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Spell Book Heal

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#1 Valarauko

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:45 AM

Hey everyone i decided i wanted to give heal to isengard, so i replaced the palantir power (which i gave to saruman) with it. It works fine, meaning you can purchase the spell and everything works alright, but it doesn't actually heal. The cursor shows up as red instead of white and left clicking does nothing.

Does anyone know how i can fix this?

Thanks, Valarauko

#2 Gondolin

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 05:50 AM

The cursor shows up as red instead of white

What do you mean by this? Do you mean the "medical cross icon" that shows over the ground? If thats what you mean, if might have something to do with the evil side's default color schemes, or possibly its red because you can't use it.

left clicking does nothing

I haven't played in a while but don't you right click to use a power? Maybe it is left click...nevermind if it is, just a thought, lol.

If you haven't red the "Adding a Spellbook" tutorial then you should read it all the way through, it will give you thorough detail on how to make the spells work.

Most likely you haven't added the heal special power to the evilspellbook in systems.ini Read the tutorial if you don't know what I mean.

Here is a linke to "Adding/Editing a Spellbook"

Hope that helps.

#3 Valarauko

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 05:21 PM

Thanks for the help! The problem was that i didnt add it to evilspellbook in systems.ini. I added it in and it worked fine. Sorry about saying left click I meant right.

Thanks again :dry:

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