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Increasing Horde Sizes?

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#1 Flame Of Udûn

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Posted 09 May 2005 - 08:32 PM

Could someone either tell me how or direct me to a guide on how to increase the horde size?
The dark fire shall not avail you, Flame of Udûn!

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#2 ched



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Posted 09 May 2005 - 08:44 PM

its in the horde object ini file, however its harder than one could think
theres a line to edit the number of units so you go like "heey sweet :p"
but in fact it doesnt work well, the units will just get on top of each other :rolleyes:
so you need to edit their position, right beneath, theres a line with stuff like x=0y=0z=0 ...
you need to create such a line for each unit in the horde, defining its position so the units spread around
its pretty tough to do so i suggest you take a look in mods who did it for the position thing (1st age mod for instance)
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#3 Flame Of Udûn

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Posted 09 May 2005 - 09:26 PM

Ok, did that but the units are only single units, how do I make them grouped together as a horde?
The dark fire shall not avail you, Flame of Udûn!

-~= Gandalf =~-

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#4 Hostile


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Posted 09 May 2005 - 10:01 PM

The horde file contains the individual units that make up the horde. This is the logical place to check. In the horde object it states what individuals are in the horde and where they should stand.

Each position is plotted as Ched said.

#5 nickthemenace


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Posted 10 May 2005 - 06:12 PM

try this, i wrote it a while ago..

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#6 |EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

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Posted 10 May 2005 - 09:29 PM

Nice, that should be added as a tutorial to the main site.
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#7 Hard_Sander

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 05:41 PM

I used this in an map.ini for increasing uruk hai horde size.

Object IsengardFighterHorde

ReplaceModule ModuleTag_HordeContain
Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_Overider
ObjectStatusOfContained =
InitialPayload = IsengardFighter 20
Slots = 20
PassengerFilter = NONE +INFANTRY
ShowPips = No

ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes ;Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)
AlternateFormation = IsengardFighterHordeBlock

; Banner Carrier info
BannerCarriersAllowed = IsengardBannerOrc ; types of units that are allowed as banner carriers
BannerCarrierPosition = UnitType:IsengardFighter Pos:X:35.0 Y:0.0 ; (DEFAULT) position of banner carrier for fighter horde

RandomOffset=X:2 Y:2
RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:25 Y:-25 Position:X:25 Y:0 Position:X:25 Y:25 Position:X:25 Y:-50 Position:X:25 Y:50
RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:0 Y:-50 Position:X:0 Y:-25 Position:X:0 Y:0 Position:X:0 Y:25 Position:X:0 Y:50
RankInfo = RankNumber:3 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:-25 Y:-25 Position:X:-25 Y:0 Position:X:-25 Y:25 Position:X:-25 Y:-50 Position:X:-25 Y:50
RankInfo = RankNumber:4 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:-50 Y:-50 Position:X:-50 Y:-25 Position:X:-50 Y:0 Position:X:-50 Y:25 Position:X:-50 Y:50
RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2 3 4

ComboHorde = Target:IsengardPikemanHorde Result:IsengardFighterPikemanComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardPikemanHordePorcupine Result:IsengardFighterPikemanComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardUrukCrossbowHorde Result:IsengardFighterCrossbowComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardUrukCrossbowHordeWedgeFormation Result:IsengardFighterCrossbowComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardSiegeLadder Result:IsengardFighterLadderComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin

MachineAllowed = Yes
MachineType = IsengardSiegeLadder
UseSlowHordeMovement = Yes

MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 40; How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking.


ChildObject IsengardFighterHordeBlock IsengardFighterHorde

ReplaceModule ModuleTag_HordeContain
Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_Overider
ObjectStatusOfContained =
InitialPayload = IsengardFighter 20
Slots = 20
PassengerFilter = NONE +INFANTRY
ShowPips = No

ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = No ;Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!)
AlternateFormation = IsengardFighterHorde
AttributeModifiers = IsengardFighterHordeBlockBonus

; Banner Carrier info
BannerCarriersAllowed = IsengardBannerOrc ; types of units that are allowed as banner carriers
BannerCarrierPosition = UnitType:IsengardFighter Pos:X:25.0 Y:0.0 ; (DEFAULT) position of banner carrier

RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:13 Y:0 Position:X:13 Y:-20 Position:X:13 Y:20 Position:X:13 Y:40 Position:X:13 Y:-40
RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:0 Y:0 Position:X:0 Y:-20 Position:X:0 Y:20 Position:X:0 Y:40 Position:X:0 Y:-40
RankInfo = RankNumber:3 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:-13 Y:0 Position:X:-13 Y:-20 Position:X:-13 Y:20 Position:X:-13 Y:40 Position:X:-13 Y:-40
RankInfo = RankNumber:4 UnitType:IsengardFighter Position:X:-26 Y:0 Position:X:-26 Y:-20 Position:X:-26 Y:20 Position:X:-26 Y:40 Position:X:-26 Y:-40

RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2 3 4

ComboHorde = Target:IsengardPikemanHorde Result:IsengardFighterPikemanComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardPikemanHordePorcupine Result:IsengardFighterPikemanComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardUrukCrossbowHorde Result:IsengardFighterCrossbowComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardUrukCrossbowHordeWedgeFormation Result:IsengardFighterCrossbowComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin
ComboHorde = Target:IsengardSiegeLadder Result:IsengardFighterLadderComboHorde InitiateVoice:UrukWarriorVoiceJoin

MachineAllowed = Yes
MachineType = IsengardSiegeLadder
;UseSlowHordeMovement = Yes

#8 Fingulfin


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Posted 08 May 2006 - 05:42 PM

That truly wasnt necessary... Please do not ressurect Old Topics without good reason :p

Edited by Fingulfin, 08 May 2006 - 05:43 PM.

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#9 Hard_Sander

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 06:27 PM

LOL, I was so happy I got it working in an map.ini that I wanted to post it somewhere and then I suddenly(?) jumped to page 50 I found this topic...sorry :p

#10 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 08:14 PM

i have the code for 50 and 25 guys of every horde in the original game, if you want a specific unit just tell me. Maybe when gil-galad finishes his horde position program this wont be necesary anymore.

#11 Artifice


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Posted 08 May 2006 - 09:49 PM

LOL, I was so happy I got it working in an map.ini that I wanted to post it somewhere and then I suddenly(?) jumped to page 50 I found this topic...sorry :)

Forgive Fingulfin, he hates it when people bump topics. Congratulations on getting it working though :ninja:

#12 Hard_Sander

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 02:04 PM

I won't do it again.

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