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#1 CrimsonMerc

  • Project Team
  • 113 posts

Posted 14 February 2006 - 06:48 AM

Hello all im copy and pasting this from the other forum i want to get alot of exposure to hopefully get the right people to help me.

Hello all, I am looking for someone with programming skills to assist me in the development of a utility for TT players, and anyone else interested in its use.

It is fairly simple in concept, and I can provide the art and others can help if they wish, however i need a fairly competent programmer.

The basic concept is a program that has the very basic outline of a WH40k unit, such as outlines of guardsman from different armys, space marines etc. It will then have the option to insert special designs on the armor such as chapter badges, camo patterns and other details such as xenos, and the like. Then the final part will have the apllication of colors and if possible, when you paint in an area, you can then select a highlight color, like light blue with dark blue, and it will automaticly apply, if possible.

The things id like to have it do
+ When the paint scheme is done, you can print it, and the printed picture has the details of highlight and basic colors on the side, so you know what colors to use.
+Eventually cover as many chapter/ army caste etc schemes that we can do.
+Allow the use of doing an entire squad at a time perhaps.
+Have the side and rear of the model as well, so you can cover all areas.
+Complete this project in a relativly short period of time, if possible.
+Using the colors from citadel
+Have the colors in groups, Green-(opens up) snot green dark angels green etc.

Id love to get some help as my programming is not even at a basic level, i can prolly start up a programmer, and thats it. But id like to make this like a enhanced paint program, that has the templates built in etc. I think this utility would be greatly appreciated by the online community, and really be helpful to finding just the right colors.

Let me know if you can help or would be interested in contributing in some way, wether it be testing, art or programming. Or just help me come up with a feasible concept, or any ideas to this project id like to do. Id appreciate any help

Thank you for those that read and reply to this thread. PM me if interested


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