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A Model Problem

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#1 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:44 AM

l have added Mouth of Sauron,and add his model into file W3D,but in game l can't see his model,like this

Posted Image
Posted Image

This is his code

Object MouthofSauron	SelectPortrait = HPMoS	ButtonImage = HIMoS	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DRAW		OkToChangeModelColor = Yes	StaticModelLODMode = yes		DefaultModelConditionState			Model			   = mumos_skn		End		IdleAnimationState			StateName				= STATE_bored			Animation				= GUAragorn_IDLE				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLE				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 12			End			Animation				= GUAragorn_IDLF				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLF				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 1			End			BeginScript				Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState()				if	Prev == "STATE_attention" or					Prev == "STATE_running" or					Prev == "OATH_BREAKERS" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_attentionToBored") end			EndScript		End		AnimationState			= THROWN_PROJECTILE			Animation			= FLYA				AnimationName	= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_FLYA				AnimationMode	= LOOP			End		End		AnimationState			= STUNNED_FLAILING			Animation			= FLYA				AnimationName	= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_FLYA				AnimationMode	= LOOP			End		End		AnimationState 			= DYING SPLATTED			Animation 		= Splatted_On_Ground				AnimationName	= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA				AnimationMode	= ONCE			End			EnteringStateFX		= FX_SoldierHitGround		End		AnimationState				= DYING			Animation				= GUAragorn_DIEA				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEA				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End			Animation				= GUAragorn_DIEB				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEB				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End		End		AnimationState				= STUNNED_STANDING_UP			Animation				= GUAragorn_GTPB				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_GTPB				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5			End		End		AnimationState			= STUNNED			Animation			= LNDA				AnimationName	= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA				AnimationMode	= ONCE			End			EnteringStateFX		= FX_SoldierHitGround		End			AnimationState		= MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A			ShareAnimation		= Yes			Animation		   = RunAndFire				AnimationName	   = GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATRA				AnimationMode	   = LOOP			End			Flags			   = RANDOMSTART  		End		AnimationState				= FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= ATKF				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKF				AnimationMode		= ONCE				UseWeaponTiming		= Yes			End			Flags					= RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE			FXEvent	= Frame:25 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient			FXEvent	= Frame:45 Name: FX_BladeMasterHitOrient		End		AnimationState				= FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= ATKD				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKD				AnimationMode		= ONCE				UseWeaponTiming		= Yes				AnimationPriority	= 3			End			Animation				= ATKE				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKE				AnimationMode		= ONCE				UseWeaponTiming		= Yes				AnimationPriority	= 2			End			Flags					=	RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE		End		AnimationState				= MOVING			StateName				= STATE_running			Animation				= GUAragorn_RUNB				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_RUNB				AnimationMode		= LOOP			End		End		AnimationState				= LEVELED			Animation				= LevelUp				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKO				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End		End		AnimationState				= SPECIAL_POWER_1			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= GUAragorn_ATKL				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKL				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End			ParticleSysBone			= B_SWORDBONE ElendilFlare FollowBone:yes			ParticleSysBone			= B_SWORDBONE ElendilSwordFlare FollowBone:yes		End		AnimationState				= USER_2			StateName				= ATHELAS			Animation				= ATKP				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKP				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End		End		AnimationState				= USER_1			StateName				= OATH_BREAKERS			Animation				= ATKN				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End		End		AnimationState				= HIT_REACTION HIT_LEVEL_3			StateName				= STATE_bored			Animation				= Hit_Level_1_b				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_HITB				AnimationMode		= ONCE			End		End		AnimationState				= EMOTION_CELEBRATING			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= CHRB				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 1			