Neat Idea for propaganda trucks...
#1 Guest_00 Nobody_*
Posted 09 November 2005 - 01:17 AM
Posted 09 November 2005 - 02:22 AM
Sounds really Cool
Posted 09 November 2005 - 09:20 AM
Remember! If you smoke weed you’ll get high, if you smoke a reed you would die
Apparently Donkeys kill more people every year than air-plane crashes
#5 Guest_00 Nobody_*
Posted 11 November 2005 - 11:13 PM
Technical stuff:
1. USA: all get PDL and has good resistance to machine guns, but weak against missiles. all can produce drone.
2. GLA: all have high armor, HP, like a bunker, can hold 3-5 men.
3. China: all ets propaganda tower, upgrades w/ subliminal messaging, low HP, comes with small gattling gun.
4. (if possible) For All Gens and Forces: makes buildings garrison with the civilians turned soldiers.
5. Stealth gen. gets truck camoflaged at start.
6. SupW gen. gets single-missile-firing EMP Patriot mounted on top.
7. Inf. gen gets two gattling guns.
cant decide on specifics for other gens. Help would be appreciated, but please keep it from being a nuke cannon, particle beam, or anything much more powerful then these ideas, that would unbalance them and make them be too good. Thanks.
Posted 11 November 2005 - 11:43 PM
Laser: Small laser gun
Superweapon: Twin TOW missiles and a machine gun
Infa: Gattling Gun like you said
Tank: Small anti-tank dumb-fire missile
Nuke: Same as Tank with radiation
All GLA: Your plan, garrison
Stealth: invisible
Thrax: small toxin sprayer
Demo: Demo Trap factory, works like Red Guard mines only its a demo trap instead of a minefield
Militia: A pickup, people can pile in the back and shoot, trailer mortar?
#7 Guest_00 Nobody_*
Posted 12 November 2005 - 01:42 AM
This'll work out soon, only a few things in there that don't seem to fit the force or is too overpowered.
#8 Guest_00 Nobody_*
Posted 12 November 2005 - 01:44 AM
Posted 12 November 2005 - 03:11 PM
Desert Legends RPG C&C's ONLY
Desert Doorway Defenders
Desert Corps.
Operation: The Dragon's Den
Construct additional pylons. No, seriously. The power's out. Those power lines are overloaded. WE NEED MOAR PYLONS!
Posted 12 November 2005 - 11:32 PM
Posted 13 November 2005 - 01:20 AM
Desert Legends RPG C&C's ONLY
Desert Doorway Defenders
Desert Corps.
Operation: The Dragon's Den
Construct additional pylons. No, seriously. The power's out. Those power lines are overloaded. WE NEED MOAR PYLONS!
Posted 13 November 2005 - 02:49 AM
Now, since you have registered, you are offered to be a player in the War Games.
You may be:
A)a) A new side, good.
A)b) A new side, evil.
B)a) a subordinate (Vice Admiral) of one of the existing admirals. (7nth, Crave, Link, Delta, Ace.)
B)b) a subordinate (common soldier) of one of the existing admirals. (7nth, Crave, Link, Delta, Ace.)
B)c) A subordinate (commando) of one of the existing admirals. (7nth, Crave, Link, Delta, Ace.
If you chose A, then you must talk to 7nth Panzer concerning your race's weapons and ships.
If you chose B, then you need to talk to the Admiral you would like to serve under.
You must remember these rules.
1. The most important, You may not have a weapon that can destroy entire galaxies, universes, ect.
2. No "You're dead because I say so" (imagine a nasal voice).
3. Respect your enemies, respect your friends.
Posted 13 November 2005 - 03:27 AM
Posted 13 November 2005 - 03:35 AM
Posted 13 November 2005 - 06:04 AM
Desert Legends RPG C&C's ONLY
Desert Doorway Defenders
Desert Corps.
Operation: The Dragon's Den
Construct additional pylons. No, seriously. The power's out. Those power lines are overloaded. WE NEED MOAR PYLONS!
Posted 13 November 2005 - 02:47 PM
Anyway back on topic:
For a slight modification, maybe each side should get differently equipped civilians. USA spends lots of money to make sure they all have quality guns, armor and training, but each person you recruit costs you money. They have good range, power and rate of fire.
China gives them a rifle and drops them out. Decently long range, but lousey rate of fire and average power. They do get a bit of training, though.
GLA passes out the AKs. No training, just walk around and unload in every direction. High rate of fire but short range.
Militia passes out shotguns. EXTREME power but short range.
Posted 13 November 2005 - 02:54 PM
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