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[bug][art missing] Several bugs on AOTR 6.0

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#1 JumarJuan

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Posted 25 November 2020 - 06:07 PM

Hi all.

You can call me Jumar.

A couple days ago, I decided to install AotR mod yo my RotWK game, based on how popular this mod is. 

Through this days, I've found some things I'm not sure if they are meant to work this way.

1) Erebor on Helm's Deep
When I started playing, I put myself on Helm's Deep outside, and a Peasant Erebor on the fortress. He didn't do anything. No build, no troops, no heroes. Just frozen, as he didn't know how to behave on a fortress.

2) Windmills on Helm's Deep
Yeah, I play here a lot. I selected Rohan later, and maybe it's my idea but the texture, or more like the illumination, on windmills is really exaggerated compared to other Rohan buildings. [photo 1]. I'm not sure if it should be like this.


3) Some 'Captain' abilities

I noticed that some abilities in 'My Captains' don't have art. I don't know if this is 'cause developers want to erase those abilities, or it's just a bug. Abilities like Untamed Alliance [photo 2] or Firebomb [photo 3] don't appear.


I'll keep playing and informing about bugs or things that appear to be bugs. Thank you in advance for all your patience, support and effort.

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  • unknown.png
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