Best Answer Miraak5, 29 July 2020 - 11:55 AM
Model condition states need to be in a certain order to work correctly
the order should be
Go to the full postBest Answer Miraak5, 29 July 2020 - 11:55 AM
Model condition states need to be in a certain order to work correctly
the order should be
Go to the full postPosted 28 July 2020 - 04:19 PM
I have given a hero the blade master ability which works well when he is on foot, but when i mount him he lose the fx of blade master, if ill dismount him he regain it(as long as blade master still active)
I tried several different things
ModelConditionState = MOUNTED WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE ParticleSysBone = BAT_SPINE2 BladeMaster FollowBone:Yes End
I am using theoden horse skeleton and it has no bat ribs so i switched it to bat_spine2
this doesn't work, if i try to add this affect to the mounted state only, it does work so its something about the mounted + weaponset_hero_mode
is it even possible or these are 2 different states which cannot co-exists with each other?
thanks in advance to you all
Posted 28 July 2020 - 11:37 PM
mhmm.. I would say make sure that BAT_SPINE2 is the bone you're looking for and exists on the model. But if you have no 3dsmax this could be more difficult. The different model states should not be the issue. In what order do you specify the states? That could be relevant as well.
Posted 29 July 2020 - 08:50 AM
Posted 29 July 2020 - 11:55 AM Best Answer
Model condition states need to be in a certain order to work correctly
the order should be
He was the first...
Posted 29 July 2020 - 03:28 PM
Posted 29 July 2020 - 04:51 PM
Model condition states need to be in a certain order to work correctly
the order should be
that worked, is there a list of that order anywhere?
Posted 31 July 2020 - 02:12 AM
Not really, but there is a rule to it:
Default comes first, always. After that comes the model condition state including the most states at once. As in your example. MOUNTED WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE are two model condition states, and come before the MOUNTED state or WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE state. Actually, it shouldn't matter if MOUNTED comes before WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE or not, as long as it comes after MOUNTED WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE. Think of it like a priority list. The game checks whether the first state is true, and if it is, it will ignore the other states and only reevaluate if the current state runs out. So you always want to list those incorporating the most different states on top, so they always get checked before the game might (falsely) give another one priority.
Example: You now also want to add a USER_1 state that add some FX effect or whatever. The new order would be:
MOUNTED WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE USER_1 ; <-- most states always come first, in this case three states
MOUNTED WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE ; followed by the two condition states
MOUNTED ; finally the single states
In this case, I assume you could theoretically put the single MOUNTED state before WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE USER_1, because the WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE USER_1 state will never be invoked if MOUNTED is on. But as a rule of thumb, list most states first, and single states last. Everything else in between in descending order.
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