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Models and CAH Models

rise of the witch king

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#1 Easterling26

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Posted 03 September 2016 - 01:02 PM

Hello everybody.


So the other day I had the idea to use Create a Hero (CAH) items like

swords and helmets for new models.


Then however I noticed that all the CAH stuff was high poly.

The problem that I am facing right now is if it would be possible to

use the CAH stuff  anyway.

I read that high poly stuff will cause alot of lag.


The two downside would be lag and it would look rather

silly when a horde of high poly Haradrims fight a low poly

horde of Gondor Swordmen.


The actual reason why I would want to use the CAH stuff is because

it provides alot of finished models which could easily be used for something

else. The CAH bodies could be used for new Men of the West,rohan soldiers,

wizards,orcs,uruks,trolls and even men of the east/south.


Another reason would also be that I dont know how to make proper human models or

orc models.

Does anyone maybe have a human model without anything just the model in Rise of the Witch King size?

Or is there any way how to use the CAH stuff with having high poly stuff?

#2 Kwen



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Posted 03 September 2016 - 01:22 PM

Some people will say that polygon count does not matter and its the number of units you have on screen and pushing the limits of the engine that causes lag. While this is true, polygon count does play a role in it as well. If you use it sparingly, high poly meshes will not cause major framerate drops, but you're right that it will cause problems if you use too many.


Also you hit the nail on the head with the other main reason I and many others are an advocate for well-designed lower poly meshes instead of detailed high ones with the idea that having high poly and low poly units side by side in game is really obnoxious and very much breaks the immersion.


Edit: When we were working on The Peloponnesian Wars mod, our original Hoplite model was around 2100-2400 polygons if I recall. This didn't seem like it would be too high but we had major issues with severe lag during battles. When we switched to a much lower polygon model (around 1200 I believe) suddenly the framerate was much more bearable. Same number of units were on screen, just a different poly count.

Edited by Kwen, 03 September 2016 - 01:26 PM.

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#3 Mathijs


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 02:16 PM

Slight correction: the lower poly hoplite was actually around 800 polies. :p

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