i installed the mod but i can't play it when i play my ZH it still have the main gens like the airforce the nuke and the stealth .....etc
so are there any files i sould move or something?
how the hell do i use this mod
Started by
, Feb 11 2005 10:27 AM
1 reply to this topic
#1 Guest_NightTerror_*
Posted 11 February 2005 - 10:27 AM
Posted 11 February 2005 - 01:02 PM
It should install all the files automatically into the ZH main directory, which inturn should, allow you to play the mod, are you running with a -quickstart command on the shortcut? If you are do you see two combat cycles firing on a Paladin, with Project Raptor at the top in a grey box. Try that, if you don't reinstall the mod, if you do then it did everything correctly. BTW, there are only two new sides, Militia and the Boss gen, AI for the militia, but not for the boss gen.
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