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Mount Gundabad Fortress Bugs

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#1 Helper01

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Posted 24 June 2021 - 05:55 PM

Rivendell Revelers can't seem to use their Akallabeth power on the main gate, the main tunnel in the chamber just before the throneroom, or the throne. The power appears to be activated, so it goes into cooldown mode, but there's no effect or damage done.


Rivendell battering rams do no damage to aforementioned tunnel or throne. You can attack the tunnel, but it does nothing; but it won't even attack the throne. Units also cannot attack the throne.


Misty Mountain AI, as Soldier level AI, do virtually nothing after building structures all throughout the fortress itself. Only a handful of units are used to defend it.

#2 Helper01

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Posted 28 June 2021 - 05:11 PM

Gondor cannot damage the throne at all, or the tunnels. At this rate, I'm guessing no faction can....


There is no health meter visible (as far as I can tell) for the main gate.

#3 lonkipt

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Posted 30 July 2021 - 08:21 PM

Responding to this, but for the 7.1 release: I have yet to test Gondor, but the Gundabad fortress throne STILL cannot be attacked by any Rivendell unit except Revelers' normal attack and the Akallabeth power. Not even battering rams can attack it yet. Same goes for the tunnels in the fortress: Nothing can damage them. (Though I failed to try the Akallabeth power on them....)

If this is intentional, then there needs to be one of those red circular symbols with the slash through it to notify you that these structures can't be attacked by certain units.

Also, I noticed that the small door on the right side of the fortress also does not have a health meter. I didn't notice if a health meter was installed for the main gate, yet.

#4 lonkipt

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Posted 30 July 2021 - 08:23 PM

I also noticed the Soldier level AI for the MM faction inside the fortress, while better, doesn't seem to build back structures once destroyed. Or, if it does, it's too slow to matter.

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