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WotR 7.3.1 version Bugs, Issues, Ideas and Suggestions

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#1 Thranduil_King

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Posted 07 June 2022 - 09:54 PM

Hey guys


As always, I'm in awe of your work on the mod, this is the game I play the most and will probably play for the rest of my life, LOL. Now, I would like to comment on some bugs, issues, ideas and suggestions, I believe these can serve as a base and complement for improve much more the way to play this version and its mod.

I think the problem with this modality currently is the AI in Living World Map, it also needs an improvement as in Skirmish. AI ​​here is more important than in Skirmish because in this modality is almost always played against AI only, and not so much in multiplayer.

However, there are still some points apart from the AI, I will mention here:



1) The AI ​​destroys their own Fortresses and buildings constantly and often pointlessly, especially when their enemy is close.


2) Many territories are never conquered or even approached by the AI in Living World Map, It just ignores them. This is also important for the new release (8.0) because if more territories are going to be added the AI ​​has to know how to move towards all of them.


3) There is a bug with the AI ​​has from the original game that never made sense. The AI ​​often attacks any territory without troops in Living World Map, just 1 hero, constantly AI making this move (obviously without any success) this.


4) This other error also comes from the original game, at the start of the match (Skirmish), the AI ​​builds exactly in the same place as its Allied AI, which causes none of the AIs to ever develop well.


5) This error is more about Skirmish, it is about that the AI ​​never knows how to attack fortresses maps and walls (I still think this is not fixable, but I still attached it).


6) In the original game, the AI ​​often left its protected territories in Living World map, but for some reason in this mod, you guys changed this, and AI rarely leaves a backup units in case it gets attacked.


7) In the original game the AI ​​used to send troop units together with siege units in Living World map, but in these latest versions of the mod, it only keeps the siege units in a few territories, so, AI never uses them.


8) This issue has been constantly mentioned, AI must give up when you are playing a map fortress type in Skirmish, even though you have destroyed everything, another negative point to play these maps in WotR because of this issue.


9) When you are playing in living world map, the AI ​​only builds and attacks with basic and simple units, and without to mention they rarely upgraded them anyway.


10) In Living World map, on many occasions the AI ​​when it attacks you, it chooses to retreat even though it ​​has many possibilities in advantage.


11) There are some units that the AI ​​never build during Skirmish, some like Grond, Explosive Mines, even some elite units, some are due to the requirements you need to build them while others are because they are not added to the code. Also, some important units that the AI ​​uses never use their most useful abilities like the "Rivendell Revelers" they are not even able to attack buildings, which generates a disadvantage. And I think it’s the same thing in Living world map, AI never build elite units.


12) It is quite common that after a certain time of attacking and defending, the AI ​​stops attacking and even sometimes stops building troops or buildings, so this disappoints you, if you like long matches. This happens more in Skirmish but sometimes in Living world too.




In General:

1) When you are playing Skirmish in a fortress-type and return to the Living world map, the units built during the skirmish match are never saved, which in many cases is not a pleasure (or good idea) to play maps because of this.


2) It seems to me but the Auto resolve of WotR, now with everything added by you in the mod, is not balanced at all, so, it is not good to choose this option to attack or to defend.


3) The units of the Inn are never saved, now with the new added system of Inns by regions, it would be important to fix this problem and allow these extra units to be saved at the end of the match in real time. As extra point I would like to suggest the idea of adding Inn units to the built barracks corresponding to the map they are built on in Living World of course, would be cool!.


4) There is no control or limit to build elite units in Living world, which means you can build many elite units and it generates disadvantage.


5) Music is never random, it is the same fragment over and over, even many times they are fragments of themes that do not correspond to the faction.


6) The WR faction is the faction with the most disadvantage in this modality, since you need Thranduil to provide armor and without him it becomes difficult to win, as well as some units that require a hero to build them (Like Faramir, Necromancer, etc. ).


7) I recommend implementing some strategy to use the unique ring not only playing Skirmish but keeping the hero with the ring in Living world, this would certainly be a unique plus in the mod over any.


8) I also recommend the implementation of a naval system in territories with coasts, would potentiate more units with skill and focus on this, such as Harad and Rivendell.


9) I highly recommend balancing or reducing the advantages that you have by conquering a certain number of territories, because, if you have too many, you are basically invincible due to so much advantage in general.


10) I recommend implementing a bonus system balanced by territory with focus on the faction you are playing, I mean, higher bonus if you play Harad and you have all the territories of Harad for example, or even more if you have the capital of your current faction, and at the end a bonus per region.


11) Very often, when you built Sauron, the background music (his theme music) gets stuck, and is never corrected, until the match is over.



For weeks I’ve been making these annexes that I think would help you a lot to have a record of things that can be improved or corrected that I consider important and useful.

Thanks for your time reading the post and your work on this, guys, I know you might be interested in this.


Looking forward to the latest version with the never seen rework of WotR!



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