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Own guys give experience when dying

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#1 Echo



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Posted 16 June 2020 - 02:58 AM

Hey, so just a few moments before compiling the final version of the next release, I noticed in a test match that my units would not grant any experience to myself when they die. So the release is currently on hold because if there's no fix to this, I might have to re-balance the spell book.

The faction (Moria) is marked as evil in PlayerTemplate.ini, the units in question have an "ExperienceAwardOwnGuysDie" entry in their experience level, but they just won't give any experience to me - no matter who kills them, tested it with neutrals, enemy Gondor soldiers and some more units. I feel like I should know how to fix this, but I'm really confused. Even Bolg, who is mainly a copy of IsengardLurtz in the code, does not hand out experience to myself when he's killed. Lurtz certainly does (despite missing an ExperienceAwardOwnGuysDie value in ExperienceLevels, so that's even more confusing).

I just checked SaF and the same issue seems to be occurring for Gundabad. My fear is that this might actually be hardcoded... Could anyone fix this before, or does anyone have an idea how to fix it?

Edited by Echo, 16 June 2020 - 03:00 AM.


#2 Miraak5


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Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:53 AM

Well i tried to remove that before and beside putting ExperienceAwardOwnGuysDie = 0 for every evil units
could not find anything that would cause that behavior to happen


so ye i fear it's actually hardcodded for isengard and mordor

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#3 Echo



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Posted 16 June 2020 - 01:08 PM

Bummer. In this case I will not keep searching now because I've spent all day yesterday to try and fix it. Maybe I (or anyone) finds a clue on that in the future. :)


#4 Echo



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Posted 18 June 2020 - 10:27 PM

Damn this sucks so hard in regards to balance. Moria are supposed to spam, and the only one who gets rewarded if you actually spam with Moria is the enemy :xd: BFME is relatively modding friendly altogether, but hardcoding this feature seems super unnecessary :facepalm: 

So, if anyone has a fix or workaround for that, please share. For now I will have to decrease the power point cost for their spells drastically.


#5 Miraak5


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Posted 19 June 2020 - 12:01 PM

Well maybe u could reduce the award weak spam units grant in general

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#6 Echo



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Posted 19 June 2020 - 10:30 PM

The reward is already on 1, which is the lowest possible number.. I didn't try real values but it looks like it's an integer field. The issue was that in a game yesterday, the allied Isengard player would have earned ~20 points while I as the Moria player earned ~12 points. On the other hand, the Rohan team on the enemy (who fed on my armies) had ~16. The balance between Isengard and Rohan was pretty much as intended, but my points were way behind.

I just tried to set scripts in worldbuilder and handle it there, but EA has truly made this difficult/impossible to workaround. My idea was to track in worldbuilder if Moria lost a horde of type x and if that's true, give it a certain amount of experience. But here is the problem that I can only add/subtract an entire skill point and not a set amount of experience (correct me if I'm wrong... but I didn't find anything else that looked helpful). Sure, I could keep a counter that adds 1 to itself every time a unit of type x dies, and if the counter is above a certain value, give Moria a skill point. But at this point it feels more like a bug-magnet than anything else.

So I'm left with two choices.. either make all Moria units stronger and more expensive so they are on par with FoL troops (which wouldn't make much sense), or I could decrease all power point costs of Moria's spells by a good amount. I tend to go with the second option here.

Edited by Echo, 19 June 2020 - 10:32 PM.


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