

You've literally told us this.



What possible motivation could I have to want to remain banned?

Got to have something to rail against, your fans love you for it.



Stating that I will continue to break server rules once unabnned? Why? What for?

Again, you've literally told us this.



Advising that Green_ZERO is the aggressor is one of dumbest points I have seen so far, yeah because I totally banned myself, that's basically what the admins are saying.

We're saying that you are breaking the rules, got banned for it, then decided to slander us and break more and more and more and more to show us your goodwill. That's what we're 'advising', that's why you're the aggressor.



Make no mistake that the reason for the ban stems from a grudge that ToxicShock has against me that he had been carrying since GameSpy

Nope, the ban stems from us being aware of your history of frustrating events held by Gamereplays/ToxicShock, which is why, before you were banned, you were very temporarily suspended from our server to prevent you from frustrating the first event we held on it, as it was hosted by those people. You chose to break that suspension, and that is why you are banned. You know that as well as we do, so stop lying.



If Revora really cares about the community (which is in serious question here), then they will unban me and allow me to legitimately return to the community instead of having me take it by force.

We care about the community - just not about you. You had several chances, you decided to insult us and more importantly continue to break the rule you were banned for thousands of times.



Attacking me grants me all the justification I need to defend myself

We don't attack you, we just don't make exceptions for people with giant ego's when applying the rules that go for everyone else.



I know that you guys know that I could cause irreparable damage to your systems, but I don't.

I really don't think you could.



This problem has been created by ToxicShock and forced onto Revora, now you fight a war which has already been lost.

We're not 'fighting a war', get off your podium. We're applying rules to keep unwanted people off of our server. That's you. The only person that's forced anything on us was you, by slandering us and spamming us with your accounts. All you had to do was sit through a single short suspension, based on evidence of you ruining similar events (ie. events held by Gamereplays) and show us you weren't the nuisance you were claimed to be. You've failed spectacularly to prove us wrong by circumventing that suspension and ruining the event. After that, no honest approaches were made by you to discuss this thing like adults - just flaming and slandering, and you've shown no willingness to respect our work and authority over it - it's been just more and more account spam, and again in your post here, you glorify wasting our time, threaten us some more, and portray yourself as some sort of antihero when all you are to us is a guy that attacks our service and makes a brand out of it.


The problem, from the start, was that you thought we would never dare touch you for breaking our rules, and you've been throwing temper tantrums ever since it turned out that you were wrong. 



We've tried to reach out to him just last month, and were rejected, laughed at, and assured that he'd continue to fuck with us no matter what we did. Sorry, but Green_ZERO has done nothing at all that would allow us to remotely consider a 'redemption', including his boastful post in this topic.


He's very respectful and appreciative of what other players offer to enrich the community

Except to the people that enable the community to continue playing in the game's native server environment - he's never been particularly appreciative or respectful there.


We take heed of your opinions, and we appreciate content creators - Revora is still a modding community at its core and we've hosted big CnC modding projects for over a decade. But when it comes to applying penalties on our server, we look at the facts: circumventing suspensions is not allowed - if we make an exception for Green_ZERO, we have no leg to stand on to moderate our server environment in the future. Multiple accounts are not allowed, because it makes it harder for us to keep track of what happens where. See, the rules exist for a reason. The penalty for these offenses is temporary suspension, because that's all you can really do in an online environment, and when someone continues to break the rules, the only thing you can do is extend that suspension, eventually into permanence. If you don't, you're condoning their behavior. This was never as personal as Green_ZERO likes to portray it as: we've literally only applied the same sensible rules that go for anyone else.


I'll try to again explain just where we're coming from here.


