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help with bloodthirsty

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#1 Vapula!

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Posted 20 April 2005 - 06:27 AM

I'm trying to give one of my heroes a bloodthirsty ability.
So I added the following code into my hero's ini.

Behavior = BloodthirstyUpdate ModuleTag_Bloodthirsty
	;In order to sacrifice or be sacrificed, you must have a BloodthirstyUpdate
  SacrificeFilter 	 = ALL;Hordes with BloodthirstyUpdates I can sacrifice (hint: use template names)
  NumToSacrifice 	 = 5;Must sacrifice this number of units in the same horde in order to gain veterancy.
	;InitiateVoice 	 = UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcs
	;InitiateVoice2 	 = UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcsBattleChatter

and I added Command_BloodThirstySacrifice into my hero's commandset.ini.
now when I activate it, my hero starts to kill target units but he doesn't gain any experience from it. Does anybody know how to add a bloodthirsty module into an object which isn't horde.

#2 pabtyf


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Posted 20 April 2005 - 03:31 PM

What about making the unit a horde (of one) don't know if it would still retain it's hero status though

#3 Vapula!

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Posted 20 April 2005 - 09:31 PM

What about making the unit a horde (of one) don't know if it would still retain it's hero status though


yea I've come up with the same sort of solution.. it seems that bloodthirsy only works with hordes. I will try it and see what happens. Thanks pabtyf :D

I tried but I found that a horde unit cannot be purchased from the citadel, and it seems that heroes cannot be put into a horde, so I'm giving up givng him bloodthirsty thing :(
Perhaps I can make a special ability which kills a friendly unit and the killer gets exp by AwardXPForTriggering.

Edited by Vapula!, 22 April 2005 - 01:47 AM.

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