Hi, I'm ThaneWulfgharn from moddb (I have a different name on Revora). Finally I found some time to post my suggestions about the Evil Men both in the Mordor faction, as well as in the new Haradwaith faction on this forum (as suggested by Mathjis in order for them not to be lost among comments.
I know that currently you are in the Greenwood update featuring Elves and Dol Guldur, so I think that when you finally move to the Evil Men you will also review some of your previous works&plans.
1st, I posted links to three Art books with both used and unused art from the LotR film series:
Fellowship of the Ring
Two Towers:
Return of the King:
I also wrote:
The 2nd(Two Towers) has some very interesting Easterling concepts while the 3rd(RotK) tribal Haradrims. I have the art for Easterlings more detailed, found in some websites, I can send you if interested.
Finally, if I may, I'd like to suggest Oliphaunt Ivory/Bone lamellar armor for Haradrims as "Heavy Armor Upgrade" to the wicker one. It would make much more sense since Tolkien mentions that Haradrim culture was centered around Oliphaunts. Keep the brass armors&scales; only for the top-tier troops. There are some real Bone/Ivory armors and helmets:
Finally, I also made a suggestion for the Easterlings in the Mordor faction:
To continue my suggestion from last night, I compiled some artwork for the Easterlings (Mordor faction) I know that it might mean to remake some models, but I think it's going to be a worthy tribute including such amazing artwork that unfortunately never made it to the films. Some of the units such as Easterling Archers and Swordsmen are already featured in these types of artwork. Some others were so much different from the current easterling design I thought to consider them as Variags of Khand. Another reason I suggest that design for Variags is that Variags are the weakest, level 1 units from the Easterling Encampment, so they need lower-tier armors. I also included an early, weak cavalry unit (Khand Cavalry) as possible suggestion, while I think that Kataphracts are ok as they are, even though a not-so-bad suggestion is to arm the rider with the Squad Captain armors.
Variags of Khand - the word Variag means Mercenary People that's why I put them with many variations and no Heavy Armor Upgrade. Furthermore, for Khand I chose the more Arabic and Persian looking art since Khand actually borders Harad not Rhun. In the pic, I also wrote a few more suggestions:
Variag Cavalry / Khand Cavalry:
Easterling Archers:
Easterling Phalanx:
Easterling Swordsmen:
Squad Captain for all Easterling Infantry Squads(Including Variags since they're mercenaries, they have Rhun captains leading their Squad). It is also a good idea for Kataphract rider if you want to change:
Edited by Arcadian, 05 September 2019 - 02:05 PM.