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Vtol Locomotor

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#1 AdmiralGT


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Posted 22 June 2004 - 05:14 PM

Just wondering if anyone can help me with making a VTOL Locomotor. It takes off properly, flies around properly but just doesnt land. It just hovers over the airpad and then subsequently gets stuck. Here's the code

Locomotor VTOLLocomotor
  Surfaces = AIR
  Speed = 150
  SpeedDamaged = 60
  TurnRate = 180
  TurnRateDamaged = 90
  Acceleration = 60
  AccelerationDamaged = 30
  Lift = 120
  LiftDamaged = 80
  Braking = 100
  MinTurnSpeed = 0 
  PreferredHeight = 100
  AllowAirborneMotiveForce = Yes
  Appearance = HOVER

  SlideIntoPlaceTime = 100
  PitchStiffness = 0.5
  RollStiffness = 0.1
  PitchDamping = 1
  RollDamping = 1
  ForwardVelocityPitchFactor = -0.1
  LateralVelocityRollFactor = 0 
  Apply2DFrictionWhenAirborne = Yes
  AirborneTargetingHeight = 30
  LocomotorWorksWhenDead = Yes

It uses the standard helicopter locomotor for taxiing.

#2 AdmiralGT


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 10:13 AM

Finally Fixed it. It needs a MinSpeed line in order for it to land. So it should read

Locomotor VTOLLocomotor
  Surfaces = AIR
  Speed = 150              ; in dist/sec
  SpeedDamaged = 60        ; in dist/sec
  MinSpeed = 50
  TurnRate = 180            ; in degrees/sec
  TurnRateDamaged = 90     ; in degrees/sec
  Acceleration = 60        ; in dist/(sec^2)
  AccelerationDamaged = 30 ; in dist/(sec^2)
  Lift = 120                ; in dist/(sec^2)
  LiftDamaged = 80         ; in dist/(sec^2)
  Braking = 100             ; in dist/(sec^2)
  MinTurnSpeed = 0         ; in dist/sec
  PreferredHeight = 100
  AllowAirborneMotiveForce = Yes
  Appearance = HOVER

 ; this applies only in "ultra-accurate" mode, and is a fudge factor that allows
 ; us to "slide into place" (rather than turning) when we get close to our destination.
 ; the magnitude is basically the number of msec it would take us to reach the dest
 ; at our max speed; if we're under this threshold, we just slide into place...
  SlideIntoPlaceTime = 100

  PitchStiffness = 0.5                 ;  stiffness of the "springs" in the suspension forward & back.
  RollStiffness = 0.1                  ;  stiffness of the "springs" in the suspension side to side.
  PitchDamping = 1                   ;  How fast it damps.  0=perfect spring, bounces forever.  1=glued to terrain.
  RollDamping = 1                    ;  How fast it damps.  0=perfect spring, bounces forever.  1=glued to terrain.
  ForwardVelocityPitchFactor = -0.1    ;  How much velocity will cause the front to lift/dip
  LateralVelocityRollFactor = 0      ;  How much cornering will cause the chassis to roll.
  Apply2DFrictionWhenAirborne = Yes
  AirborneTargetingHeight = 30
  LocomotorWorksWhenDead = Yes         ; HelicopterSlowDeathBehavior needs this to function correctly

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