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Bloodthirsty Ability

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#1 Valarauko

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 03:11 AM

Hey everyone I'm trying to give a hero a bloodthirsty ability that lets him kill allied units that aren't the same type as him, because all the orcs and uruks can do is kill other orcs and uruks. I'm wondering if anyone already knows how to do this or if it can even be done. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Valarauko

#2 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 10 July 2005 - 04:10 AM

Well, I checked the units (uruk and orcs) and there is nothing that I could find in their code that would be used as a Special power. So then I checked the CommandSet and CommandButton files, Here's what I found:

CommandButton Command_BloodThirstySacrifice
  Command                 = BLOODTHIRSTY
  TextLabel               = CONTROLBAR:Bloodthirsty
  ButtonImage             = UCOrc_Bloodthirsty
  CursorName              = EvilAbilityObj
  InvalidCursorName       = StabAttackInvalid
  ButtonBorderType        = ACTION
  DescriptLabel           = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipBloodthirsty
  InPalantir    = Yes

I'm not sure where that Command = BLOODTHIRSTY refers to... but its not in the SpecialPowers.ini, Weapon.ini, AtributeModifier.ini, or EvilFactionUnits.ini...

I would try going into CommandSet.ini and giving your hero that ability and see what happens... In the meantime I will keep looking.


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#3 GothmogtheOrc


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Posted 10 July 2005 - 04:23 AM

I found it. This was in Data/ini/object/hordes/evilfactionhordes:

Behavior = BloodthirstyUpdate ModuleTag_Bloodthirsty
;In order to sacrifice or be sacrificed, you must have a BloodthirstyUpdate
  SacrificeFilter  	= ALL;Hordes with BloodthirstyUpdates I can sacrifice (hint: use template names)
  NumToSacrifice  	= 5;Must sacrifice this number of units in the same horde in order to gain veterancy.
  InitiateVoice  	= UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcs
  InitiateVoice2  	= UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcsBattleChatter

Just add that and the CommandButton/CommandSet data to your hero and you should be good to go. Post here if it works and how well...That might be a good ability for others to use as well later. (like me :p )

EDIT: sorry for the double post.


Edited by GothmogtheOrc, 10 July 2005 - 04:23 AM.

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#4 Lord Of Gifts

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 05:33 AM

Any horde you want to be able to sacrifice needs that behavior in it. Also adding this to your hero will make your hero able to be sacrificed.

#5 Valarauko

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 03:57 PM

OK thanks guys I'll try it out today and let you know how it works ;)

EDIT: Ok i got it so that Sauron can kill orcs but he gets no experience for it! I'm wondering if there's another bit of code somewhere that gives experience to the killer.

Thanks for the help

Edited by Valarauko, 10 July 2005 - 04:11 PM.

#6 Kelso


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Posted 11 July 2005 - 01:02 AM

He could very well be getting experience for them. But the amount could be rather small since they are level 1 grunt units and he is a hero.
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#7 Valarauko

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Posted 11 July 2005 - 03:30 AM

He's definitely not getting any experience b/c i checked by killing TONS of orcs and haradrim (which i sucessfully made a bloodthirsty target). It could be that it only works for hordes because when the orcs kill haradrim it works fine.

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