first ill run through the steps that the game goes through when you use a spell and have to select the area:
- you press the spell button and move your cursor to space
- the game obtains what the type of cursor that spell uses from the commandbutton in commandbutton.ini
RadiusCursorType = LIGHTNING_SWORD(ill be using gandalfs lightning blast as an example)
- it then looks in game.dat to find out what that means and finds that it links to a ingameui called "LightningSwordRadiusCursor "
- and so the game totters over to ingameui.ini and finds this:
LightningSwordRadiusCursor Texture = SCCLightningSword Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 20%;50% OpacityMax = 60%;100% OpacityThrobTime = 1000 Color = R:255 G:255 B:255 A:255;R:0 G:0 B:200 A:255 OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes End
telling it what to display
Now the problems come when you want to add a new spell radius without editing the game.dat but there is a solution and it could come from:
- EA being kind and thoughtful to modders
OR (and this is more likely)
-EA being sloppy
basically because this game is pretty much just a TC mod for generals, then remarketed, there is a hell of a lot of old generals crap left in the ini files and game.dat and so alot of the links from RadiusCursorType to an ingameui reference are still intact from generals.
so all you have to do is use an old generals RadiusCursorType reference and ingameui reference and EA were kind enough to leave all the ganerals ingameui.ini code in.
so here is a link to get started:
RadiusCursorType = SPYDRONE -->ingameui.ini reference = SpyDroneRadiusCursor
To get what you need to put into the commandbutton "RadiusCursorType" you have to take the name of the radius cursor in ingameui.ini, for example: "AttackScatterAreaRadiusCursor" and forget about the "RadiusCursor" bit and then put it all in capitals and split up the words with _
so in commandbutton to reference "AttackScatterAreaRadiusCursor" you must put:
Edited by halbarad, 14 June 2005 - 10:46 AM.