End			Flags					= RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE						End		AnimationState				= EMOTION_ALERT			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= IDLA				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLA				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 1			End		End		AnimationState				= EMOTION_MORALE_HIGH			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= ATKN				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKN				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 1			End			Animation				= ATKP				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKP				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 15			End			Animation				= TNTC				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_TNTD				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 30			End			Animation				= TNTD				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_TNTD				AnimationMode		= ONCE				AnimationPriority	= 30			End			Flags					= RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE						End		AnimationState				= ENGAGED			StateName				= STATE_ready			Animation				= IDLA				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLA				AnimationMode		= ONCE				UseWeaponTiming		= Yes				AnimationPriority	= 1			End			Flags					=	RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE		End		AnimationState				= SELECTED			StateName				= STATE_attention			Animation				= ATNE				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATNE				AnimationMode		= LOOP				AnimationBlendTime	= 5				AnimationMustCompleteBlend = yes			End			BeginScript				Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState()				if Prev == "STATE_bored" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_boredToAttention") end			EndScript		End	End	Side = Mordor	EditorSorting = UNIT	ThreatLevel = 5.0	ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT	TransportSlotCount = 1	DisplayMeleeDamage = MOUTH_OF_SAURON_DAMAGE	HeroSortOrder = 20	BuildCost = MOUTH_OF_SAURON_BUILDCOST		BuildTime = MOUTH_OF_SAURON_BUILDTIME	MaxSimultaneousOfType = 1	WeaponSet		Conditions		= None 		Weapon			= PRIMARY	GondorAragornSword	End	WeaponSet		Conditions		= WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE		Weapon			= PRIMARY	GondorAragornHeroSword	End	ArmorSet		Conditions		= None		Armor		   = HeroArmor		DamageFX		= NormalDamageFX	End	VisionRange = VISION_STANDARD_MELEE					ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_STANDARD	BountyValue = GONDOR_ARAGORN_BOUNTY_VALUE	DisplayName = OBJECT:MouthofSauron	RecruitText = CONTROLBAR:MouthofSauronRecruit	ReviveText	= CONTROLBAR:MouthofSauronRevive	Hotkey		= CONTROLBAR:MouthofSauronHotkey	CrushableLevel = 2	CommandSet = MouthofSauronCommandSet 	CommandPoints = 0	VoiceAmbushed				= AragornVoiceAmbush	VoiceAttack					= AragornVoiceAttack	VoiceAttackStructure			= AragornVoiceAttackBuilding	VoiceAttackMachine			= AragornVoiceAttack	VoiceAttackCharge				= AragornVoiceAttackCharge	VoiceEnterStateAttack			= AragornVoiceEnterStateAttack	VoiceEnterStateAttackStructure	= AragornVoiceEnterStateAttackBuilding	VoiceEnterStateAttackMachine		= AragornVoiceEnterStateAttackBuilding	VoiceEnterStateAttackCharge		= AragornVoiceEnterStateAttackCharge	VoiceCreated				= MoSVoiceSalute	VoiceFear 					= AragornVoiceHelpMe	VoiceMove					= AragornVoiceMove	VoiceMoveToCamp				= AragornVoiceMoveCamp	VoiceMoveWhileAttacking			= AragornVoiceDisengage	VoiceEnterStateMove			= AragornVoiceEnterStateMove	VoiceEnterStateMoveToCamp		= AragornVoiceEnterStateMoveCamp	VoiceEnterStateMoveWhileAttacking	= AragornVoiceEnterStateDisengage	VoicePriority				= 90	VoiceRetreatToCastle			= AragornVoiceRetreat	VoiceEnterStateRetreatToCastle	= AragornVoiceEnterStateRetreat	VoiceSelect				= HeroVoiceSelect2	VoiceSelectBattle				= AragornVoiceSelectBattle	VoiceGuard					= AragornVoiceMove	SoundImpact					= ImpactHorse	UnitSpecificSounds		VoiceGarrison			= AragornVoiceGarrison	End	EvaEventDamagedOwner			= UnitUnderAttack	EvaEventDieOwner				= AragornDie	Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU		Key = Human Unit Infantry Hero		UnitWeight = 2	End	ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior		MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800		AnimationSound = Sound:AragornVoiceElendil 				Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKL	Frames:21		AnimationSound = Sound:AragornVoiceSummonOathbreakers			Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_CHRB	Frames:20		AnimationSound = Sound:AragornVoiceEnterStateElendil 			Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKL	Frames:21		AnimationSound = Sound:AragornVoiceEnterStateSummonOathbreakers	Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_ATKN	Frames:60		AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA					Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_RUNB	Frames:8 17 26 36		AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor				Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEA	Frames:55		AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor				Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_DIEB	Frames:70		AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallSoldier					Animation:GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_LNDA	Frames:1	End	RadarPriority = UNIT	KindOf = PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS INFANTRY PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER SCORE HERO ARMY_SUMMARY	PathfindDiameter = 40.0	Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody		CheerRadius 			= EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS		MaxHealth		 		= MOUTH_OF_SAURON_HEALTH		PermanentlyKilledByFilter	= NONE   		DodgePercent			  = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT					End	Behavior = RespawnUpdate ModuleTag_RespawnUpdate		DeathAnim				= DYING		DeathFX				= FX_AragornDieToRespawn		DeathAnimationTime		= 3933		InitialSpawnFX			= FX_AragornInitialSpawn		RespawnAnim				= LEVELED		RespawnFX				= FX_ResurrectionAragorn		RespawnAnimationTime		= 2000		AutoRespawnAtObjectFilter	= NONE +CASTLE_KEEP		ButtonImage				= HIMoS		RespawnRules =			AutoSpawn:No	Cost:500		Time:90000		Health:100%		RespawnEntry =	Level:2				Cost:600		Time:60000		RespawnEntry =	Level:3				Cost:700		Time:60000		RespawnEntry =	Level:4				Cost:800		Time:60000		RespawnEntry =	Level:5				Cost:900		Time:90000		RespawnEntry =	Level:6				Cost:1000		Time:90000		RespawnEntry =	Level:7				Cost:1100		Time:90000		RespawnEntry =	Level:8				Cost:1200		Time:120000		RespawnEntry =	Level:9				Cost:1300		Time:120000		RespawnEntry =	Level:10			Cost:1400		Time:120000	End	Behavior = AutoHealBehavior ModuleTag_MoSHealing		StartsActive = Yes		HealingAmount = HERO_HEAL_AMOUNT		HealingDelay = 1000		StartHealingDelay = HERO_HEAL_DELAY		HealOnlyIfNotInCombat = Yes	End	Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_ServantofSauronLeadership		StartsActive	= No		BonusName		= MoSServantofSauronLeadership		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_EvilHeroLV2Ability		RefreshDelay		= 2000		Range			= 200		AllowSelf 		= Yes		ObjectFilter	= ANY +INFANTRY +CAVALRY -STRUCTURE -BASE_FOUNDATION -HERO	End		Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ServantofSauronLeadership1		SpecialPowerTemplate = MoSServantofSauronLeadership		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV2Ability	End	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_MoSLeadershipUpdate   		SpecialPowerTemplate	  = MoSServantofSauronLeadership		UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = No		StartsPaused = Yes	End	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_KingsFavorEnabler		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV3Ability	End 	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_KingsFavorSpecialPowerModule		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur		StartsPaused				= Yes		UpdateModuleStartsAttack	= Yes		InitiateSound				= FaramirKnightVoiceCaptain	End 	Behavior = LevelGrantSpecialPower ModuleTag_KingsFavor		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur		UnpackingVariation			= 2		StartAbilityRange			= 200.0		LevelFX						= FX_LevelUp		Experience					= 35		RadiusEffect				= 150		AcceptanceFilter			= ANY +CAVALRY +INFANTRY -STRUCTURE -CASTLE_KEEP -BASE_FOUNDATION -HERO -MOVE_ONLY		UnpackTime					= 2000		PreparationTime				= 1   		FreezeAfterTriggerDuration	= 2000	End		Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_MoSSpeechEnabler		SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponMoSSpeech		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV6Ability	End	Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_MoSSpeechOCLSpecialPower		SpecialPowerTemplate	= SuperweaponMoSSpeech		OCL						= OCL_SpeechEgg		CreateLocation			= CREATE_AT_LOCATION		StartsPaused			= Yes		SetModelCondition		= ModelConditionState:USER_1		SetModelConditionTime	= 8.1	End  Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_04	AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS	AILuaEventsList = SauronFunctions  End  LocomotorSet	Locomotor = HeroHumanLocomotor	Condition = SET_NORMAL 	Speed	 = NORMAL_EVIL_HERO_SPEED  End	Geometry = CYLINDER	GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0	GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0	GeometryHeight = 19.2	GeometryIsSmall = Yes	Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL	ShadowSizeX = 20	ShadowSizeY = 20	ShadowTexture = ShadowIEndObject MoSSpeechEgg	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw		DefaultModelConditionState			Model = None		End	End	KindOf = INERT IMMOBILE UNATTACKABLE	Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork		MaxHealth = 1	End	Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_HatchTrigger		MinLifetime = 1.0		MaxLifetime = 1.0	End	Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_TurnModifierOn		StartsActive	= Yes		BonusName		= MoSSpeech		RefreshDelay	= 2000		Range			= 200		TargetEnemy		= Yes		ObjectFilter	= ANY +INFANTRY +CAVALRY  -STRUCTURE -BASE_FOUNDATION +HERO	End		Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_HatchProcess		DestructionDelay = 2000	EndEnd

