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i need some help please!

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#1 prince of mirkwood legolas

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 06:24 AM

i need some help to like muck around in the ini so that i can like have 50 units in a horde and make them real cheap and faster builder and not take up as much pop and make the pop higher is it posible and if it is could someone help me out here please :huh:

and also add last alliance units and orc pike men to the game

Edited by prince of mirkwood legolas, 11 January 2006 - 06:49 AM.

#2 LadyRhiea



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Posted 11 January 2006 - 09:12 AM

Just go download the WOME mod or Elvenstar mod, it dosn't include 50 units in a horde but most of what you want are already in those mods. Next time please don't say:

something something AND something something AND something something AND something something AND something something AND something something AND something something.

AND something something

It makes it hard to read, you only use and at the last of the list such as...

I kicked noob number 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, AND 10's ass. (btw I'm not calling you a n00b ^^)

Posted Image

I'm not smoking anything, I'm just Japanese.

You guys better hope I don't get hired by EA one day, sorry, I meant interned for very low wages

#3 prince of mirkwood legolas

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 07:35 PM

no i dont want to download anything i just want to do it at home because the elvenstar mod bungs up and i cant build on lothloriens build polts and i dont know how to get those other mods to work :lol: :huh:

#4 Rockon12

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 08:11 PM

It's a long proccess and not for beginners usually.

You have to go into the gondorhordes, rohanhordes, etc. and edit each type of horde individually as well as all the different formations.

So start with object gondorfigherhorde in gondorhordes.ini.
To make them cheaper go to where it says:


Change the GONDOR_SOLDIER_BUILDCOST to whatever number you want it to be (yes, numbers work there too), for example:

BuildCost = 200

Or you could go to gamedata.ini and change the definition of GONDOR_SOLDIER_BUILDCOST to whatever you want it to be.

To make it a bigger horde, change this:

Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
  ObjectStatusOfContained = 
  InitialPayload = GondorFighter 5
  Slots = 5

To this:
	Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
  ObjectStatusOfContained = 
  InitialPayload = GondorFighter 50
  Slots = 50

You will then need to change this:

	; Positions for 5
  RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:GondorFighter Position:X:15 Y:0	Position:X:15 Y:25	Position:X:15 Y:-25	Position:X:15 Y:50	Position:X:15 Y:-50 

To this

	; Positions for 50
  RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:GondorFighter Position:X:15 Y:0	Position:X:15 Y:25	Position:X:15 Y:-25	Position:X:15 Y:50	Position:X:15 Y:-50 
  RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:GondorFighter Position:X:35 Y:0	Position:X:35 Y:25	Position:X:35 Y:-25	Position:X:35 Y:50	Position:X:35 Y:-50  	
 RankInfo = RankNumber:3 UnitType:GondorFighter ...

And so on untill you have 50 "Position:X:__ Y:__'s"
With 5 units in each rank, you would need 10 ranks, so you might want to add more to rank one, then copy it. A tip is to only change the X values by about 20 between ranks so theyre aligned.
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#5 {IP}Gil-Galad



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Posted 11 January 2006 - 08:45 PM

In the Stickied Topic I have a horde program thatll help you with coordinates. Its being updated but it does what its told.

#6 prince of mirkwood legolas

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 09:03 PM

ahhh thanks for that but how do i add la units to like say gondor barracks and when is it goin to be updated and were do i find it ;) ;)

#7 {IP}Gil-Galad



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Posted 11 January 2006 - 09:25 PM

For the upgrade, in the Exp Level.ini, then set it off in the units commandbutton to be built whence that level has been reached.

#8 prince of mirkwood legolas

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 07:02 PM

thanks but could you please show me the link that gets to it :rolleyes:

#9 Mathijs


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Posted 12 January 2006 - 07:14 PM

It's a sticky on this forum, one topic above this..

No fuel left for the pilgrims

#10 prince of mirkwood legolas

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 09:36 PM

:rolleyes: yeah but could somone show me wat 2 change the ini to add la spear men to the rohan achery range

#11 ched



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Posted 12 January 2006 - 09:43 PM

no, look by yourself and don't expect us to work for you.

We've done our part by writing tutorials, now it's up to you to read them. If you can't be arsed to, then modding's not for you
Software is like sex; it's better when it's free ~Linus Torvald

#12 prince of mirkwood legolas

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 10:46 PM

ok :rolleyes:

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