LOG: 07.08.2006
A lot of guardsmen have just died for the Emperor, and a lot of blue skinned aliens have just died for the greater good... Unfortunately for the aliens, the guardies won the battle...
Just played a fething insane game of 3 v 3, me and two hard Cadians vs three hard Tau AI's. It got a little wild at times
01: Drone rushes from the Tau...
02: Crisis suits getting shelled by Basilisks as they maul my tanks
03: Vulture vs. Crisis (AI builds loads of Crisis suits if its enemy builds a vulture to counter)
04: Chaos courtesy of a Tau Gun Drone Drop generals power.
05: Near the end of the game, note the mini-map
edit: just noticed that the screens don't show much of a range of units on the Tau side of things... They do use other units, I assure you
I've got a good chunk of the marine AI done aswell. I should be able to test it soon enough.
Once that AI is finished and tested, I need to go hunt out the last code bugs, sort out the text labels for everything, then send it all to Boomerang for graphical touches (cameo's and stuff).
Then it's... done!
Edited by Calamity_Jones, 07 August 2006 - 08:15 PM.