Hey guys. I was told to give an example of my writing here, as you guys need a few hero descriptions. I'll give a few of those.
Admiral Thrawn is a Chiss male who serves the Empire as Grand Admiral.
Thrawn has knowledge of the uncharted outer rim territories, making him a valuable asset to the Empire.
Beyond this knowledge, the Admiral has supreme knowledge in the art of war, which he utilizes, and sharpens on a daily basis.
The Admiral credits much of his success to his study of his opponents' culture.
Thrawn is the first alien to make the rank of Grand Admiral in the Empire.
Thrawn nearly denied the rank, expressing concerns about the Death Star, which he thought may be used against his home.
Thrawn would later reunite a large portion of the Empire, and fight his way to Couruscaunt, where he would be repelled in an arduous battle.
In battle, Thrawn commands the 'Chimaera', an Imperial I Star Destroyer.
The Admiral can Direct his fleet's fire, and boost his own ship's speed.
Darth Maul
Darth Maul is a sith who serves the Emperor as an assassin.
Maul was bested in combat by Obi Wan Kenobi when Maul underestimated his foe.
The Sith is a very physical fighter who can leap into combat, destroying his foe.
He can also crush a vehicle with his anger, killing those inside.
Maul is the leader of the Shadow Collective.