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Custom Map AI isn't attacking

custom map

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#1 kmd

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Posted 01 April 2021 - 08:48 AM

Hi all,


I've just started mapping on BFME 2 Worldbuilder.


I am making a custom map for 5 Skirmish players. Player 1 is in a big round fortress in the middle of the map and the other players take the 4 corners. For some reason, when I take the position in the fortress in the middle, the AI players do not attack. When I use the map in Age of the Ring, the AI doesn't even build anything if it is Rivendell for example. So, I want the AI players to be able to build and attack no matter where their starting positions are but I don't know how to do that. Any help with that would be much appreciated.


Another thing is, for the player inside the fortress, I have created building plots. So, there is really no need for workers or porters. How can I get rid of the workers/porters for the player that starts inside the fortress?


Many thanks to you all!



    El Shaddai

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Posted 09 April 2021 - 06:33 PM

I never really had any map which did not have working , attacking AI , but here are my suggestions .


1. Create a blank map , absolutely nothing , but the starting positions and any buildplots owned by  Center Player 

Have no script , so it uses default game script 


does AI attack on that map ?


it should , once the players are set properly , as a normal map is set

I know there are tutorials on this , 3rdage .


then you can go to step 2 , which is going to your original faulty map and deleting just these objects .

step 3 will be exporting these objects into a script file , and importing them in to your ‘faulty’ map .

that hopefully should work 


I know WB allows for exporting and importing entire objects from 1 map to the next , using the script function , and selecting all scripts ,all objects , all players .


concerning the Porters , there are many ways , I usually implement them all so it’s redundancy ensures No Porters 


a. Create the map.ini file and remove the starting porters 

it’s a copy of the playertemplate.ini code 

b. Add a life timer to the porters code , which gives them 1 sec , then they die 

c. Remove any command button in any fortress that has them buildable 

d. Use scripts that prevent that unit from being built

e. add a transform module , to porter code , like a wall hub code , then have it transform into a small bush object 

f. Use remove modules and basically remove the model for the porter , the health , etc until nothing actually remains 


by then , you should truly not have a porter , I use a sledge hammer to a nail .

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