Last resort. Well how to start... Since a week or so I've decided to take on a big task, bigger than anything I've managed to work whatsoever. Translate whole SP aspect of CNC3 to think it had no visible in-game dialogues in final build other than minor objective notifications. Whoo, then f*ck this, got Mod SDK, bunch of other essential tools to handle BIG files I used mod Generals with.
And here I am today, week in... thinking about Revora the last resort of place to look for help. I've did almost anything with some help by CNCNz members, also took my time to revisit every damn readable game format that modders have access to work on, unpacking all APT files (used jonwil's tool suite which is the only one that does xml decompression). In addition, examined every last bit of MOD SDK sample data with short to no success figure out how & where the hell game stores the config-file for that hidden Tutorials pop-up panel, usually disabled out of the final game.because it was in bad state.
If it's there it should be fixed and used for its purpose, I thought. Thankfully I've uncommented few lines of text and it worked, thought bugs... the panel (see dem pics at the bottom?) stays longer than it should after audio fades out, as well overlays some menus, objective menu that I know about through my time testing.
It needs some sync, and I am content it can be done as EA has included the proper properties. Now more about that.
My main issue and one I look to solve the most, I need to "further investigate" where UIComponentInGameText.xml (MOD SDK\CnC3Xml\UIInGame) is located in the game's BIG's. Wonder not, as this one looks the right one which belongs to the Tutorial Text panel. You can easily figure that out by looking at line 24, says
Take DIALOGEVENT, and sample with the English.big strings that has the same label group.
Now here's how it looks in Notepad++: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- *********************************************************************** --> <!-- * Manages Tooltip Transactions for the InGame UI * --> <!-- *********************************************************************** --> <UIComponentInGameText xmlns="" Priority="300" AdjustFactor="1.0" TextIndent="0.40" TooltipAppearDelayMS="2000" TooltipDisappearDelayMS="3000" AptTokenTitle="APT:TOOLTIP_TITLE" AptTokenPrereq="APT:TOOLTIP_PREREQ_" AptTokenCost="APT:TOOLTIP_COST" AptTokenTime="APT:TOOLTIP_TIME" AptTokenEnergy="APT:TOOLTIP_ENERGY" AptTokenShortDesc="APT:TOOLTIP_SHORT_DESC" AptTokenLongDesc="APT:TOOLTIP_LONG_DESC" ProductionTextConstruction="CONTROLBAR:ConstructionDesc" ProductionTextUpgrade="CONTROLBAR:UpgradingDesc" ProductionTextRecruit="CONTROLBAR:RecruitingDesc" ProductionTextScale="0.66" SubtitleStringLabelPrefix="DIALOGEVENT:" SubtitleStringLabelSuffix="SubTitle" SubtitleStringExclusionChar=""> <StatusTextPosition x="0.05" y="0.05"/> <ProductionTextColor R="1.0" G="1.0" B="1.0"/> <ProductionTextFont Name="RussellSquare" Size="14"/> </UIComponentInGameText>
I struggle to find that certain XML config within the game for the past week, wondering am I looking for something that does not exist in the damn game archives? Went cheap on ideas if possible to modify that ugly f*cker panel.
Here's the thing in action, with the weird "stay on top" bug:
Thoughts maybe?
Edited by UnholyLiberator, 05 October 2017 - 10:42 PM.