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Retexturing existing buildings/Creating new ones?

texture angmar modding buildings

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#1 SamTheManWithThePlan

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Posted 16 February 2021 - 05:39 PM


This is my first post here, although I've read many threads.


I reinstalled ROTWK a few months back and I am dissatisfied with Angmar's textures (They look very cartoonish). I decided I wanted to redo them, in a darker theme. I am kind of going for the BFME 2 Ettenmoors goblin fortress style of dark, minus the goblins aspect. I'm also kind of going for the LOTRO style Angmar (their banner is epic!).


So I started with the hall of the king's men. I exported the art\compiledtextures\kb\kbhall.dds (what appears to be the main building texture) using FinalBIG, made it darker using Gimp, and put it back into the textures2.big (where I got it originally) replacing the original. I load the game, and... nothing changed. It still looks like vanilla. I have searched for hours to find out how to change textures, and I cannot find a comprehensive tutorial, especially one involving buildings. I see that the INI file references a kbhall.tga (not kbhall.dds, the file I edited) as the texture for the Angmar barracks, but I cannot find any such file . So I am wondering, how can I modify existing building textures?


Now I realize this part may not exactly belong in this thread, but it is a related question. How can I create a new building? I know I will need something to get a W3D. Right now all I have is FinalBIG and Gimp, and again, I cannot find any complete information on the subject. I'm wanting to add a statue for Angmar, like the watching-stones that LOTRO has. Can you guys help me out? It would be greatly appreciated :)


Thank you in advance!

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