and this is the common button set

CommandButton Command_MoSSpeech  Command		   = SPECIAL_POWER  SpecialPower	  = SuperweaponMoSSpeech  TextLabel		 = CONTROLBAR:MoSSpeech  ButtonImage	   = HSSarumanSpeechCraft  Options		   = NEED_TARGET_POS CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND  RadiusCursorType  = SPEECH_CRAFT  CursorName		= Bombard  InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid    ButtonBorderType  = ACTION  DescriptLabel	 = CONTROLBAR:TooltipMoSSpeech  InPalantir		= YesEndCommandButton Command_SpecialAbilityServantofSauron  Command				 = SPECIAL_POWER  SpecialPower			= SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership  Options		= NONPRESSABLE NEED_UPGRADE  NeededUpgrade = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV2Ability  TextLabel			   = CONTROLBAR:Leadership  ButtonImage			 = HSWitchKingLeadership  RadiusCursorType		= TRAINING  ButtonBorderType		= ACTION  DescriptLabel		   = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipServantofSauron  InPalantir		  = YesEndCommandButton Command_SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur  Command					= SPECIAL_POWER   SpecialPower				= SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur  Options					= NEED_TARGET_POS CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND  TextLabel					= CONTROLBAR:LieutenantofBaradDur  ButtonImage				= HPTheodenKing'sFavor  CursorName				= Bombard  RadiusCursorType			= KINGS_FAVOR  ButtonBorderType			= ACTION   DescriptLabel				= CONTROLBAR:ToolTipLieutenantofBaradDur  AutoAbility				= No  InPalantir				= YesEnd

and this is his button pics name and w3d name

Please help me! :(

#2 N19HtmAr3


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:38 AM

First of all... This is the wrong section. Since you're adding Mouth of Sauron I presume this is for BFME1. And then this should've been posted in the "Battle for Middle-Earth 1 Modding"-section. But to the question...

I would guess that you haven't added the new art files (textures and models) to the asset.dat... Right? :lol:

You need to do that in order to make the game read the new art stuff. Otherways it turns out like it did for you here... Pink buttons, and invisible models... :p

#3 Cobra


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:15 AM


ya i think thats right. For the reference you can get the aset builder from Here why people dont bother reading the tutorials before posting i just really dont understand.....

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#4 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 20 June 2006 - 04:30 AM

First of all... This is the wrong section. Since you're adding Mouth of Sauron I presume this is for BFME1. And then this should've been posted in the "Battle for Middle-Earth 1 Modding"-section. But to the question...

I would guess that you haven't added the new art files (textures and models) to the asset.dat... Right? :p

You need to do that in order to make the game read the new art stuff. Otherways it turns out like it did for you here... Pink buttons, and invisible models... ;)

l have added the new art files to the asset,but it's can not see the model too :(

#5 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 04:22 AM

It can show the Icon in the game now :cool:

but when the mouth of sauron is done,it has a error and go back to the window,

the error look like this :(

Posted Image
Posted Image

Can anyone help me?thx! :blink:

#6 Mathijs


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Posted 23 June 2006 - 09:14 AM

Consider uploading those pics to www.imageshack.us

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#7 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 11:33 AM

Consider uploading those pics to www.imageshack.us

Posted Image

when it done,it has a error and go back to the window,look like this

Posted Image
Posted Image

those pics already uploaded to www.imageshack.us :blink:

plz help :(

#8 ched



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Posted 23 June 2006 - 11:39 AM

most likely a problem with special powers. Check their coding.
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#9 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 11:59 AM

most likely a problem with special powers. Check their coding.

