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Bug Report by CragLord

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#1 CragLord

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Posted 06 March 2018 - 02:27 PM



Gondor faction:



- Sparking visual effect of one of Berethor's leadership abilities isn't present on Anôrien soldiers battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Screenshot

- Sparking visual effect of one of Berethor's leadership abilities isn't present on Dol Amroth Men at arms battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Screenshot

- There is no visual effect of Aragorn's leadership ability on Fountain Guard battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Sreenshot

- There is no visual effect of Faramir's leadership ability on Fountain Guard battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Sreenshot

- There is no visual effect of Theoden's leadership ability on Fountain Guard battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Sreenshot

- There is no visual effect of Boromir's ability "For Gondor!" on Fountain Guard battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Screenshot

- There is no visual effect of spell "Commander's Horn" on Fountain Guard battalion (Effect is only visible on banner carrier)

- There is no visual effect of leadership abilities (Aragorn's, Faramir's) on Swan Knights (Effect is only visible on banner carrier) Screenshot [Fixed]

- There is no visual effect of Berethor's leadership abilities on Swan Knighs battalion (Effect is only visibible on banner carrier) Screenshot

- There is no visual effect of Boromir's ability "For Gondor!" on Swan Knights battalion (visual effect exists only on banner carrier unit) Screenshot [ Fixed]

- Aragorn's ability "Hands of the King" can't be put on autocast mode (Not sure is this bug?).
- Aragorn's model "Crowned King" doesn't appear in game. [Fixed]

- Boromir's ability "Throw Knife" can't be put on autocast mode (Not sure is this bug?).

- There is bug with Boromir leadership ability which has been removed since 3.0, his leadership effect still exists (as visual on units Screenshot ).
- Denethor's ability "Favor of Steward" can be casted on units which shouldn't be effected by armor/weapon upgrade, units like Swan Knights, Ithilien Rangers, Fountain Guards, Dol Amroth man at Arms etc (not sure about damage/armor stat boost effect, but in text desciption upgrade is visible: Screenshot ). Make ability single target or disable it for those units (like it's disabled for summoned citadels guards).

- Denethor's ability "His Rule is Failing" doesn't wear off visaul effect of leaderships from units  Screenshot (Tested on all Gondor units), not sure about unit's stats.
- Gandalf's cloak needs some proper animation when hero rides Shadowfax.
- Ithilien rangers spawned by Faramir's ability "Captain of Ithilien" can't use Bombard ability (Tested on empty terrain). [ Reworked ability in 3.0].
- Pipin's passive ability "Halfing Courage" doesn't have visual effect on Berethor (Only when Berethor unlocks his passive "Citadel's Might" Screenshot ).

- After destructions of Fortress (if Dol Amroth citadel is summoned) it is possible to use spellbook powers. [Fixed]
- Stoneworker passive ability doesn't have visual effect on other Stoneworkers.

- Dol Amroth citadel can be summoned multiple times (This should be restricted to one at the time).

- On Map Gray Mountains, Gondor AI doesn't work.

Mini suggestions (and/or possible bugs):

- If possible to add New Longbow/archery animation while rangers cast "Long shot" ability in sword stance (same as in longbow stance?).


- Berethor's sound set isn't changed (I noticed there are some new sound files, but in game this hero is still using some old vanilla sound set).
- New animation for Berethor while he's casting "Challenge of Gondor" ability. Some intimidating like pointing with sword etc. (There are some animations similar with Boromir's model while he is casting "For Gondor!" or "Proud,Stuborn, Strong" abilities).
- New animation for Prince Imrahil when he's casting "Amroth for Gondor" ability (Teoden's vanila model animation while he's casting "Glorious charge" with horse propping on hint legs).
- New animation for Prince Imrahil when he uses "Wise Councel" ability. (When mounted, sword pointing animation exists in vanilla Teoden's model (and for unmounted stance, unmounted Theoden's model animation) or Faramir's mounted model when casting "Faramir's Quality").

- Battle Tower needs new portrait which will correspond to model's new look.
- Samwise's ability "Rabbit Stew" can be casted without limitation, again not sure is this bug or not, I presume there should be limitation in number if not 1 then few.
- New portrait for "Rabit stew". [Fixed]

- Lone Tower needs new portrait which will correspond to model's new look.



Misty Mountains faction:



- It is possible to make two battalions of Gundabad Bodyguards (If we click to create them simultaneously at Fortress and Gundabad pit). [Not bug]

- Fire worm (or drake) has straight flame animation ( same as vannila drake) while his head's animation has rotation (as summoned dragon from vannila), maybe it would be nice to add corresponding proper rotation of flame beam.



- Few text bugs concerning buildings descriptions, first if we take a look at builder "Building palantir", if we take cursor at  Worm pit icon in description stays "Worm Pit" and it should be "Build Worm Pit" like it stays for rest of buildings.

- Similar with Gundabad pit, in builder's palantir it is called "Build Gundabad Gathering" , but when we finish building, in its description stays "Gundabad pit"

- Similar non-compliance exists in case of Fortress expansions, in palantir's description arrow expansion is called "Orcish Lookout Expansion", when we click on finished expansion it is called "Arrow den Expansion".

