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Animal Testing

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#21 Shine On

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Posted 03 July 2005 - 11:16 AM

LMAO @ Hybrid.TBH that's probably the best solution. :huh:

However i don't think Sari would agree with you. :huh:

Edited by Xeno, 03 July 2005 - 11:25 AM.

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#22 ComradeJ


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 12:19 PM

Wow... can people really BE that stupid? I'm in awe.  :p  Animals feel pain, just as we can. They suffer, just as we do. In many cases, they are just as smart as us.


That's just instinct. Their nerves sense something and they go crying. If they were as smart as we are, they wouldn't let themselves be tested upon. Animals don't realise that they are, and they can't compare. In any cases, their brain is really crappy, and as they have the right to attack us because we're physically less, we have the right to attack them because they're stupid.
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#23 DragonFly


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 12:38 PM

Heh we don't even really need cosmetics. I mean IMO  it doesn't make one any prettier or so.I think there should be no animal tests with regards to cosmetics.
Medicines are a different story, I'm not sure what I think, there are pros and cons.
As long as we don't get 100 Comrade Jerkovs (or insert another members name)  running around  :dry: J/K no offence ment.

BTW Sari it's nice you have a pony :). When I was a child I had this friend who really wanted a pony but couldn't because of the room it would take (no not a bedroom :)).


Yeah i would like to see britney spear with out cosmetics and plastic surgery!
Would britney spears be here then? Nope :p

I hate Cosmetics testing on animals, ecspecially cats and dogs...
And i am for testing Medicine and Not in Any cosmetical way surgery!

Also A rat only lives a year.. and people hate them, and when in a city they only cause damage, and the animals who we are testing on are the real heroes, they died for us only they not realise it, and 1 animal saved millions of lives isnt that great...

Tough, why would you need cosmetics, anyone is pretty on the way he looks like.

Edited by DragonFly, 03 July 2005 - 12:45 PM.

"Drawing in MS Paint is like doing surgery with a chainsaw, it's not going to look pretty."

#24 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 03 July 2005 - 12:58 PM

I would hardly call a rat a hero for being captured, held down, and injected against it's own will.

#25 Athena


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 01:53 PM

People are good the way they are, no cosmetics needed.
IMO no one looks better with them. You should like yourself for who you are and how you look, not with some cosmetics on you.
Britney Spears used to make good songs, I didn't listen to it because I liked how she looked ('cause frankly I don't care about that, as long as the music is nice, I don't care about who made it and how that person looks like). Note I'm saying used to, 'cause I don't like her new songs.
Did she had plastic surgery? lol I didn't know that.
IMO that is wasted money, unless one really has a very big nose or so, I mean look at Michael Jackson, he's had plastic surgery for so many times. Does he look better? No. (well not IMO). In fact, the museum in Amsterdam which has all these statues (Madame Tussaud) of famous people was very angry at him, because they had to change his statue every time :dry:
I think rats would be a good choice if medicines need to be tested on animals.
We had this class about risks, and the teacher said that dangerous chemicals were tested on rabbits and he talked about those rabbits and victims (who died because of some chemical explosion), like they were some ordinary candybar that can be bought anywhere :p.

#26 Tom


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 02:07 PM

Wow... can people really BE that stupid? I'm in awe.  :p  Animals feel pain, just as we can. They suffer, just as we do. In many cases, they are just as smart as us.


That's just instinct. Their nerves sense something and they go crying. If they were as smart as we are, they wouldn't let themselves be tested upon. Animals don't realise that they are, and they can't compare. In any cases, their brain is really crappy, and as they have the right to attack us because we're physically less, we have the right to attack them because they're stupid.


How would you like it if i giant grabbed you from your little shit hole in the street when just as you were taking mcdonald scraps home to feed your little rattlings and then took you away, locked you up and injected you with crap. Yeah thats it, imagine you were a rat, not hard for you :) j/k

I would hardly call a rat a hero for being captured, held down, and injected against it's own will.

Heck where do you think Danger Mouse came from? He was a hero... :dry:

#27 Sari


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 04:24 PM

As I said some drugs are tested on Humans. However i dunno whether they were tested on Animals first. :p


All drugs are tested on animals. Even the stuff you get that says otherwise - such as The Body Shop products. Just because that specific combination has not been tested on an animal, several of the ingredients (if not all) will have been at some point.

If they're captive-bred for the purpose, then on second thoughts I don't see much problem. If they're all just whisked from the wild for the purpose, then I do, as that harms the natural balance.


Vivisection animals are all bred in captivity. And don't forget that we also test animal medicenes on animals - a friend of mine brought two beautiful little yearling colts from HLS some years ago, who had been used for testing wormer on (a vital medicene for all domestic horses). They're both fine!

#28 Shine On

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Posted 03 July 2005 - 04:33 PM

*pheww* I thought you were going to say they were deformed. Sorry to seem negative but i really thought that's what you were going to say. :)

Anyway going off topic. What to people think of natural remadies etc. Do you think that they really work and should be used more often? :p

Bit of a contrast from animal testing but i think its an alternative to using tested product. I for one am very curious about alot of natural and home remadies since i believe that alot of them DO work. BUT the ones they bottle and sell in the shop i think are fake and more of a placibo. :dry:

(Sorry for any spelling mistakes, my keyboard is really pissing me off)

Edited by Xeno, 03 July 2005 - 04:35 PM.

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#29 Sari


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 04:52 PM

Well, Champion was a bit of a psycho ... but then that's 'cause he was a stallion for a while, and all stallion's are evil little sods. :p

Yep, totally in favour of natural remedies. There are so many herbs and whatnot out there that provide natural medicene - not just for us, but for animals too. I use a lot of them with my mare (not that I'm neurotic or anything when it comes to that pony's health and happiness :dry:).

