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Out of Sync Fix

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#1 Helper01

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Posted 10 June 2021 - 04:03 AM

I recently got into BFME2 1.09v2 and was excited to see so many bugs fixed, but especially the notorious Out of Sync error. I can't help but wonder: Will AOTR 7.0 include such fixes--especially the Out of Sync one? I've noticed that bringing a custom hero onto the field will often trigger it, but when I used one in 1.09v2 this did not happen anymore. Also, do the folks at AOTR in general collaborate with folks from other mods to share fixes? (I've seen Mathijs's name on the credits list for 1.09v2, but I'm not sure if that's more of just a strictly creative role.)

#2 Mathijs


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 08:27 AM


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#3 Helper01

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Posted 10 June 2021 - 04:13 PM

I take it that the Out of Sync error fix those folks discovered would just not work for how you guys have set up AOTR? Or do the individual modding teams just not share such things with other modding teams?

#4 Helper01

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 06:03 PM

I've noticed that whenever a custom hero is spawned in a game with human players the game crashes with an Out of Sync error. This fix would be an important one for helping to bring back customs into use amongst players online.

#5 lonkipt

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Posted 11 July 2021 - 04:25 PM

I'm with Helper01 on this, as well. Devs, what's going on with not being able to implement this incredible fix for a problem that's plagued the BFME2 series for years? AOTR would benefit so much from this. A good answer is strongly encouraged, gents.

#6 kmogon

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Posted 11 July 2021 - 06:46 PM

Out of sync fix doesn't really fixes out of sync problem directly. It just lowers the amount of data flow between players by disabling custom heroes or making wotr unplayable. It is not something that would benefit mod that much and it would be a lot of work.

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