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#1 Calamity_Jones


    Boomers Disposable Minion

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Posted 08 July 2006 - 06:52 PM

LOG: 08.07.2006

Not much to say on Only War 2, however, much is underway in Only War 1...

Since most of Only War 1 is now finished, I'm now working on the AI... It's coming along quite nicely too, the entire Cadian AI is finished and a good healthy portion of the Tau one is done.

Aside from AI-ing, I'm doing a few tweaks to the code here and there, suffice to say... Only War will be excellently balanced.. I've been balancing it for months :p

Edited by Boomerang Python, 08 November 2009 - 12:08 PM.

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#2 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 08:30 PM

LOG: 19.07.2006

Hmm... I now have the Tau AI apparently 'done'.. but it doesny work!! I Have been uhh.. pre-occupied with Final Fantasy VII of late, hence the utter lack of work. I've started on the Ultramarine AI now, and I'll try to finish that first...

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 25 July 2006 - 02:41 AM.

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#3 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 25 July 2006 - 02:37 AM

LOG: 25.07.2006

It is the unholy hour of 03:29 AM. The ghostly glow of my LCD monitor illuminates my pallid, vacant face as the hours grow on. My back and eyeballs ache, I'm twitching uncontrollably from over dose of Caffeine. The vampires are prowling, Boomer is sunbathing an hour ahead in Sweden and the trees are mutating into man eating monsters. The horsemen of the apocalypse are rampaging, the kitchen is on fire, my family has moved to Bavaria, England has declared war on France again. Humanity has been replaced by Dolphins, Star wars is now a reality, Lenin is back. Pigs can fly, I've evolved a second opposable thumb, my CD has finished playing and the Tau AI is now working.

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 25 July 2006 - 02:40 AM.

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#4 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 11:14 AM

LOG: 01.08.2006

Well.. the Tau AI is proving to be totally hardcore. I just got almost thrashed by it in a skirmish, probably would have lost if I didn't start with 100k for some wierd reason...

me getting rushed:

my attack getting stopped:

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 07 August 2006 - 07:46 PM.

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#5 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 03:29 PM

LOG: 07.08.2006

A lot of guardsmen have just died for the Emperor, and a lot of blue skinned aliens have just died for the greater good... Unfortunately for the aliens, the guardies won the battle...

Just played a fething insane game of 3 v 3, me and two hard Cadians vs three hard Tau AI's. It got a little wild at times :D

01: Drone rushes from the Tau...

02: Crisis suits getting shelled by Basilisks as they maul my tanks

03: Vulture vs. Crisis (AI builds loads of Crisis suits if its enemy builds a vulture to counter)

04: Chaos courtesy of a Tau Gun Drone Drop generals power.

05: Near the end of the game, note the mini-map :mellow:

edit: just noticed that the screens don't show much of a range of units on the Tau side of things... They do use other units, I assure you :p

I've got a good chunk of the marine AI done aswell. I should be able to test it soon enough.

Once that AI is finished and tested, I need to go hunt out the last code bugs, sort out the text labels for everything, then send it all to Boomerang for graphical touches (cameo's and stuff).

Then it's... done!

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 07 August 2006 - 08:15 PM.

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#6 Calamity_Jones


    Boomers Disposable Minion

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Posted 12 August 2006 - 02:49 AM

LOG: 12.08.2006


The AI is now finished

No, really, it is!

I need to give it a few test runs to make sure nothing's too fubared... then Boomer will go through everything tomorrow, and I imagine will find a whole plethora of problems I've caused :grin:

The future's bright, the future's full of dead Imperial Guard, Huzzah!
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#7 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 16 August 2006 - 05:54 PM

LOG: 16.08.2006

I've just given Mod DB a serious overhaul, our profile is now much more up-to-date and the Gallery has been replaced with new images. Go check it out!

It's got 11 new piccies, some of them are simply larger versions of the ones on the site, and some are in this Log, some are new though. I played a game agaisnt Sam last night on Deathworld (the jungle one with all the big trees), and some pics from that are there.

I'll probably add more piccies sometime soon...

Atm, I'm adding in Hulks (dead unit corpses) as Boomer makes them, namely the Marine and Tau vehicles which were missing. They're quite lovley too, I'll make them into Civ props too as Boomer suggested. I've been adding in little fx touches here and there too, such as making the smoke from dying gun drones blue, things like that.

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 16 August 2006 - 05:55 PM.