- Same with Troll Stone Thrower Expansion description. In fortress's palantir is called "Troll Stone Thrower Expansion", finished building is called "Troll Stone Thrower". Missing that "Expansion", also missing palantir portrait.

- When we start constructing "Troll Stone Thrower Expansion" it still has building visual effect of Angmar faction (" Snowy frosty visual effect " common for Angmar buildings), if possible this should be replaced with visual constructing effect of Goblins, which is "dusty&bats_flying" effect.


Isenguard faction:




-There is no visual effect of spell "Darkness" on Uruk Man-Slayers Screenshot


Erebor faction:




- There is no visual effect of Erebor Valut Warden's ability "Hold Your Ground!" on other Erebor Valut Warden battalions.

- Bilbo's ability "Bilbo's Courage" doesn't have visual effect on Wyrm Slayers.

- There is no visual effect of Erebor Valut Warden's ability "Hold Your Ground!" on Wyrm Slayers battalion.

- There is no visual effect of Fili's leadership ability "Heir to the Throne" on Wyrm Slayers.

- There is no visual effect of Thorin's leadership ability "King Under the Mountain" on Wyrm Slayers.

- There is no visual effect of Ered Luin Trader's ability "Tinkers" on siege units (If this is not bug, then please consider it as suggestion).

- There is bug with animation of wheels of Dwarven Mangonel. Wheels are not moving.

- There is some strange bug with visual effect of flamming shots/stones on Mangonel's model when unit is longer time in one place Screenshot


- Balin's ability "Dwarven Wisdom" doesn't have effect on Mine Shafts summoned from SpellBook (Also lack of visual effect on this building).

- Balin's ability "Dwarven Wisdom" doesn't have effect/visual effect on Erebor Fortress (I don't know do we consider Erebor Fortress as "resource structure" because of its resource income?).

- Bilbo's ability "Bilbo's Courage" doesn't have visual effect on Heroes.

- Roac's ability "Unkidness of Raven's" doesn't have visual effect on Fire Drake.



- There is no visual effect of spell "Horn of Erebor" on Wyrm Slayers.

- Spell "Ravens of Erebor" doesn't have visual effect on Wyrm Slayers battalion.
- Spell "Fully Armed and Filthy" can be used on Dale/Lake town units (In description of spell it says only affects dwarven units).

- Spell "Fully Armed and Filthy" can be used on Wyrm Slayers battalion (It can be used on units which doesn't dwarven plate as upgrade option, same situation with Erebor Grim Hammers, Erebor Valut Wardens, Ered Luin Traders, Iron Hills Warriors, Iron Hills Crossbowmen, Iron Hill Riders). Screenshot

- Dragon summoned via spell "Thrors Hoard" doesn't give exp after killing.


Text buggs:

- Goat ridders are named as "Iron Hill Riders" should they be named "Iron Hills Riders" ?

- In builder's palantir there are some minor text "do not match" strings of buildings. For example when we select to build Mine Shaft in palantir it is texted as "Build Mine Shaft", but when we select mine it is named as "Erebor Mine Shaft".

- Same situation is with next strings:

   "Build Grand Forge"        --->  "Erebor Grand Forge"

   "Build Halls of Warriors"   --->  "Erebor Halls of Warriors"

   "Build Battle Tower"         --->  "Erebor Guard Tower"

   "Build Dwarven Well"       --->  "Erebor Well"

   "Build Heroic Statue"       --->  "Erebor Heroic Statue"

   "Build Fortress"               --->  "Erebor Fortress"


Mini suggestions:

- Battle Tower/Erebor Guard tower can be a bit graphically improved in terms of selected banner upgrade information. Screenshot

Edited by CragLord, 02 December 2018 - 03:46 AM.


#2 CragLord

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Posted 08 March 2018 - 08:53 PM



Added bugs related to MistyMountains faction.


#3 Dúnedain76


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Posted 08 March 2018 - 09:25 PM

The bodyguard setup is intentional.

#4 CragLord

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Posted 08 March 2018 - 09:41 PM

Does then description of unit need some changing?

"Only 1 unit allowed any time".
That stays in description of unit.  

Edited by CragLord, 09 March 2018 - 12:29 AM.


#5 Dúnedain76


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Posted 09 March 2018 - 03:57 AM

Gundabad Spires

"Increases Fortress armor. Unlocks Gundabad Olog-hai, Giant Bats, and a second battalion of Gundabad Bodyguards"

Without this upgrade you can only get one. So the string is fine as is.

#6 CragLord

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Posted 09 March 2018 - 11:27 AM

Ok, didn't check that string so far, my bad.




Added visual bug about Swan knights (Gondor/Units section).

Added visual bug about Denethor's Failing Rule ability (Gondor/Heores section).

Edited by CragLord, 09 March 2018 - 05:57 PM.


#7 CragLord

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Posted 22 March 2018 - 09:55 PM


Added another visual bug concerning Swan Knights battalion (Boromir's "For Gondor" ability).

Added visual bug concerning Uruk Man-Slayers unit.


#8 CragLord

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 03:06 AM


Added bugs in Gondor faction section.

Added Erebor faction section.


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