Here it is. I hope it works on your octa-core, 32 gigabyte RAM, windows 10 machines.
Thanks seems can do some sutff with it, but hell need a translation..
Posted 23 September 2017 - 02:14 AM
Here it is. I hope it works on your octa-core, 32 gigabyte RAM, windows 10 machines.
Thanks seems can do some sutff with it, but hell need a translation..
Posted 23 September 2017 - 03:59 PM
We don't have any Polish members? Maybe in one of the other fora? So an admin can point him/her to the program and perhaps they'll be willing to help out.
Posted 23 September 2017 - 06:33 PM
You can edit the file \konfig\teksty.txt to translate the program.
For example change this block
Wybrano element :
Selected item:
I don't speak any Polish but I used the DeepL Translator for a rough translation. I got bored and didn't finish the whole file, maybe anyone else is interested in translating the remaining strings. Here's the file:
teksty.txt 39.76KB 98 downloads
PS: Only change the text below a {block}, don't change anything else. And back up the original file in case you screw up badly
Posted 02 October 2017 - 07:57 PM
I've been going through the game's missions, to see if I could correctly parse all the original VOL files (both BEL and BCoD) and ran into a few interesting issues, all with the BEL files. Hopefully, someone can shed some more light on it. I've found the following entries that have no matching graphics file in the corresponding FASE WAD file:
-PRESA00, found 1x in MAPA0003.VOL (blow up the dam; mission 3)
-CHAPO, found 127x in MAPA0005.VOL (blow up the Bismarck, number 2; mission 13)
-TIEN1000, found 3x in MAPA0015.VOL (blow up the oil rigs in the desert; mission 11)
-TIEN2000, found 2x in MAPA0015.VOL
-GGAR00, found 1x in MAPA0016.VOL (kill the butcher of Paris; mission 15)
-SMOKE, found 1x in MAPA0017.VOL (destroy the V2 launch platforms; mission 19)
-SOMBR01, found 2x in MAPA0017.VOL
-SOMBR02, found 1x in MAPA0017.VOL
Curious enough, files do exist for TIEN1000 and TIEN2000 - but then without the minus sign. They're ground contours for the tents in the lower left portion of that mission. Likewise, GGAR00 exists as well, it's a patch located in the garden where the general strolls for his morning walk (and also heavily abused in other areas, for specific sections within that graphics file).
Are they omissions, graphics they forgot to include? Oversights? Typo's (in the case of the tents, should they have been without minus sign)? The game doesn't suffer from it, but I find it odd that they are missing as a real graphic.
Edit: Right after typing up this post, I decided to take a somewhat closer look ... and managed to answer at least one question by myself: about the tents. They seem to be erronous entries:
POLY "TIENDA05",626,3342,110,29,4,3 ;Nombre,CentroX,CentroY,CentroZ,Altura,#vertices,#Tiles
POINT 18,-84 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT 83,17 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -23,84 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -83,-22 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
EXTRAINFO 20,21,12,0,0,0,0,0 ;Extra Info Bytes
TILE 542,1990, 170, 132, 0, 0, 0,"TIE10000.RLE"," "
TILE 552,1996, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-TIEN1000.RLE"," "
TILE 555,1995, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-RTIRO00.RLE"," "
POLY "TIENDA04",377,3348,110,24,4,3 ;Nombre,CentroX,CentroY,CentroZ,Altura,#vertices,#Tiles
POINT 15,-84 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT 82,26 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -23,84 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -82,-18 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
EXTRAINFO 21,21,20,0,0,0,0,0 ;Extra Info Bytes
TILE 552,1996, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-TIEN2000.RLE"," "
TILE 295,2001, 167, 126, 0, 0, 0,"TIE20000.RLE"," "
TILE 296,2003, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-RTIRO00.RLE"," "
POLY "TIENDA03",175,3185,110,18,4,3 ;Nombre,CentroX,CentroY,CentroZ,Altura,#vertices,#Tiles
POINT 15,-86 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT 82,27 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -21,86 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -82,-19 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
EXTRAINFO 21,21,26,0,0,0,0,0 ;Extra Info Bytes
TILE 93,1898, 167, 126, 0, 0, 0,"TIE20000.RLE"," "
TILE 552,1996, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-TIEN2000.RLE"," "
TILE 94,1898, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-RTIRO00.RLE"," "
POLY "TIENDA01",245,2652,110,25,4,3 ;Nombre,CentroX,CentroY,CentroZ,Altura,#vertices,#Tiles
POINT 24,-84 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT 84,19 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -23,84 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -84,-17 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
EXTRAINFO 20,21,21,0,0,0,0,0 ;Extra Info Bytes
TILE 161,1548, 170, 132, 0, 0, 0,"TIE10000.RLE"," "
TILE 552,1996, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-TIEN1000.RLE"," "
TILE 175,1554, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-RTIRO00.RLE"," "
POLY "TIENDA02",350,2805,110,32,4,3 ;Nombre,CentroX,CentroY,CentroZ,Altura,#vertices,#Tiles
POINT 26,-85 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT 84,20 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -23,85 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
POINT -84,-18 ;Coord. X, Coord. Y
EXTRAINFO 21,21,12,0,0,0,0,0 ;Extra Info Bytes
TILE 266,1647, 170, 132, 0, 0, 0,"TIE10000.RLE"," "
TILE 552,1996, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-TIEN1000.RLE"," "
TILE 276,1650, 157, 111, 0, 0, 0,"-RTIRO00.RLE"," "
Note the five BOLDED entries, they all have the very same coordinates on the map. Hence, they're all piled on top of one another. But also, there's no matching graphics file, so I suspect they actually wanted to create a graphic for the blown-up tents and later decided to add those with a different name (RITRO00). Messy.
