how about a heavenly 'Hallelujah' then ?
Yeah what other Tech buildings could there have been in WW2 ? I think it would be just reusing civilian stuff would look the most realistic, like a 1940 car garage, could be used to repair units, as I never liked the all-mpa autoheal and/or autorepair. A big factory building could be an outpost factory, maybe a deserted radar installation, or a General's Quarter, which could contain maps and information about the enemy (SpySat and/or PsySensor)
For desert, deserted tent bases, which have some garrisonable ones and also a tent with a red cross on it, maybe the same way for a repair depot, some crates and some oil drums and a tent maybe are enough...
Or a secret lab anno 1942, anyone ever seen Indiana Jones ? There's a nice Nazi aircraft in one of them... Though it's fiction, it could stimulate the brain...
Just my 2.00 ç
Edited by cr@zyiv@n, 06 January 2005 - 10:13 PM.