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#8 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:45 PM

LOG: 24.08.2006

Just encountered a slight hitch (read: complete fuck up) regarding the AI (read: bastard that consumed weeks of my life and drove me mad) that has left me slightly displeased (read: totally fucking pissed).

Essentially the AI has decided to stop working, now, this wouldn't be such a huge issue if we weren't trying to finish this bloody mod and get it out of the way. Suffice to say, if it isn't fixed soon Only War will be delayed until it is (read: until it is, or I destroy my pc in a slathering enraged technology-induced psychotic episode)

If it is fixed, then Only War should be done rather soon...

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 31 August 2006 - 11:06 PM.

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#9 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 31 August 2006 - 09:28 PM

LOG: 31.08.2006

Good news, the culprit that caused the above balls-ups has been found. The mod works once again, and we're back on track for the prophesised release tomorrow or even today. I’m just fixing up a few things, Sam is making damaged marine buildings, Boomer will be making some cameo’s once I give him the pics. All is well.

The archive pictured below contains the broken files that caused the problems, so I reverted to an earlier version and added the suffix "(EVIL)" in case you fail to notice the subtle indication of the overwhelming evil in that .rar archive...


Edited by Calamity_Jones, 18 September 2006 - 07:12 AM.

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#10 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 18 September 2006 - 07:11 AM

LOG: 18.09.06

Well, finally started on Only War 2 now. A couple of days a go, Sam boned up the Imperial Navy Cobra, though couldn't export it as we need Boomer, whom is not here atm... Anyways, as soon as Boomz gets back he can export it and it can be tested...

I'm gonna try and blackmail people into boning up as many vessels as possible, then they can be coded, put in game, and we can mess around with them online ;)

Of course. Everything still needs skins first...

Other than that I've been doing 'prepatory' code for OW2. Things like armour and damage types, messing and tweaking settings here and there, etc...
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#11 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 04 October 2006 - 12:39 AM

LOG: 04.10.06

Well, the cobra is now in game and working great. It doesn't have death animation or hardpoints falling off, but in terms of gameplay it works now. I've got it balanced up and have a set of projectiles ready for other vessels; all I’m waiting on is more models to use.

The only problem is that poor Boomer is the only one who can bone up and export the models... so he's going to be the recipient of the full force of my incessant pestering! bwa ah aha haaa! He said he’ll do some more shit tomorrow though, so Woo. Yay. :p

I’ll post some screenshots once we have some more units in game and duking it out amongst each other. At the moment we’ve got thunderbolts, Ork fighta-bommaz and the Cobra in space.

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 04 October 2006 - 12:41 AM.

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#12 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 21 October 2006 - 09:57 PM

LOG: 21.10.06

We now have the Cobra, Sword, Thunderbolt and Ork Fighta Bomma in game and nicely balanced. It's fun watching the ships shoot the snot out of each other :thumbsupsmiley:

Only the fighters are skinned at the moment, and the Cobra is partially skinned. None of the units have dying animations or destroyable hardpoints either, nevertheless. Things look pretty nifty already :p

Enjoy the pretty pictures, showing just the point defence... NOT main weapons like torpedoes or weapons batteries. Point defence shoots down fighters and bombers, and consists of Flak cannons and missiles on the sword. These pics are Imperial Navy vs. Orks. The orks only have Fighta Bommaz.. like 200ish of them :grin:

This first picture shows some Fighta Bommaz getting Flakked and chased by missiles, as you can see... they died. (except one that managed to escape...)

The next one shows the Orks running away from the point defences of an Imperial Navy ship off screen and chasing some Imperial Navy Thunderbolts.

This is just a nice picture of a couple of Cobras. You can get an idea of scale here, the fighters are about 1/20 the length of a Cobra.

Finally.. a rather dramatic view of the Imperial Navy fleet. There's actually 2 more Cobras behind the camera. The Orks were almost all dead by this point, and no dead ships. However... when I replayed the map as the Orks rather than the Imperials I managed to kill most of the fleet. Stupid AI :p

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 21 October 2006 - 09:59 PM.

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#13 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 04:31 PM

LOG: 17.11.06

Gonna do some work on OW1... I'm bored out of my tits, nothing to do on OW2 and Civ 4 is causing arguments :lol: I'll make an attempt to fix some of the bugs and perhaps add another map. I have numerous half done maps you see... Even a campaign map :ninja:

A fething HUGE 8 player map I was working on...