Anyone on this server can break the rules enough times to get permanently banned. Green_ZERO is no exception, and we refuse to make him an exception based on the fact that a group of players thinks he's a good guy. Opinions don't change facts, and if we were to go down that road, we'd only be able to impose penalties on players that didn't have a lot friends to back them up. Things simply cannot work that way, because that would be an inherently unfair system. We don't give people a say in who gets banned and who doesn't, because it's not a matter of opinion, not even for an admin. A fair system treats everyone equally, regardless of their background or their connections. When it comes to moderation, we look at facts, nothing more.


Look, I do understand where you're coming from - you think Green_ZERO is an asset that we shouldn't keep down, because he makes videos and entertains people. I get that just fine. However, you're not seeing things from our end. It's not a matter of saving face, it's a matter of coherency. We've established that the rules we have make sense: C&C:Online, like any online platform, requires a degree of moderation, and rules exist to make this possible - to give us a leg to stand on, so to speak. If we make an exception for guy that's broken our rules so many times the ban should really read '17 lifetimes, just to be sure', and do this only because he's a popular guy, we're sending the message that it's okay to relentlessly break the rules and treat us like dirt, so long as you've got a Youtube channel that gets some views. We simply cannot do that. Popularity doesn't give you the right to break rules that we need to uphold in order to have some degree of control over what happens in our online environment. To that end, Green_ZERO's approach in trying to get his ban lifted has been completely counterproductive: no remorse, no sign of improvement (things have only gotten worse, as he's proudly stated), no respectful communication towards us whatsoever, despite us attempting a respectful dialogue as recently as last month, and, of course, a whole bunch of threats in his last post. If we both agree that having a certain set of rules is a necessary thing for a service like this, and we agree that a fair system is important, then the next logical step is agreeing that Green_ZERO, despite his popularity, should be banned. I understand that you consider it a loss - in a way, so do I - but any other outcome at this point is favoritism and justice through emotion rather than objectivity.


Still, an apology and a marked change in behavior and attitude towards us wouldn't be an unwelcome sight to any admin here. Maybe stop breaking the rules while he's at it - and stop getting others to break them for him.

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#18 incapaisa

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 11:21 AM

Well thank you Mathijs for your time and effort and responding to our petition.


I tried...I really really tried but it seems there is no hope for somehow reinstating GZ


Thank you for your time and response and well I guess I will just move on and stop trying...


Now we just have to deal with him as he continues to wreck havoc on the server and continues to make accounts etc.  and the result is more work for you guys and others getting banned whenever he decides to interfere in events.



Sad but a reality we must accept

#19 Space

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Posted 01 September 2016 - 03:52 PM

We do not want GZ unbanned because of what we feel emotionally. The fact is, the game simply has little playerbase and perma-banning an active player that benifits the game is simply not practical. The purpose of this petition/topic is not to unban GZ but to change the Revora/CNC Online rules with regards to banning. In a game ever so slowly dying it's not a smart choice to keep the rule of permanent ban. A real life example would be the fact that some countries don't have the death sentence while others do but... We are speaking of a video game here, a dying one more specifically. This petition asks you admins to just really think about it. Is a permanent ban worth it on a dying video game with a playerbase barely reaching 100 online players? Is it? Especially if we are speaking about a player that actually contributes time, money, and effort into keeping the game alive. I presented you this with facts and not emotions so please just think about it. Would a public apology and removal of past abusive videos suffice?


#20 Plokite_Wolf


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 04:37 PM

We do not want GZ unbanned because of what we feel emotionally.


Yes, you do. You didn't even take one moment to read and understand the points of why the decision is as it is and why it will not be changed, and instead you try to roll in circles. I've seen communities less populated than KW, for games incomparably older, that banned destructive members, and they're doing fine still. The playerbase count is completely unrelated to the problem at hand, and it even won't be when the number of players playing KW in the entire world reaches exactly 1.

If GZ was truly beneficial to this community and if he truly "just wanted to play the game", he wouldn't actively try to divide it and sabotage it. Him saying he's contributing doesn't mean he is. His deeds speak against him. Petition to him, not us, like Mathijs said.

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