his special power code

Behavior = AutoHealBehavior ModuleTag_MoSHealing
		StartsActive = Yes
		HealingAmount = HERO_HEAL_AMOUNT
		HealingDelay = 1000
		StartHealingDelay = HERO_HEAL_DELAY
		HealOnlyIfNotInCombat = Yes
	Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_ServantofSauronLeadership
		StartsActive	= No
		BonusName		= MoSServantofSauronLeadership
		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_EvilHeroLV2Ability
		RefreshDelay		= 2000
		Range			= 200
		AllowSelf 		= Yes
	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_ServantofSauronLeadership1
		SpecialPowerTemplate = MoSServantofSauronLeadership
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV2Ability
	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_MoSLeadershipUpdate   
		SpecialPowerTemplate	  = MoSServantofSauronLeadership
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = No
		StartsPaused = Yes
	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_KingsFavorEnabler
		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV3Ability
 	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_KingsFavorSpecialPowerModule
		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur
		StartsPaused				= Yes
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack	= Yes
		InitiateSound				= FaramirKnightVoiceCaptain
 	Behavior = LevelGrantSpecialPower ModuleTag_KingsFavor
		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur
		UnpackingVariation			= 2
		StartAbilityRange			= 200.0
		LevelFX						= FX_LevelUp
		Experience					= 35
		RadiusEffect				= 150
		UnpackTime					= 2000
		PreparationTime				= 1   
		FreezeAfterTriggerDuration	= 2000
	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_MoSSpeechEnabler
		SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponMoSSpeech
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_EvilHeroLV6Ability
	Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_MoSSpeechOCLSpecialPower
		SpecialPowerTemplate	= SuperweaponMoSSpeech
		OCL						= OCL_SpeechEgg
		CreateLocation			= CREATE_AT_LOCATION
		StartsPaused			= Yes
		SetModelCondition		= ModelConditionState:USER_1
		SetModelConditionTime	= 8.1
and this is special power .ini code
SpecialPower MoSServantofSauron
  ReloadTime		  = 2000
  PublicTimer		 = No
SpecialPower MoSServantofSauronLeadership
  ReloadTime		  = 2000
  PublicTimer		 = No
SpecialPower SpecialAbilityMoSSpeech
  ReloadTime		= 60000
  PublicTimer	   = No
  RadiusCursorRadius = 120.0
	ViewObjectDuration = 5000
	ViewObjectRange = 120
SpecialPower SpecialAbilityLieutenantofBaradDur
  ReloadTime		  = 120000
  PublicTimer		 = No
  RadiusCursorRadius  = 100.0
l have check again,but l don't know where is the problem :blink:

#10 ched



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Posted 23 June 2006 - 12:26 PM

quick look, and I already found a mismatch :

SuperweaponMoSSpeech is not defined in SpecialPower.ini
Also, no need to give reload times to your leadership powers.

Check the rest of the code before trying again.
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#11 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 01:17 PM

quick look, and I already found a mismatch :

SuperweaponMoSSpeech is not defined in SpecialPower.ini
Also, no need to give reload times to your leadership powers.

Check the rest of the code before trying again.

Posted Image
Thanks for your help! :cool:

but l can't see his 3Dmodel@@

l have put his .W3D to the W3d File,and defined in MouhtofSauron,Can anyone tell me why? :blink:

thx again! :dry:

#12 King of Universe

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 01:29 PM

Did you make the asset?

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#13 Mullers_11



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Posted 23 June 2006 - 03:44 PM

Export it correctly?


#14 HawkEye(H.E.)

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Posted 24 June 2006 - 05:36 AM

Thx for your help!l can use the Mouth of Sauron now!
Posted Image

Thx! :p

(but l love the Mounted Mouth of Sauron more.....) :grin:

#15 Mullers_11



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Posted 24 June 2006 - 08:59 AM

So it was the export settings?


#16 Lauri


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 09:59 PM

hmm, I really feel that I've seen that MoS before :)
But what the heck, they all looks the same to me ^_^


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#17 Pixel


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Posted 25 June 2006 - 11:09 PM

Isnt it in elvenstar?

#18 King of Universe

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 09:51 PM

Looks like the one Lauri made for me...

Posted Image

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me... I wish none of this had happened...
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you...

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#19 Lauri


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 08:53 AM

Looks like the one Lauri made for me...

probably is too :)

From HawkEye(H.E.):
			Model			   = mumos_skn
			StateName				= STATE_bored
			Animation				= GUAragorn_IDLE
				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLE
				AnimationMode		= ONCE
				AnimationPriority	= 12
And KoU: se below...the pictures stupid! :dry: Attachments? heard about it?!?!?
btw, as long as he doesn't release the mod, it's okay, right???

EDIT: here are the Attachments....

Edited by Lauri, 29 June 2006 - 08:55 AM.


The 4th Age version 0.8 has been released: Link

#20 King of Universe

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 12:59 PM

Looks like the one Lauri made for me...

probably is too :)

From HawkEye(H.E.):
			Model			   = mumos_skn
			StateName				= STATE_bored
			Animation				= GUAragorn_IDLE
				AnimationName		= GUAragorn_SKL.GUAragorn_IDLE
				AnimationMode		= ONCE
				AnimationPriority	= 12

Could have called it the same :)

And KoU: se below...the pictures stupid! :dry: Attachments? heard about it?!?!?


btw, as long as he doesn't release the mod, it's okay, right???


Edited by King of Universe, 29 June 2006 - 12:59 PM.

Posted Image

Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me... I wish none of this had happened...
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you...

Click me

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