The aforementioned campaign map... it is partially scripted, but still a bit dodgy :grin:

I'm downloading the public release atm, and I'll start work from that...

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 17 November 2006 - 04:32 PM.

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#14 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 15 December 2006 - 09:19 AM

LOG: 15.12.06

Been a while since my last log... Me and Boomz0rz are working on something exciting and big and grishnak for Only War. It'll be teh roxxorz.

Just you wait and see.

I'm fixing the problems and adding in some scripted maps. Think art of defence kinda things, and some other stuff.

Edited by Boomerang Python, 15 December 2006 - 02:34 PM.

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#15 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 01:19 AM

LOG: 13.01.07

Well, first log of the new year... Contrary to popular belief, Only War is not in fact dead. It is quite alive, albeit in intensive care with numerous intravenous feeds attached to it. A vegetable it may be, but a damn big juicy carrot of a vegetable!

Only War 2 on the other hand is in the freezer with my Chicken Korma.

Anyways, What all that gobshite means is:

We're still working on Only War 1, and indeed have added some cool Orky stuff. By we, I of course mean Boomer... he's modelled and skinned everything. I'm just coding things into place. I have some pretty crazy and Orkish ideas for some of the generals powers too ^_^

As regards to OW2, it's on ice until cnc 3 comes out. I can't see that we'll be doing anything with it 'till then. I'll have to find something to do with them spaceships. I might see if boomer will let me have them and make a space mod for Supreme Commander (which I'm an obsessive fan of ^_^)

All eyes on the OW1 site and forums, we'll prolly post news sometime soon...
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#16 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 19 March 2007 - 03:17 AM

LOG: 19.03.07

Thought I'd make a dev log, since I haven't for bloody ages... I've been doing plenty of work on Only War recently, adding in more Orky stuff. We have some seriously cool shit going on now! I've been just modifying balance and stuff, making a map, adding in new things and so on and so forth. As regards to Only War 2. We're not doing anything with it right now, just discussing how we're going to do things and uh... 'inspecting' the cnc 3 demo to... uh.. 'determine its assets'... :p

Other than that, I've been asked to make an AI for another mod, and whilst I do it, I'm writing a tutorial on AI Scripting which you can find here.

I'll do a news post now aswell, we haven't done one for fething ages. I won't add anything new and shiny though, you'll have to wait...

oh, it's my birthday.. yay me... still not dead!

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 08 November 2007 - 07:32 PM.

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#17 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 08 November 2007 - 07:39 PM

LOG: 08.11.07

Well, fuck me sideways, it's been seven fucking months since my last post! SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS! Christ... Things aren't looking too good at the moment, my pc is shagged up and I need a new one, but to get a new one I need moolah, and to get moolah, I need a job... So, I'm searching, but as soon as I can, I'll have a new pc and will resume mapping and coding.

I've been working on Only War for about five years now, and Only War 2 started two years ago in August. I mean, shit. That's a long time! Only War 2 is starting to get somewhere now though, gradually, I'd like to have something for Christmas, maybe just a few units to move around and blow each other up with... Hmm, I shall have to discuss this with Master Python.
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#18 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 02:44 AM

LOG: 16.11.07

Well, I've been working like a fucking machine for the last week, I've been coding more or less every waking minute of my life, and sometimes even when I'm asleep. So far, I've been making preparatory code, things like weapons, armour, locomotors, ship profiles and other shit like that. In a few days, I hope to have everything done.

Meanwhile, killakanz, my accomplice in this magnificent project, has been boning up the ships so that they can fire weapons... and by god there will be lots of weapons... Once boned, he can export them and they should just slot right into the game with the code. Of course, something will go wrong, somewhere. It always does.

I expect that we should have something that works within a couple of weeks. The only thing we desperately need is a skinner. Contact Boomerang Python if you're interested. I know you are interested. Contact him. Now.

Edited by Calamity_Jones, 16 November 2007 - 02:47 AM.

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#19 Calamity_Jones


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 06:13 AM

LOG: 21.04.08


Um, anyway... After a short hiatus of, uh, five months, I'm back... and I'm actually doing stuff...

I have my fabled new computer and I've started modeling some civ buildings, since last night I've made an Imperial Shrine, Temple and Cathedral, as well as two bunkers and a... lamp post.

Expect to see them all in a news post SOON. (I need Boomer to make pretty renders of them all).
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