It should summon 4 hordes, representing the last alliance: 2 hordes of LAElvenwarriors, 1 horde of GondorLAfighters,
and 1 horde of GondorLAarchers.
Basically, I just copied the oathbreaker power with a few changes here and there.
But when I want to launch it (with Elrond), just nothing appears.
So could anyone look through my code?
That's the Elrond-code:
Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ElrondLastAllianceEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponLastAlliance TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ElrondLastAlliance End Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_OCLSpecialPower SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponLastAlliance OCL = OCL_LastAllianceEgg CreateLocation = CREATE_AT_LOCATION StartsPaused = Yes ;SetModelCondition = ModelConditionState:USER_1 ;SetModelConditionTime = 8.1 End
That's the one of specialpower.ini:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpecialPower SuperweaponLastAlliance Enum = SPECIAL_SPELL_BOOK_PALANTIR_VISION ReloadTime = 180000 ; in milliseconds PublicTimer = No RadiusCursorRadius = 100.0 End
And the ObjectCreationList:
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ObjectCreationList OCL_ElvesLastAllianceEgg ; The egg is going to die (hatch) immediately, and play the FXLists, then wait, then do the Finish below CreateObject ObjectNames = LastAllianceEgg UseJustBuiltFlag = Yes Count = 1 Disposition = LIKE_EXISTING IgnoreCommandPointLimit = Yes End End ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Last Alliance ObjectCreationList OCL_LastAlliance CreateObject ObjectNames = ElvesLAElvenWarriorHorde Count = 1 FadeIn = Yes FadeTime = 1000 IgnoreCommandPointLimit = Yes Offset = X:-15 Y:-15 Z:0 Disposition = LIKE_EXISTING End CreateObject ObjectNames = ElvesLAElvenWarriorHorde Count = 1 FadeIn = Yes FadeTime = 1000 IgnoreCommandPointLimit = Yes Offset = X:-15 Y:15 Z:0 Disposition = LIKE_EXISTING End CreateObject ObjectNames = GondorLAFighterHorde Count = 1 FadeIn = Yes FadeTime = 1000 IgnoreCommandPointLimit = Yes Offset = X:15 Y:-15 Z:0 Disposition = LIKE_EXISTING End CreateObject ObjectNames = GondorLAArcherHorde Count = 1 FadeIn = Yes FadeTime = 1000 IgnoreCommandPointLimit = Yes Offset = X:15 Y:15 Z:0 Disposition = LIKE_EXISTING End End
The Code of goodfactionsubobjects:
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object LastAllianceEgg Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw DefaultModelConditionState Model = None End End KindOf = INERT IMMOBILE UNATTACKABLE Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork MaxHealth = 1 End Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_HatchTrigger MinLifetime = 0.0 MaxLifetime = 0.0 End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_HatchProcess DestructionDelay = 4000 FX = INITIAL FX_SummonAOD OCL = FINAL OCL_LastAlliance;MIDPOINT SUPERWEAPON_LastAlliance ;Weapon = FINAL ArmyOfTheDeadSummoning End End
And finally the commandbutton.ini
CommandButton Command_LastAlliance Command = SPECIAL_POWER SpecialPower = SuperweaponLastAlliance TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:LastAlliance ButtonImage = SBGood_ElvenAllies Options = NEED_TARGET_POS CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND RadiusCursorType = ELVEN_WOOD CursorName = AttackObj InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid ButtonBorderType = ACTION; Identifier for the User as to what kind of button this is DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:TooltipLastAlliance InPalantir = Yes End
That's it thanks for looking through!
Edited by Dark Lord of the Sith, 12 September 2005 - 02:00 PM.