Solved here by making a new asset.dat: https://forums.revor...nger/?p=1107392
I'm a bit confused how the HD edition from revora does work. It is a shortcut to a ".big" file with an ".exe" as description. Never saw this before.
Anyway, gameranger only accepts an "exe", so what can I do to make gameranger start the HD edition?
I know T3AOnline is another option to play online, but my friends refuse to sign up anywhere, just to be able to play online, even if it is free.
So maybe you can allow users to play online without forcing them to signup anywhere?
I found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= vCFgQ19IwcU&list=PLVMi91M5LvbzZhVWl4zmTDsZ5tXq3fgyO&index=94 for BFME2 referring to a patch for age of the ring: https://www.moddb.co...ameranger-patch
From what I understand is, that this patch includes an lotrbfme2ep1.exe where you can define a flag (-mod...) like it is used in the HD edition shortcut.
Unfortunately this lotrbfme2ep1.exe only works for BFME2 witchking, not for BFME2 itself nor fpr BMFE 1.
So how to create such an exe with flag by myself?
ok, found a solution. I made my own batch file and converted it to an exe.
The bat only includes these 2 lines:
SET /P command=<exewithflag.txt
and in the same directory is a exewithflag.txt file that includes this line:
"D:\Spiele\Die Schlacht um Mittelerde\lotrbfme.exe" -mod "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Meine Die Schlacht um Mittelerde-Dateien\HDEditionv1.0.big"
starting this bat will start the game with hd mod.
I used this bat to exe converter:
simply loaded the bat, set "exe-format" to "32bit invisible" (gameranger can only load 32bit) and everything else default (working directory=current directory).
Then hit "convert". Make sure your .bat / exe file is not at the desktop, for some reason this gave me an "could't add resources" error. After putting them somewhere else it worked.
So now you should have your exe and your txt file. Gameranger only accepts the exe, if it is named "lotrbfme.exe" (for BFME1), so we can not put it directly into the installation folder. We could put it anywhere, but I put my into the Roaming folder where the HD files are.
Now simply make sure that the line in exewithflag.txt matches your isntallation and roaming folder.
Starting your new exe should now start the game with HD and you can also add it to gameranger.
I attached my bat-exe, so you dont need to convert the bat yourself, simply use the exe. Create the txt file from above and the exe will simply execute whatever batch command is written within this txt file. This works for everything, so also for BFME2 and other games.
Attached Files
Edited by Serp66, 01 April 2020 - 12:54 AM.