Edited by Maurice1976, 02 October 2017 - 08:10 PM.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 08:31 PM
I've been going through the game's missions, to see if I could correctly parse all the original VOL files (both BEL and BCoD) and ran into a few interesting issues, all with the BEL files. Hopefully, someone can shed some more light on it. I've found the following entries that have no matching graphics file in the corresponding FASE WAD file:
Note the five BOLDED entries, they all have the very same coordinates on the map. Hence, they're all piled on top of one another. But also, there's no matching graphics file, so I suspect they actually wanted to create a graphic for the blown-up tents and later decided to add those with a different name (RITRO00). Messy.
Which version of the game are you running?? Some of those files are left from demo or beta...
Posted 02 October 2017 - 09:39 PM
That's odd, there's a BMP and a RLE version of TIEN1000 and TIEN2000 in MAPA0015.VOL, however only the BMPs exist in the WAD.
My guess: they didn't bother including the RLEs because there's not a big difference between having the tiles on the map and not having them. Have a look at this:
(left = original map, right = mock-up of the new tile below the tent)
Can you spot the difference?
The "-GGAR00.BMP" tile in MAPA0016.VOL is just a placeholder for the water animation of the fountain. The name is not important, "SHIT.BMP" would work as well. The important thing is that the POLY is named "FUENTE-FRONT", if you rename it, the water wouldn't be animated anymore.
Edited by herbert3000, 02 October 2017 - 09:55 PM.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 10:55 PM
That's odd, there's a BMP and a RLE version of TIEN1000 and TIEN2000 in MAPA0015.VOL, however only the BMPs exist in the WAD.
My guess: they didn't bother including the RLEs because there's not a big difference between having the tiles on the map and not having them. Have a look at this:
(left = original map, right = mock-up of the new tile below the tent)
Can you spot the difference?
The "-GGAR00.BMP" tile in MAPA0016.VOL is just a placeholder for the water animation of the fountain. The name is not important, "SHIT.BMP" would work as well. The important thing is that the POLY is named "FUENTE-FRONT", if you rename it, the water wouldn't be animated anymore.
Gotcha on the fountain. I forgot to cross-check with the MIS file, to see if the file was actually referenced there somewhere.
As an aside, I also noticed a nice mess up in BCoD mission 8, the one in the Netherlands. The watermill near the right side has the same fence (for the steps leading up to its door) about 3 times, two of which are identical - and there's one that's way, way off the map, around coordinates -100000, -98000. Yeah, my macro crashed on that, because that exceeds maximum integer values . That was unexpected. But while looking at that fence, I noticed it's glitching in the section that's over the ground. Looks kinda weird; it has something to do with how the game renders them on top of one another, because the graphic by itself looks good.
I guess some of the missions have artefacts of stuff they tried or simply mistakes they made while building it.
Posted 03 October 2017 - 03:07 PM
Nice find, they really messed that handrail up
Looks like the POLY objects at line 1265 and 1299 are exactly the same. It's safe to delete one of them.
And in line 1278 replace
TILE -109815,-99689, 25, 31, 37, 0, 0,"CMOL0011.RLE"," "
TILE 2120,1463, 41, 31, 0, 0, 0,"CMOL0011.RLE"," "
to fix the handrail.
There's another glitch that I (and I guess I'm not the only one) have noticed years ago: some of the tree's shadows in BEL mission 1 are a few pixels off:
Posted 03 October 2017 - 06:05 PM
Nice find, they really messed that handrail up
Looks like the POLY objects at line 1265 and 1299 are exactly the same. It's safe to delete one of them.
And in line 1278 replace
TILE -109815,-99689, 25, 31, 37, 0, 0,"CMOL0011.RLE"," "
TILE 2120,1463, 41, 31, 0, 0, 0,"CMOL0011.RLE"," "
to fix the handrail.
There's another glitch that I (and I guess I'm not the only one) have noticed years ago: some of the tree's shadows in BEL mission 1 are a few pixels off:
Yeah, I already did. I actually only found out because my marco code choked on that value that was way, way off the scale. I defined the variables holding the coordinates as signed integers, so the min value was at most -32k.
There's something about the tree shadows that's actually far stranger: unlike building shadows, tree shadows are directly beneath the trees themselves (as if the sun is directly overhead), while that of buildings and the like is always on a side, as if the sun is somewhere off to the right.
Posted 06 October 2017 - 11:11 PM
Just out of curiousity, what is the maximum BMP (or RLE, if that matters anything) size that the game can handle and display correctly? Since there's an ImageSlicer tool that cuts up a map in 256x256 bitmaps, I assumed that was the maximum size. However, just out of curiousity, I just inserted an image that is 464x264 in size (so it exceeds the 256x256 in both directions) and it still displays ingame as it should, nothing cut off or anything.
Posted 19 April 2018 - 08:53 PM
any news for new playables maps?
Posted 20 April 2018 - 08:14 AM
Unfortunately, my available time took a sharp nose dive late last year and I'm still trying to time-manage stuff that happens in reallife. I haven't been able to work on it at all. However, the itch is still there, so I haven't forgotten about it .
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