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question from starting modder

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#1 NGKrush

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 02:02 PM


i just started editing for cnc:zh, designing a 3player multiplayer mod with a friend,
at the moment i have been looking into how all the editing elements of cnc:zh and have had no problems so far with importing models, textures sounds, editing ini files, building maps, etc.
Now i moved on to the scripting part of the worldbuilder and i am having problems executing even the most simplest of script (as americans you build a barracks, if you don't a neutral building blinks 10 times, if you do you gain the moab superpower). i have deleted the _tmpChunk.dat file and tried all the options in the tabs of the scripting window but i just can't get it to work.. except for one time.

if anyone could help me further, i'd be very gratefull,


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