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triggering SCAR function with button press


Best Answer YOUSLESS, 29 June 2022 - 01:49 AM

I just found this thread https://forums.revor...ript-questions/ and I think it solved my issue


After reviewing that forum post I realized that the only way to trigger a scar function with a key press is by creating a bunch of squads and assigning hotkeys to them, I might just do that and make the squads. But I would like to know if there is a better way? 

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Posted 29 June 2022 - 01:39 AM

Hello, I am wondering if I can trigger a scar function in my scar script by pressing a key on my keyboard. I was looking around in the ScarDoc and there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do it


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Posted 29 June 2022 - 01:49 AM   Best Answer

I just found this thread https://forums.revor...ript-questions/ and I think it solved my issue


After reviewing that forum post I realized that the only way to trigger a scar function with a key press is by creating a bunch of squads and assigning hotkeys to them, I might just do that and make the squads. But I would like to know if there is a better way? 

Edited by YOUSLESS, 29 June 2022 - 02:26 AM.

#3 Guest_Nexadel_*

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Posted 03 September 2023 - 12:30 PM

Hi all. Is there a way to make a script which allows to reset Necron Lord artifacts in archive and they are possible to choose again ?

#4 Nexadel

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Posted 03 September 2023 - 01:06 PM

Hi all. Is there a way to make a script which allows to reset Necron Lord artifacts in archive and they are possible to choose again ?

#5 Gambit


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Posted 04 September 2023 - 05:12 AM

Hello brother Nexadel.


It is possible to reset the artifact researches from the forbidden archive. There are two methods:


1] Upon Necron Lord's temporal demise: Each time he is destroyed, you can use the Mechanic I used in Thousand Sons race for the Sorcerer Lord. This is very complicated, but it is purely AE (no SCaR code needed). It is really advanced though - you need to be experienced, even in order to copy the method I created there. If you do try this method, copy the need rgds and DO NOT modify them!! Only rename them, to achieve the desired end.


2] SCaR code. This is straightforward, but you need to have basic lua coding skills. You will also need a condition upon which the artifacts reset.


I would go after curtain number 1.

...But again, you need to be an experienced modder.

Edited by Gambit, 04 September 2023 - 05:14 AM.

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#6 Nexadel

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Posted 05 September 2023 - 11:53 AM

Hello brother Nexadel.


It is possible to reset the artifact researches from the forbidden archive. There are two methods:


1] Upon Necron Lord's temporal demise: Each time he is destroyed, you can use the Mechanic I used in Thousand Sons race for the Sorcerer Lord. This is very complicated, but it is purely AE (no SCaR code needed). It is really advanced though - you need to be experienced, even in order to copy the method I created there. If you do try this method, copy the need rgds and DO NOT modify them!! Only rename them, to achieve the desired end.


2] SCaR code. This is straightforward, but you need to have basic lua coding skills. You will also need a condition upon which the artifacts reset.


I would go after curtain number 1.

...But again, you need to be an experienced modder.



Thanks, Gambit ! I like first option.
1) Where is the file and what name of the method ?

2) Where I should paste the method ?

Edited by Nexadel, 05 September 2023 - 11:53 AM.

#7 Gambit


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Posted 05 September 2023 - 04:17 PM

Well... I am afraid it is not that easy.

In fact it is so complicated that the method (reversing Researches) was considered impossible before.

Anyway, load Thousand Sons, in an AE (like Corsix), and:


First, go to attrib/ebps/races/thousand_sons/troops/, load the Ahriman entity (thousand_sons_ahriman) and look into the health_ext. In there you will see that, upon death, he spawns a dummy entity (look in spawn_on_death, in health_ext). That entity holds the whole trick. It has some abilities, with each reversing one of the desired researches.

So once Ahriman is dead and the entity spawns, the abilities spawn themselves some complex dummy squads, and some nasty possession stuff happens, where the researches are reversed via the trick in the posses_ext. Many abilities and dummy entities and abilities are involved in the process!

Navigate and look into all involved rgds, to see how I made it possible.


Again, this is advanced AE stuff. Even experienced coders may have issues importing the method into their own mods, I am afraid.

Edited by Gambit, 05 September 2023 - 04:55 PM.

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#8 Nexadel

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Posted 05 September 2023 - 07:55 PM

Thanks! I will try and guess, will ask you again  :grin:

#9 Gambit


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Posted 05 September 2023 - 08:51 PM



Better not try it brother :p

See, there were unforeseen issues that I have just found out.

For example, the Necron Lord, does NOT spawn entities upon death (its death does not "register", because of the Necron body re-usage).

And this is only the beginning, there are issues with the researches as well, and the entities the Necron Lord has the option to Possess into (Night Bringer and Deceiver).


Anyway, what I am saying is that I did it, because I liked the idea the first place.

It is not 100% ready yet (the mechanic IS ready and it works perfectly, but I need to change some other stuff to make it perfect).

... And of course I made it optional: It will be there, IF you enable a win condition :thumbsuphappy:


In Summary

1] The Necron Lord can now have reselectable Artifacts (three, as before, from the Forbidden Archive).

2] To reset->reselect them, I added an ability INTO the Forbidden Archive structure, that does the trick.

3] This new feature will be optional, meaning that you will be able to enable it via a win condition.


Let me speak with Thud/Fugg/Kek to ask them if they like the idea implemented in Unification.

If they like it, you will see it in the next Unification version.

Now, if you want it for yourself, I could send you my current implementation,... Although incomplete.

Edited by Gambit, 05 September 2023 - 08:55 PM.

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#10 Nexadel

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Posted 06 September 2023 - 07:58 PM

Yes, it will be great, bro! I'm sure it's really great idea for Unification!)

#11 Nexadel

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Posted 06 September 2023 - 08:10 PM

I have some ideas about how it will be better... Abilities reset each time when Necron Lord deaths, they should be bought again in the Archive

#12 Nexadel

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Posted 07 September 2023 - 09:05 AM

Hi Gambit! BTW, here is my email for the code :grin: : ivanov.gomelved@gmail.com

Edited by Nexadel, 07 September 2023 - 09:09 AM.

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