#30 Godwin


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:22 AM

It's not like the scientists and researchers are culling animals or torturing them for fun... What are your views on eating meat then? OOh it's cruel to kill animals and EAT them OMFGGG11!!1.

Animal rights. Greatest oxymoron of all time. There's a limit to everything, and I see both extremes just as bad. Animals (pets) that live in total luxury and get manicures, "clothes" and whatever, that's messed up.

Edited by Godwin, 04 July 2005 - 09:23 AM.

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#31 Soulreaver


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:31 AM

paris hilton with her pet rat, that lives better than majority of the worlds population... now that's sick.
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#32 DragonFly


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:36 AM

Animals are too stupid to realise they're suffering and humans aren't. Sure, they have pain, but they're not happy if they don't. Besides, why should we care if animals have pain? What have they ever done for us that makes them our equal?


FFS! That is the most stupid reply that I ever heard, how can we know they have pain or not, can we feel what they feel? No we can't, your just talking shit, your reply really AMAZED me, of course animals feel pain, and what did they ever done for us that make us equal? I SHALL TELL, already as long as we live they balance our nature, supply us with food, and also, they are even in our homes, to be OUR friends!

Animals are great, and even if we test medicines on them, they deserve even to be a more worthy living then a Human, because they suffer for us, and thats what they doing for a long long time, I really HATE your reply, in my first opinion you seemed ok, but thatas a way different story now.

Animals have just as much feelings as we do, and maybe even more, but we can't know, we are stupid ourself, polluting the earth, killing animals we dont even need, we actually destroy the earth and most of us dont give a fuck about that, the idiots say, we cant use solar power becuz there too much clouds, yeah doh, we pollut the earth so much we dont even have a nice sun, dam, stop polluting and we can use solar power, because the earth has more nature also.

But just to come back to the topic, I think testing on animals is cruel, so shut up about it, we are mostly with the same reason here, testing medicine on animals is not that bad, but cosmetics is awfull.

So i think with this message we can better close the topic before it ends in a flame war.
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#33 Godwin


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:42 AM

I'm sorry, but it's obvious that animals and humans are not "equal", if they were, we wouldn't be around today. Well if you meant in terms of "food" or "prey", then I'm sure there's equality there, but heh, even within the animal kingdom there're hierarchies and food chains, animals are not equal among themselves. With great power comes great responsibility. That should be the line of reasoning.

Edited by Godwin, 04 July 2005 - 09:43 AM.

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#34 DragonFly


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:44 AM

I'm sorry, but it's obvious that animals and humans are not "equal", if they were, we wouldn't be around today. Well if you meant in terms of "food" or "prey", then I'm sure there's equality there, but heh, even within the animal kingdom there're hierarchies and food chains, animals are not equal among themselves. With great power comes great responsibility. That should be the line of reasoning.


I wosn't talking about animals killing animals, without killing animals IMO we wouldnt be here now, we just need to kill animals, and some off us wouldnt live if we dont test medicines on animals, and thats make htem equal to us.
"Drawing in MS Paint is like doing surgery with a chainsaw, it's not going to look pretty."

#35 ComradeJ


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:50 AM

FFS! That is the most stupid reply that I ever heard, how can we know they have pain or not, can we feel what they feel? No we can't, your just talking shit, your reply really AMAZED me, of course animals feel pain, and what did they ever done for us that make us equal? I SHALL TELL, already as long as we live they balance our nature, supply us with food, and also, they are even in our homes, to be OUR friends!


I don't know what you call friends, but dogs just stick around because they get food and people will all go "Aww, how cute", just because they have big eyes and a lot of hair... And I don't really get what animals do to balance nature, apart from shitting in my garden.
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#36 DragonFly


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 09:52 AM


You probarly never had a Cat, they are also cute, but they come to you (just like dogs i think) and want to hugged, they like you, they sleep with you on your bed, if you have a animal, you love them, but you just full of hate to animals IMO.
"Drawing in MS Paint is like doing surgery with a chainsaw, it's not going to look pretty."

#37 Soulreaver


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 10:52 AM

What about nice cute mosquitoes? they also like to be close to you and come to you at night when you are in your bed, they feel pain too, you must simply adore them right? How some stupid people are evil and kill them, isn't the most rewarding and warm thought when you know you've fed a poor hungry mosquito and now he'll be able to live a quality life and have thousands of offsprings that will like you just as much as he did. Aaahh, feel the love :)
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#38 Ash


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 11:02 AM

EL-OH-EL! :p
Sorry, but that last comment made me laugh...

It depends on the animal of course.
While I agree they aren't on a par with humans, do they really deserve to be treated that way? I mean...as said, how do we know it'll work on humans as well as on animals? Did nobody remember THALIDOMIDE? Worked fine on rats, but look what happened when humans took it... :)

#39 Godwin


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 04:42 PM


You probarly never had a Cat, they are also cute, but they come to you (just like dogs i think) and want to hugged, they like you, they sleep with you on your bed, if you have a animal, you love them, but you just full of hate to animals IMO.


So now it's down to cuteness huh.
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#40 Sari


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 05:12 PM

Did nobody remember THALIDOMIDE? Worked fine on rats, but look what happened when humans took it... :dry:


Yeh ... how did that even happen? Because you see, when they test a new drug, it often takes years to develop - years of designing, animal testing, and then when that's through it moves on to the human testing stage where volunteers take it. Maybe times have changed since then ... when was Thalidomide? Was it the 60s?

@Godwin: Dammit, cats are cute! *purrs*

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