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AI not building Elite Barracks on War of the Ring

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#1 Windelhoth

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Posted 21 March 2021 - 12:21 PM

As the title says I have played War of the Ring and the AI does not build Elite Barracks at least on Soldier Mode, only fortresses, farms and regular troops. Another thing is that on Fortress Maps we cannot recruit heroes on the citadel, and a minor problem is that on maps like Minas Tirith, having builders instead of build plots is very difficult to move around and expand on the city. 

One last thing, it is not a bug just a question, when does the AI forfeit on a battle? Is there any way of knowing it?

Edited by Windelhoth, 21 March 2021 - 12:26 PM.

#2 Alekaras91

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Posted 22 March 2021 - 12:01 PM

The AI doesn't build elite barracks in death match even, don't know why.. The heroes are only recruitable in the world map, cause it's like a war with many different armies, so if Idrial for example is in one location, she can't be at another map fighting a battle.. 

The AI forfeits when it finds it impossible to beat you.. There are some maps that you can defeat their base, but neither they can hurt you.. Sometimes, this could end up in a forfeit from the AI. so be patient..

#3 Windelhoth

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Posted 07 April 2021 - 12:05 PM

Will this be fixed for the next update? 

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