I then devised a method where a timer would count down and then after that the vehicle would attack....
However, i think i must have screwed up once again!!! The people all load but the humvee does not leave the base!! I suspect it has to do with the timer or the hunt script in some way...
The team consists of a humvee and 5 soldiers
OnCreate it will run "Load transports sequence"
then it will run the "Hunt" script (in the general scripts list)
as well as priorities but that doesnt really count here
Load transports sequence:
*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
Set timer 'LOAD TRANSPORTS' to expire between 18.00 and 25.00 seconds.
Team '<This Team>' executes Script 'Load Transports Sequentially' sequentially
Load transports Sequentially:
*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
Team '<This Team>' change their attitude to Normal
Team '<This Team>' will move towards the nearest 'Base Buildings' within area '[Skirmish]MyOuterPerimeter'
Team '<This Team>' load into transports.
The hunt subroutine:
*** IF ***
Timer 'LOAD TRANSPORTS' has expired.
*** THEN ***
Team '<This Team>' stops executing.
Team '<This Team>' change their attitude to Aggressive
Team '<This Team>' begins hunting.
It Looks fine to me but it JUST WONT WORK... any ideas for fixing this or some alternative i can use?? I want to get my new version uploaded soon and thats the very last thing to be fixed!!
UPDATE: the timer is fine and working, and the hunt routine executes, all the way till the end (told the AI to sell off after being hunting and it did) however it wont seem to actually hunt!!
Edited by Lion, 01 September 2004 - 10:04 PM.